Violence by women getting encouragement in the public?

If any adult, male or female, assaults me, I will do whatever is necessary to defend myself against injury and pain. If I hurt the assaultee in the process, tough shit for them.

With that attitude you are easy to manipulate and you are ripe for tragedy.

Being in control of the situation sometimes means taking a couple blows while you calm the other person down. If you go berserk every time you get touched, you have a problem, but are fun to tease.
Blanket policies are both fun and easy, aren't they?

Copernicus66 said:

No offense, but I think you're exaggerating slightly when you claim that you could kill anyone in one hit.

Two points in response:

• I have some understanding of this woman's frailty. You do not.

• Ever hear of Jack Nance? He played Pete in Twin Peaks, Henry Spencer in Eraserhead, and built a respectable resume in Hollywood through his career. He got in a fight in a donut shop one day in 1996. Reportedly, he received a single blow to the head in the altercation. The next day he was found dead of the injury.​

If someone is physically weaker than you, you will allow them to assault you with impunity? You will only retaliate to defend yourself when the assaulter is physically stronger? And more importantly, would you apply the same standards to a male who was physically weaker than you?

With impunity? When the assailant is stronger? Nay, sir. Each situation requires its own assessment and response. I didn't think that was so hard to figure out.

If so, I would love to see how you would react if I walked up to you in the street and start wailing on, getting in a few good crotch kicks and eye gouges.

I certainly wouldn't aim to kill you.

As the old saying goes: If you're man enough to hit a man, then you're man enough to be hit by a man.

And the old saying is inherently sexist. After all, if a woman is man enough to hit a man?

If any adult, male or female, assaults me, I will do whatever is necessary to defend myself against injury and pain. If I hurt the assaultee in the process, tough shit for them.

And if your response exceeds reasonable bounds, you will be held criminally accountable. Which would, of course, be tough shit for you.

(One thing about machismo: It's not attractive on anyone.)

The gene pool is better off without idiots who are stupid enough to initiate violence against someone bigger and stronger than them.

There are plenty of people the gene pool is probably better off without. I'm not sure, in that context, what to say about people who get upset about a pop song they're apparently incapable of understanding. I mean, they sure as hell aren't helping the species any.
No offense, but I think you're exaggerating slightly when you claim that you could kill anyone in one hit. I guess if she fell and hit her head, but then the same could happen to you.

But a few questions. If someone is physically weaker than you, you will allow them to assault you with impunity? You will only retaliate to defend yourself when the assaulter is physically stronger? And more importantly, would you apply the same standards to a male who was physically weaker than you? If so, I would love to see how you would react if I walked up to you in the street and start wailing on, getting in a few good crotch kicks and eye gouges.

Every situation is different. It depends on why their attacking you. Are they actually trying to hurt you? Or are they just angry or upset? There's a crazy old lady that lives down the hall from me and she a racist witch, she throws things at me when I make her mad and has hit me a few times, but her hits feel like that of a small child. Despite the fact that I hate that woman she is no threat to me. And if I actually were to attack her she would most likely end up in the hospital. I've been charged with assault before for breaking a man's nose and arm, so I could probably hurt that little old evil lady. I would never physically hurt her.
For me, I encourage female mud wrestling at every opportunity. :)

"Lord, I apologize for that right there, and please be with the starvin' pygmies down there in New Guinea, Amen"

Larry the Cable Guy
There's a crazy old lady that lives down the hall from me and she a racist witch, she throws things at me when I make her mad and has hit me a few times, but her hits feel like that of a small child. Despite the fact that I hate that woman she is no threat to me. .

you just cant make this stuff up.:D
With that attitude you are easy to manipulate and you are ripe for tragedy.

Of course. Because enforcement of domestic assault laws are skewed in the woman's favour.

Being in control of the situation sometimes means taking a couple blows while you calm the other person down.

Would you expect a woman to do the same thing? Instead of defending herself, take a 'couple of blows' while the man calms down?

If you go berserk every time you get touched,

You should actually read my posts. I didn't say I would hit someone if they 'touched' me, but if they *assaulted* me.

Tiassa said:
Two points in response:
• I have some understanding of this woman's frailty. You do not.

I still find it difficult to believe that you could be so sure that you would be likely to kill her in one hit.

• Ever hear of Jack Nance? He played Pete in Twin Peaks, Henry Spencer in Eraserhead, and built a respectable resume in Hollywood through his career. He got in a fight in a donut shop one day in 1996. Reportedly, he received a single blow to the head in the altercation. The next day he was found dead of the injury.
However, some are skeptical about the factuality of the fight. One police investigator who worked on the case doubts that the scuffle ever happened, and it was "more likely that Nance just got drunk and banged his head."[4] Acquaintances note that Nance was a notoriously late sleeper and was rarely ever awake at the time he claimed the altercation took place, and that the circumstances of his death were most unusual.

