
i swear, sometimes it's so ammusing how you people come up with your little "ideas" and "theories" this is gonna be funny
But ed,

tell me how the bible dissaproves god
It is claimed that your alleged god is perfect and can make no mistakes. The bible is claimed to be the word of God and therefore cannot contain any mistakes because God is meant to be perfect. But the bible contains a multitude of errors. This creates a paradox. An alleged perfect god who has created an erroneous set of scripts means that he is clearly not perfect, i.e. your alleged (perfect) god cannot exist if you claim the bible is his word.
the bible is perfect in it's essence, their may be a few words that may not really make sence, since the bible has been copied and translated millions of time , BUT the most important things are their.god creates everything perfect but they go bad.
Originally posted by edgar
but you will see that god exists one day after you die
and how will you see when you are dead?:rolleyes:
to see,feel,think=exist you must be alive,when you die thats it
THE END,dude.
since the bible has been copied and translated millions of time

Thereby proving it's not the exact word of god and thereby clearly stating it could all be utter bollocks. Translation errors, personal additions, chinese whispers and so on and so forth- all you have now is a gigantic mixed novel. A bit of humour, a tad of fact, a bunch of fiction fantasy. Now tell me you know exactly which parts are fact and which parts are mistranslations etc.
Originally posted by edgar
i swear, sometimes it's so ammusing how you people come up with your little "ideas" and "theories" this is gonna be funny
Glad you find science amusing! Have you read some of TheVisitor's posts yet? Read his "ideas" and "theories" if you're looking for a good laugh. :D
Originally posted by edgar
i swear, sometimes it's so ammusing how you people come up with your little "ideas" and "theories" this is gonna be funny

Yes, it is hilarious when people use thier brains to think for themselves and formulate ideas, instead of relying on what some ancient men's ghost stories that were written thousands of years ago. Yeah, those crazy atheists and thier "logic" and "reasoning."
They will all see in the end when JC comes and seems them to hell for eternity.

Originally posted by edgar
dude zero, you dont have to believe go ahead, mock me all you want. but you will see that god exists one day after you die

First off: You are a total craphead with horrible ideas.
Your worst notion yet: That the rapture is not only going to happen, but it is going to happen because the bible says it will. You are living your life according to a myth, you nutter!

Don't call me dude, the name is:

watever guys as i said, one day you will all face what you are saying infront of god well i gotta go now c ya
Originally posted by edgar
watever guys as i said, one day you will all face what you are saying infront of god well i gotta go now c ya

Yes, and will the Loch Ness monster and Santa Claus be at this hearing also? I have some beef with those guys too.
I will not have to face anything, because there is nothing to face.

Also, please run your posts through a spell check...and a grammar check also, and if you have it, an "excess bullcrap check" because the majority of stuff you post is, well, excess bullcrap.

Jade Squirrel:
Your explanation is a good guess; I would like to hear what other people think my name is all about before I let the cat out of the bag.
Originally posted by Zero Mass
I would like to hear what other people think my name is all about before I let the cat out of the bag.

You, like the rest of us, are nothing.
When we die, we rot away and diasppear.
When the earth dies, our thoughts ideas and discoveries die with her.
We are of no consequence and entirely insignificant in the grand scheme, infinitely massive and billions of years of all things.

one raven,
your guess is awesome, but to tell you guys the truth, my name had several meanings, that is (partially) one of them.

Also, please run your posts through a spell check...and a grammar check also, and if you have it, an "excess bullcrap check" because the majority of stuff you post is, well, excess bullcrap.
:D I hope they invent one of those checkers soon!

I feel sorry for you bud. You're going to live a life of acceptance
without proof. Ahhh well say 'hi' to JC for me when you kick the
bucket. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Zero Mass
Jade Squirrel:
Your explanation is a good guess; I would like to hear what other people think my name is all about before I let the cat out of the bag.
You've not been to any Catholic church services.
Originally posted by Zero Mass
I have actually? Why do you ask?
It was another guess as to the meaning of your name. Perhaps you think that Catholic church services (masses) have zero value? I'm really reaching here! :D
Originally posted by edgar
dude zero, you dont have to believe go ahead, mock me all you want. but you will see that god exists one day after you die

10/10 on the dipshit o meter