Wacky ideas that WORK!


Registered Senior Member
Let's share wacky ideas. The most weird design/ideas you can imagine. It may in all field of science. But IT MUST WORKS, ...or at least MAKE SENSE (for sane peoples). And the most important thing: IT MUST BE WACKO! ;)

Mine first:

Cow Power Plant
It supposed to be implemented on cow farm with at least 4000 cows. Each cow cages constructed by such of conveyor jogging track, fence/bars fit on it's body --so the cow can't turn around. 4000 cows devided into 4 groups, 100 each, so they'll can work on 4 working shifts, 6 hours a day for each shift. We must stimulate cows to walk on the conveyor when their working shift come. We can use automated kicking boots, or turn on video infront of them about the most pretty cows, nude of course :D. So... while they walk, the conveyors turns. This motion can conected to the electric generator. Now assume that each cows produce 1.25hp (= +- 1000Watts). So we can get 1 MegaWatts daily!
Optimation:We can collect cow's feces by creating small vessels along behind of the cows. This huge amount of cow-shit can produce enough bio-gas. We can use this gas to heating boiler to drive steam turbine, or directly to houses to cook your food... *eew...*.
We also can chop the cows after they too old to work. Clean, and no waste at all!

Zoo Power Plant
This is andvanced smaller version of Cow power plant. Here, we use circle arranged conveyor cages, in different sizes. We should put a rat in the smallest cage. Behinde it we can put a cat. Next: dog, tiger, lion, etc... until elephant on the biggest cage. Since cages arranged in circle, elephant cages in the position infront of the rat cage. All of them will run without kicking boots or videos.
How to stop it? We use movable screens to separate each cage. Piece a cake! :D

Your turn guys...
Fluffy kids' toys equipped with super-intelligence cybernetic hamster brains. Sell them to every other nation on Earth. Sooner or later some will end up in places where they can hear and pass on useful information, or climb off desks and break into safes, et cetera.

I got another idea...

~#$%&*@* Doorbell
Make a hole about 1 foot deep, 5 inches in diameter on the wall near your front door. Write a word "BELL" above it. Put a mousetrap inside it.

If you heard someone yelling "AAAaaaRGH! ~#$%&*@*", it means there is a guest at the door! :cool:
no more wet ass

Have you've got enough of if?!
Every *%%µ$ù^* time you go to the toilet for a big one, the water is 'splashing' against your ass,...
well here's the solution: just trow in some toilet paper first : and no more wet ass!:)
Or maybe an ass protector would work? Or simply draining part of the toilet water so as not to wet buttcheeks?

My idea is not as WACKY or WILD as anyone elses so far, but if you made a train that could be powered by human thought! Model trains can do it, why not real big ones full of people doing things. The mind generates electricity-why not use it instead of letting it go to waste in the...air around you?
Disposable beverage containers

Why not......

Make disposable cups and plates and suchlike out of formed artificial cellulose?

Once you're done with them, just feed them to the cows!

I thought that everyone did that already? :)
Re: Doorbell...

Originally posted by ismu
I got another idea...

~#$%&*@* Doorbell
Make a hole about 1 foot deep, 5 inches in diameter on the wall near your front door. Write a word "BELL" above it. Put a mousetrap inside it.

If you heard someone yelling "AAAaaaRGH! ~#$%&*@*", it means there is a guest at the door! :cool:

I like it!
Maybe you could even hook it up to 415 volts. You know your guests have arrived when you can smell them burning!
Collapsable waterbed

How about Collapsable waterbed....
The waterbed designed with a hole in the midle, closed. It will opened by alarm clock at the morning.

Guaranteed to wake you up, and you don't have to go to the bathroom! For best result, prepare soap and teethbrush beside the bed!
How about a maine redneck trap? We put a go cart or something with a poster of an assorted Nascar driver and a really stupid, racist joke and have a net placed on top. It'll draw rednecks from the edges of the 'maine periphery,' and once they're caught we can send them off to canada!

somehow this strange idea strikes me..
what if the one yelling behind your door,5, early in the morning is no other but.......your mom??? haha...easy..

anyway...ismu you're briliant.

and for Fukushi

here i have a better suggestion.
squat on the toilet bowl and i don't think the water will splash high enough to get your ass. Let say it does, well then you will have to stand on the bowl this time, but then you consumption of toilet paper is sure to leap high up this month...haha
Thank's joshua_tygi :eek:

Hey, talking about toilet stuff, i got another idea...

If you eat outside the house (camping, or on the backyard), and there are lots of annoying flies around your food, Here's the wacky suggest:
Take a shit about 1 meter from where you gonna eat. The flies crowd will leave your food alone and go to your shit you've leave there.... yuck! :D :D
Everyone in the US jumps off a chair at the same time.

Thus, the earth will be flooded ;)
Geothermal Satelite Launcher

Can we build this?

Using steam to launch a satelite to orbit. The steam produced by heating water using heat from magma. This steam will push a piston to throw away the satelite. By a valve we can set the height of the satelit orbit. Post adjustment required.

see attachment

Just a silly thought when i got bored... :D
Well I think we have to use oil for whatever we invent. It's not like we live in an imaginary fantasy land where clean energy can be taken from the sun or from the wind. Ha, the stuff of dreams I tell ya...
How about everyone straps a tiny windmill in front of there mouths. Thus, every time you exhale, you create an incredibly tiny amount of energy. If you add it all up, its free, easy, and you can laugh at all the other people with them, thus creating even more energy!:D
This is going to sound very immature and freshman-ish but maybe a windmill on everyone's asses would work better? As an attachment to generate more power for someone's headlights?