Visited By An Angel!


I have to admit. I was turning into a skeptic; losing faith every day that passes. But last night, while I was asleep, I was visited by a hyperactive, comedic angel who brought soothing words. She seemed to have my interests in mind.

So just wanted to tell everyone that God is real. No doubt about it. I almost allowed myself to be fooled, but thanks to that visit, I can put all doubts aside. Because that was as real as it gets. Its no way I could have dreamed or imagined something that unique, original, and elaborate.
You admit that you were asleep, yet you maintain that it wasn't a dream. Have you never had a surreal and elaborate dream before?

You are obviously a christian, or wannabe christian with lapse in your faith, and because you subconsciously felt guilty about this major doubt, you made the 'angel' appear to put you on the track you want to be on. If you had been awake when it happened it would be called, wishful thinking.
You admit that you were asleep, yet you maintain that it wasn't a dream. Have you never had a surreal and elaborate dream before?

You are obviously a christian, or wannabe christian with lapse in your faith, and because you subconsciously felt guilty about this major doubt, you made the 'angel' appear to put you on the track you want to be on. If you had been awake when it happened it would be called, wishful thinking.

I went to bed thinking about stabbing motherfuckers, so I don't believe I manifested the angel. I was in between sleep and awake. I was in a paralysis state. It was so real. I touched her hand. It was amazing.
People in sleep paralysis, often hallucinate of angels and demons, you were fortunate that it was the former.
I have to admit. I was turning into a skeptic; losing faith every day that passes. But last night, while I was asleep, I was visited by a hyperactive, comedic angel who brought soothing words. She seemed to have my interests in mind.

So just wanted to tell everyone that God is real. No doubt about it. I almost allowed myself to be fooled, but thanks to that visit, I can put all doubts aside. Because that was as real as it gets. Its no way I could have dreamed or imagined something that unique, original, and elaborate.
That proves it!!!
God is, indeed, real and all that based on the half-asleep, dreamscapes of a post-modern [Deleted].

Who would have thought that God wanted to use a dimwitted nobody as the messenger of His own existence?
Sure He could have saved all those poor people dying in Iraq or Sudan or some poor guy suffering from cancer, but nooooo, He wanted to do something important and meaningful: prove Himself…how vain and how insecure to seek validation in that way.

Maybe next time He should prove Himself by making another statue weep.
It’ll increase my respect for Him, at least.
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why not turn the statue into a war hungry person noooo not george bush now that would prove he was realy.
why not turn the statue into a war hungry person noooo not george bush now that would prove he was realy.
God moves in mysterious ways.
George W. is the hand of god spreading His word with an iron fist and eradicating anything in its path.
God is great.
meh god is o.k but there a big consipracy lately to know if he exsits i think you may have came acros it?
M*W: What do angels have to do with a god? Oh, yeah, I know you religious people believe there is a connection, because the bible tells you so. Let's take a step backward, if you will, in your dream, the angel was real to you, but what does that have to do with a god being real?

Also, people who dabble in the powder of the coca plant are known to see angels and demons that seem very real.

As to your 'interests,' being the purpose of your angels and demons one sees, hears, smells, touches, tastes or senses, that's not surprising since it was all a manifestation of your own mind.

The mind is a powerful thing. Essentially, it creates your entire being and everything about you. The angels you dream of are like messengers from your own mind.

There is no harm done dreaming about angels, and in this case, your angel brought you 'soothing words.' Give yourself credit for those words. You know you needed to hear them, so your mind created a story to bring those words to you. We just don't give ourselves credit for our thoughts, but that is where they begin and end. However, in your case, I feel certain this was a positive thing for you.
I went to bed thinking about stabbing motherfuckers, so I don't believe I manifested the angel. I was in between sleep and awake. I was in a paralysis state. It was so real. I touched her hand. It was amazing.

It's called hypnopompic hallucination. Everybody has them and they often occur in conjunction with sleep paralysis. In other words, if there were a video camera in your room when the 'angel' appeared, it would not be recorded because it was not really there.
there's no convincing an atheist...due to their immense faith they need to choose ANY conclusion other than a God/supernatural, etc...explanation...I mean ANYTHING is better than a supernatural explanation....if God came down and spoke to them they would keep telling themselves it must have been a hallucination...I mean they'll try ANYTHING...