Voltron is the Devil! Says religous group

They say that about anything that has imagery that's against thier religion.

Like batman is the devil.

or the harry potter series because they say it's about witchcraft

BUT lord of the rings is okay because the author was a professed christian. Hypocritical and unrealistic.
They say that about anything that has imagery that's against thier religion.

Like batman is the devil.

or the harry potter series because they say it's about witchcraft

BUT lord of the rings is okay because the author was a professed christian. Hypocritical and unrealistic.

Now they're even going after Spongue Bob. Christians need to get a life.
They say that about anything that has imagery that's against thier religion.

Like batman is the devil.

or the harry potter series because they say it's about witchcraft

BUT lord of the rings is okay because the author was a professed christian. Hypocritical and unrealistic.

I agree, it's just stupid.

However, I do have to side with the Christians on your statement about LOTR. The movie takes out a lot of the solid Christian teachings, but they are in the book. I finally red the series two years ago because I liked the movie. I have to say, the books are cool for background info on the characters, but the movie was more dramatic and the books are a little dry at times. Still, there is a great deal of Christian spiritualism exemplified by the characters and objects in the book. Definitely Christian inspired concepts.

But, seriously, the Christians should be bashing the movie and everything made of human hands....I mean for consistency's sake.
This program was aired in 1984. It is ridiculous and backward. Transformers cartoon and toys "accursed"? Give me a break.

It occurs to me that this planet would be a boring collection of blind zealots, who did nothing more than kneel all day. Kind of like Amy's parents on Everybody Loves Raymond.
My aunt Dora (a bible thumper) would not let my cousin Anthony and I watch that 80s cartoon Dungeons and Dragons because she said it was 'of the devil'. Gimme an effin break!
My aunt Dora (a bible thumper) would not let my cousin Anthony and I watch that 80s cartoon Dungeons and Dragons because she said it was 'of the devil'. Gimme an effin break!


I have a better one (happened about two years ago). I'm sitting having a burger for lunch at a local eatery, when a lady and her young son alight onto the seats next to my table. They are talking...well the mom is talking at the son, who appeared to be asking his mom to get him Yugioh playing cards. She says and I quote "I'm not buying those demon cards, and that is final".

Should I have told her I collect them? :rolleyes:
My aunt Dora (a bible thumper) would not let my cousin Anthony and I watch that 80s cartoon Dungeons and Dragons because she said it was 'of the devil'. Gimme an effin break!

I loved that cartoon !! :D

That guy in the video freaked me out at the end, what a freak...
lmao, Christians are so dumb they deserve to be suffering for their whole lives, only then will they decide god is meaningless :D
has any of them spoken out against the immorality of pepe le pew molesting a cat? or how depicting being run over and thrown over cliffs and anchors dropped on heads like the roadrunner is violent and teaches children violence is funny? At least with the shows they attack, they are illustrating the fighting of oppression or evil. In the others, it's getting a laugh at the expense of another. So much for their stupid morals.
has any of them spoken out against the immorality of pepe le pew molesting a cat? or how depicting being run over and thrown over cliffs and anchors dropped on heads like the roadrunner is violent and teaches children violence is funny? At least with the shows they attack, they are illustrating the fighting of oppression or evil. In the others, it's getting a laugh at the expense of another. So much for their stupid morals.

Good point!
I'm a christian but I find it hard to go to church because of that kinda stuff on that video right there, I know D&D isnt evil its just a game, The doom games arent evil nor is the harry potter books, but there are the extreamists out there who go to far with stuff.

In truth I would think god would like it if we watch Transformers and Voltron, why because its good winning against evil.
I'm a christian but I find it hard to go to church because of that kinda stuff on that video right there, I know D&D isnt evil its just a game, The doom games arent evil nor is the harry potter books, but there are the extreamists out there who go to far with stuff.

In truth I would think god would like it if we watch Transformers and Voltron, why because its good winning against evil.

I actually think if there was ever such a being as a god, he wouldn't give a rat's ass about cartoons. If a god even considered humanity at all it'd probably be what one learns as a life lesson, or the individual's contribution to his society (immediate and/or widespread).

Ironically, there might even be kudos awaiting cartoon creators, for entertaining millions.
Voltron is a great cartoon. I'm Christian myself, but there are some "extremists" (for lack of a better word) who go a little over board in their quest denounce anything that does not have the Gospel attached. In my view, kids should be monitored in watching violent cartoons and their play associated with it, and always watchful that they are recognizing fantasy from reality. Would I let my two year old watch Voltron? Nah. But if he was 13-14, which was the main target audience back then, I wouldn't have much of a problem.