I'm not saying that it's not possible to kill someone with one hit. But either you'd need to be a skilled fighter/boxer, have your assailant fall to the ground and hit their head, or just be real unlucky. Of course, all three also apply when a woman attacks a man. So perhaps a man should view every attack on him as a potential threat to his life?

With impunity? When the assailant is stronger? Nay, sir. Each situation requires its own assessment and response. I didn't think that was so hard to figure out.

So if someone physically weaker kicks, hits, bites and eye gouges you, what would you do? And if you're thinking 'Leave the situation', assume that they follow you, as I have seen in the past.

I certainly wouldn't aim to kill you.

No shit. But you would do *something*, and I suspect that if you thought punching me was the only way you could stop me assaulting you, you'd do it.

“ As the old saying goes: If you're man enough to hit a man, then you're man enough to be hit by a man. ”

And the old saying is inherently sexist. After all, if a woman is man enough to hit a man?

The proverb is simply stating that if a woman wishes to act as a man's equal, she will also be treated as their equal in all things (particularly in regards to domestic violence). Or, as the other old saying goes: "You can't have your cake and eat it too." Applying the same standards and expectations on behaviour consistently across both genders is decidely not sexist.

Although I guess you could argue that it is a little misandrous, given that it ascribes 'violence' to be a male trait. But it still makes a valid point, despite some of its underlying misandrous assumptions.

And if your response exceeds reasonable bounds, you will be held criminally accountable. Which would, of course, be tough shit for you.

I'd try not to exceed reasonable bounds. And if I did, well, I'd defend my actions in the station and law courts.
Nuance and implication

Copernicus66 said:

I still find it difficult to believe that you could be so sure that you would be likely to kill her in one hit.

It's a risk assessment. In this case, the risk is significant enough to discourage certain courses of action.

I'm not saying that it's not possible to kill someone with one hit. But either you'd need to be a skilled fighter/boxer, have your assailant fall to the ground and hit their head, or just be real unlucky. Of course, all three also apply when a woman attacks a man. So perhaps a man should view every attack on him as a potential threat to his life?

Blanket policies like that are for the stupid.

So if someone physically weaker kicks, hits, bites and eye gouges you, what would you do? And if you're thinking 'Leave the situation', assume that they follow you, as I have seen in the past.

You do realize, of course, that there is a broad range of options between trying to ignore the situation and killing someone?

No shit. But you would do *something*, and I suspect that if you thought punching me was the only way you could stop me assaulting you, you'd do it.


The proverb is simply stating that if a woman wishes to act as a man's equal, she will also be treated as their equal in all things (particularly in regards to domestic violence).

Yes, but your misogyny is such that your assessment of any given situation is unreliable.

Although I guess you could argue that it is a little misandrous, given that it ascribes 'violence' to be a male trait.

In truth, I'm glad to see you recognize that. I wasn't going to harp on the point, as I had no previous indication that you would understand. After all, a pop song appears capable of confusing you.

Look, what it comes down to is some people are always itching for a fight. I've known a few. And some guys are so angry at women that they're looking for any excuse to haul off and smack one. I've known a couple of people like that, too. And it is this, as much as anything else, that motivates a lot of the opposition you'll find here when pushing this sort of agenda. There are circumstances under which almost any individual guy will eventually hit a woman. But unlike you, they aren't dwelling on it. It's kind of like the fellow around here who once phrased it as a woman's equal right to be punched in the face. Nobody trusted that outlook from the start, except of course his fellow misogynists. Some people just want an excuse to haul off and smack a woman, as if that somehow reinforces their masculinity.

Matters of nuance and implication are very important, especially when the matter under consideration includes the justification of violence.
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Of course. Because enforcement of domestic assault laws are skewed in the woman's favour.

No, its would be because your argument is weak minded and inappropriately aggressive.

Would you expect a woman to do the same thing? Instead of defending herself, take a 'couple of blows' while the man calms down?

My sister certainly has from time to time.

You should actually read my posts. I didn't say I would hit someone if they 'touched' me, but if they *assaulted* me.

From the rest of your discussion it was clear that by "assult" you meant hitting you as the instigation of your responce.
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you just cant make this stuff up.:D

I admit I do instigate many of the arguments we've had and since I know she can't hurt me (unless she goes and buys a gun, but she probably couldn't pull the trigger with that bad arthritis of hers) I do pick fights with her because I ashamedly admit it's kind of fun, like making my little brother mad used to be. But even when she starts the fight I would never hit her. I'm such a terrible person:D
As the old saying goes: If you're man enough to hit a man, then you're man enough to be hit by a man.

Fair enough. Men should not hit women and likewise, women should not hit men. Women hitting men IS domestic violence and it's wrong. I never contested that.

But I think it's ridiculous that anyone would get uspet over a stupid song about smashing windows. If I got wound up over every song that glorifies violence against women, I'd be losing my mind. They're just songs.

