Virii Evolution?

Yes, all the time! Viruses mutate very quickly and often, i believe. They take up DNA from their surroundings, mutate after each successive mitotic division...

Other members can go more in detail i think
Single stranded RNA virii like HIV mutate very fast because of the lest stable nature of ssRNA.
pointless summary of earlier presented information

mutations are basically changes that take place in the genetic information.
Every organism is subject to mutation, because DNA is not 100% stable. There are some mechanism that repair damaged DNA, but once again, this system is not 100% perfect.

Evolution acts on genetic variation. And since everything that contains DNA or RNA mutates, they also are under the influence of evolution. A virus contains DNA or RNA. Viruses don't even have repair mechanisms (as far as i know of), therefore they are certainly subject to mutation. Hence they can evolve.
Virii (should be Virii over Viruses but it sounds weired though) don't live very long out side of host because exposure to sunlight (UV) shreds their genetics! Bacteria can live longer because they have repair mechanism like Thyamine diemer repair (common mutation cause by UV light).

“A virus is like a chain letter in a bottle”
:bugeye: eh....maybe there's more than one way to spell the little buggers, but, i was under the impression that they are spelled: Dimmers. no biggie...they are still pretty neat little excisors...that was my point. nothing like having a "pair of scissors" in our genetic make-up....ready to cut and past mistakes.
Its fine... I don't want to sound like a @$$ so I will just say what you said is "correct" in a vague but aaaah reasonable way :eek:

Its still deimer, i'm talking about something else you said.
You guys are both off your respective's dimer. As in monomer, dimer, trimer, tetramer, etc.
diemer is a deimer is a dimer... jess lets leave it be it like asking who to pronounce "poison"
Actually, This Is Bullshit. But It Is "dimer."

Originally posted by Idle Mind
So my biochemistry textbook is lying?
According to Maslow's Heirarchy of Values, biochem supercedes organic.
sorry to have to say this, but, it's you guys who are full of the proverbial shit. my micro bio books spells it dimmer, 'smatter of fact, so do all the RPH.'s here at work of which i asked their opinions on the this matter. oh, brother....just let's drop it. i think you males in this forum have a problem that i am a female who might just know a tad bit more about bio than you!:p :D