Voltron is the Devil! Says religous group

starving children in the world and this is what they spend their time and energy on. They should be ashamed of themselves.
I believe these were your words:

so you'd understand why I'd think you favour a harsh view of the game.

Actually this is a bit inaccurate. The word 'occult' is used to describe anything deemed supernatural. Associating the word with a particular religion is entirely a strategy of mudslinging used by more popular religions. You do realise that your own deities are equally as supernatural as those of the pagan religions right?

(PS, how many cans were there?)

Yah, I understand why you thought my initial statement was a complete ban of the board game. No problem.

I didn't mean to pick on Wiccan, but apart from Greek & Roman mythological gods, its the only one I knew. As for supernatural, I agree insofar as the definition of the same is "beyond the natural kingdom." As for supremacy or any innuendo of equality amongst all deities, I respectfully disagree.

I can't explain how I came up with the number myself. It was the first question I asked, and the first answer I received. I believe the number was 67.