Visited By An Angel!

1) You were asleep

2) You never saw this angel

3) You claim "god is real" on the basis that you had a dream involving something you didn't even see... :bugeye:

It's bizarre.. Couldn't this angel that you never even saw have been something other than an angel? Your own imagination, the visitation of an alien, a ghost, a scientist that lives in an alternate reality that has learnt how to contact people in their sleep? Why do you think having a dream about something you didn't even see that apparently makes jokes about your right hand habits instantly means "god exists"? That's daft.
there's no convincing an atheist...due to their immense faith they need to choose ANY conclusion other than a God/supernatural, etc...explanation...I mean ANYTHING is better than a supernatural explanation....if God came down and spoke to them they would keep telling themselves it must have been a hallucination...I mean they'll try ANYTHING...

So, in your opinion, choosing fantasy over reality is preferred?
So, in your opinion, choosing fantasy over reality is preferred?
No in my opinion an atheist (being trapped in delusion) will choose ANY explanation besides a supernatural doesn't matter if its really a supernatural event or not...because the atheist simply cannot handle the truth deep down...they just can't handle it
No in my opinion an atheist (being trapped in delusion) will choose ANY explanation besides a supernatural one....

So.. right now you will state that this guy did indeed meet an angel because he had a dream involving something he didn't even see that joked about his masturbation technique?

Who's deluded?
No in my opinion an atheist (being trapped in delusion) will choose ANY explanation besides a supernatural doesn't matter if its really a supernatural event or not...because the atheist simply cannot handle the truth deep down...they just can't handle it

I wouldn't want to choose an explanation based on wishful thinking. Explanations usually require some form of evidence, other than the imaginative.

And if I WERE to choose an explanation based on the supernatural, it would be quite different than yours, which is different from everyone else's. And then we are left with no explanation at all.
there's no convincing an atheist...due to their immense faith they need to choose ANY conclusion other than a God/supernatural, etc... explanation...I mean ANYTHING is better than a supernatural explanation....if God came down and spoke to them they would keep telling themselves it must have been a hallucination...I mean they'll try ANYTHING...

M*W: There was a time when I was a scorch the earth christian, and I had a very vivid dream of aliens abducting me. It was all a very pleasant experience. The dream was so real, I could describe for you today the inside of their craft, of which I seemed to have some advanced technology they needed from me. (Now, I know this can't be true!). In any event, I stayed with them until I fixed something on their control panel, and they escorted me back to earth, but I didn't want to go. It was vivid, and when I got back to my home (which was instanteously, and I awoke), I was saddened that I had to return to my babies and family! (Now, that is REALLY not like me!).

The dream seemed so very real, and the things they told me, I wrote down... just in case! But at NO time did I ever sense that they were angels or a god, but maybe just some higher power.

It was just a dream. The characters in my dream came from my own mind. Perhaps it was wishful thinking on my part. Perhaps this is what I hope the future to be like. And if I ever do see an ET, I won't be afraid. But, all in all, it was my imagination.
That proves it!!!
God is, indeed, real and all that based on the half-asleep, dreamscapes of a post-modern halfwit.

Who would have thought that God wanted to use a dimwitted nobody as the messenger of His own existence?
Sure He could have saved all those poor people dying in Iraq or Sudan or some poor guy suffering from cancer, but nooooo, He wanted to do something important and meaningful: prove Himself…how vain and how insecure to seek validation in that way.

Maybe next time He should prove Himself by making another statue weep.
It’ll increase my respect for Him, at least.

Fuck You. The only half wit here is you. Who are you to say God isn't revealing himself to others as we speak. Are you omniscient yourself? So fuck off asshole. You're the most pathetic of atheist; one who believes he's smart.
Fuck You. The only half wit here is you. Who are you to say God isn't revealing himself to others as we speak. Are you omniscient yourself? So fuck off asshole. You're the most pathetic of atheist; one who believes he's smart.

truer words have never been spoken. i wonder how they are so certain of what you saw?
truer words have never been spoken. i wonder how they are so certain of what you saw?

When I woke up, I immediately wrote on a sheet a paper, "You would be dumb not to believe in God after today". As time moved on, the effect of the experience dissipated . So the only thing I can go by are my feelings at that moment, and not my doubting self now. At that time, it was extremely real to me. That's all I can say.
Fuck You. The only half wit here is you. Who are you to say God isn't revealing himself to others as we speak. Are you omniscient yourself? So fuck off asshole. You're the most pathetic of atheist; one who believes he's smart.
Another religious fanatic pretending he’s a rational thinker and taking his dreamscapes for reality.

No, I am not omniscient but when someone tells me they were abducted and anally probed by aliens, I tend to seek out the psychological factors and sexual implications in the claim before I take their stupidity seriously.

Thanks for being half awake.
When I woke up, I immediately wrote on a sheet a paper, "You would be dumb not to believe in God after today".

But why? Was there some indication given by this 'angel' that you never even saw that a god existed and it knew it/worked for it? If not, why instantly decide it's "god exists" when it could be any number of things as I pointed out earlier?
Some time ago a small tree was knocked over, the tree was on a bad bend
beside a major road, i am sure it was knocked over by an alien space craft,
or a pink three legged elephant.
No in my opinion an atheist (being trapped in delusion) will choose ANY explanation besides a supernatural doesn't matter if its really a supernatural event or not...because the atheist simply cannot handle the truth deep down...they just can't handle it

Vitee, your attacks against anyone who doesn't agree with your theism only indicates your weakened position. You have consistently been shown your illogic and now you've been reduced to rewording your opposing debaters' statements.

I suggest if you have nothing more to say than parroting this statement, perhaps it's time to move on?
Another religious fanatic pretending he’s a rational thinker and taking his dreamscapes for reality.

No, I am not omniscient but when someone tells me they were abducted and anally probed by aliens, I tend to seek out the psychological factors and sexual implications in the claim before I take their stupidity seriously.

Thanks for being half awake.

Back at it!
Don't sell yourself short. Your subconscious mind knew better than your conscious mind what it needed, and what it's faults were. Such insights are possible for the atheist and religious person alike.
Still waiting patiently for this comedic angel's jokes... Did you happen to ask her why there are NO references to female angels in the Bible; why they're all either male or non-gender specific? If I were you it would have been the first thing out of my mouth.

Loads of other questions too: When is Gabriel up for re-election? Are there any prospective female candidates? Do those wings itch? Do they not get bored sitting round on clouds all day? What qualifications do you need to be an angel? If you could save 5 people from a runaway trolley but had to kill one other person in doing so - would you still do it? Etc., etc.
No in my opinion an atheist (being trapped in delusion) will choose ANY explanation besides a supernatural doesn't matter if its really a supernatural event or not...because the atheist simply cannot handle the truth deep down...they just can't handle it

HA HA HA seems to me youre describing a THEIST ,yourself !! ;)
HA HA HA seems to me youre describing a THEIST ,yourself !! ;)

No I'm not, when will these foolish atheists realize that evidence doesn't cause something to become true....they'll NEVER realize it....they really believe whatever the current evidence shows is the absolute truth...and their entire argument is based off ignorance...