As for Dungeons & Dragons, I see that as no more harmful than Superfriends.

The only "game" I would ban outright is Oija, or however it's spelled, as its purpose is to call upon the occult, etc.
The only "game" I would ban outright is Oija, or however it's spelled, as its purpose is to call upon the occult, etc.

Same problem. This is your opinion. In those guys' opinion Transformers and Voltron are evil. In yours, Ouija is evil.

To me it's a game that banks on the psychological makeup of the player. The answers are always self-actualized. I don't actually care if it's banned or not, but you don't have the right to judge it harmful unless proven so.
I agree, it's just stupid.

However, I do have to side with the Christians on your statement about LOTR. The movie takes out a lot of the solid Christian teachings, but they are in the book. I finally red the series two years ago because I liked the movie. I have to say, the books are cool for background info on the characters, but the movie was more dramatic and the books are a little dry at times. Still, there is a great deal of Christian spiritualism exemplified by the characters and objects in the book. Definitely Christian inspired concepts.

But, seriously, the Christians should be bashing the movie and everything made of human hands....I mean for consistency's sake.
Harry Potter seems to have much stronger Christian themes than LOTR, especially if you've read the books.
Same problem. This is your opinion. In those guys' opinion Transformers and Voltron are evil. In yours, Ouija is evil.

To me it's a game that banks on the psychological makeup of the player. The answers are always self-actualized. I don't actually care if it's banned or not, but you don't have the right to judge it harmful unless proven so.

Well, I didn't mean ban the whole darn thing from the world!!! I just wouldn't allow my kids to fart around with it like a toy. And I didn't say evil -- I said occult, which if memory serves me right, is a method of foresight or insight utilized by followers of Wicca and other pagan religions. The future's not ours to see, que sera sera....

When I was about 10 years old or so, I was alone playing with Ouija in my uncle's basement. My cousin, who was several years older than I, had a beer can collection running across the steel girders holding up the main floor. I asked the board and the "ghost" to tell me how many cans there were, as I had never counted them and wanted to ask a question that I had no answer to, and had no suspicion of an answer. There were a ton of them up there. Believe it or not, the damn thing gave me the right number, and freaked me out so bad that I've never touched the thing since. Luck -- maybe. But I'll be damned if I ask another question. I'll probably end up like that one chick in Amytiville 3 (or 3D for those who remember it on the big screen), or worse. And no, I didn't call it "Captain Howdy."
Well, I didn't mean ban the whole darn thing from the world!!!

I believe these were your words:
The only "game" I would ban outright is Oija, or however it's spelled,...

so you'd understand why I'd think you favour a harsh view of the game.

I just wouldn't allow my kids to fart around with it like a toy.

Of course...entirely your prerogative as a responsible parent :) It's still something of an adult game, as psychologically based as it is. Not really for kids to "fart around with".

And I didn't say evil -- I said occult, which if memory serves me right, is a method of foresight or insight utilized by followers of Wicca and other pagan religions. The future's not ours to see, que sera sera....

Actually this is a bit inaccurate. The word 'occult' is used to describe anything deemed supernatural. Associating the word with a particular religion is entirely a strategy of mudslinging used by more popular religions. You do realise that your own deities are equally as supernatural as those of the pagan religions right?

When I was about 10 years old or so, I was alone playing with Ouija in my uncle's basement. My cousin, who was several years older than I, had a beer can collection running across the steel girders holding up the main floor. I asked the board and the "ghost" to tell me how many cans there were, as I had never counted them and wanted to ask a question that I had no answer to, and had no suspicion of an answer. There were a ton of them up there. Believe it or not, the damn thing gave me the right number, and freaked me out so bad that I've never touched the thing since. Luck -- maybe. But I'll be damned if I ask another question. I'll probably end up like that one chick in Amytiville 3 (or 3D for those who remember it on the big screen), or worse. And no, I didn't call it "Captain Howdy."[/QUOTE]

It's more likely that he told you and you forgot. Or, if you're good at math (are you?) you unconsciously counted them each time you visited and the collection changed. I can't explain why you knew the correct answer (because there are a multitude of explanations), but I can guarantee you with a fair amount of certainty that the gameboard did not tell you.

(PS, how many cans were there?)