And keep in mind that it's mostly other men who enforce these "protect innocent women from bad men" type of institutions. I don't necessarily agree with all of those concepts. But it is true that some men use their greater physical strength to terrorize their spouse and I find it cowardly/disgusting.
Seriously? Did you spend time in jail? I spent one night. lol

No I got out of it, I wasn't even arrested. I just had to sit at the police department forever being interrogated. It wasn't really self-defense but that's what they called it and the guy I hurt dropped the charges.
But a few questions. If someone is physically weaker than you, you will allow them to assault you with impunity? You will only retaliate to defend yourself when the assaulter is physically stronger? And more importantly, would you apply the same standards to a male who was physically weaker than you? If so, I would love to see how you would react if I walked up to you in the street and start wailing on, getting in a few good crotch kicks and eye gouges.

As the old saying goes: If you're man enough to hit a man, then you're man enough to be hit by a man. If any adult, male or female, assaults me, I will do whatever is necessary to defend myself against injury and pain. If I hurt the assaultee in the process, tough shit for them. The gene pool is better off without idiots who are stupid enough to initiate violence against someone bigger and stronger than them.
While I wouldn't punch a woman in the face, if she started taking swings at me, I'm NOT going to stand there and let her hit me. Any guy who would just stand there is a freakin retard.
She would at the very least get thrown to the ground. If she got back up for some more, then she would get pinned and held until she calmed down.
To paraphrase copernicus above, if a woman hits/takes a swing at a man, then she better be ready for the repercussions when he defends himself.

The all-too-frequent scenario is the one in Lambert's song. She did call the cops and he did go to jail. Only to get out shortly afterwards and go back after her. In nearly every case where battered woman's syndrome was used, the cops were frequently called to the residence for domestic violence. The perpetrator often went to jail and was released only to terrorize her again. Men are stronger making it difficult for a woman to fend him off during an attack. Sometimes a weapon needs to be used. If he winds up dead - oh, well. The world is a safer place.
Can't agree with you more. But all too often, the girl will take the guy back after he beats her. She's either too afraid of being alone to dump him, or she is still 'in love' with him and thinks deep down that he'll change.
She has to realize she cannot go on with him in her life, and have the strength to leave him, before she can take that next step you list above, LadyM.
But I think it's ridiculous that anyone would get uspet over a stupid song about smashing windows.
If I got wound up over every song that glorifies violence against women, I'd be losing my mind. They're just songs.

Yet as angrybellsprout pointed out with his Eminem example, many people do get rather irate in regards to misogynist songs that glorify violence against women. On the other hand, hardly a peep is heard about the (admittedly fewer) songs which glorify violence against men.

And keep in mind that it's mostly other men who enforce these "protect innocent women from bad men" type of institutions.

Mostly? Partially. And this doesn't change the fact that some women take advantage of these sexist institutions.

But it is true that some men use their greater physical strength to terrorize their spouse and I find it cowardly/disgusting.

I find it infinitely more cowardly that some women hit their spouse, knowing that they won't hit back due to the social taboo on hitting women (or fear of the legal repurcussions slanted in the woman's favour). Attacking someone who won't fight back is much worse than attacking someone who is physically weaker, but can fight back.

No I got out of it, I wasn't even arrested. I just had to sit at the police department forever being interrogated. It wasn't really self-defense but that's what they called it and the guy I hurt dropped the charges.

No doubt if you had a penis, you would have been rotting in jail for 20 years.
While I wouldn't punch a woman in the face, if she started taking swings at me, I'm NOT going to stand there and let her hit me. Any guy who would just stand there is a freakin retard.
She would at the very least get thrown to the ground. If she got back up for some more, then she would get pinned and held until she calmed down.

I had a good friend who used to use that method. But one day, he held his girlfriend down for about 10 (?) minutes, until she claimed she had calmed down. He let her go, and then she proceeded to lay into him. He then (with difficulty) restrained her again, and the same thing happened. Eventually he was forced to strike her in the abs to wind her, upon which she went crying to the cops. Thankfully the cops weren't sexist pieces of shit in that case, and realized that his girlfriend was a crazy bitch. But given how she was behaving when they arrived, that wasn't really too hard to deduce.
I have a friend who is a psycho babe magnet. I think it really is something not wired right. Things that would immediately set me on alert don't seem to register in his head.

I remember once he was telling me about a new GF and just in passing mentioned she had a restraining order agaisnt her from her ex BF. I made him repreat that part 4 times before he said "you know maybe a restraining order isn't a good sign."

No doubt if you had a penis, you would have been rotting in jail for 20 years.

I certainly hope not. That guy knew what he was doing was wrong. Beating little old women in attempts to steal money from them is not acceptable. She was screaming for someone to help so I did. He kicked me in the stomach so I punched him in the face and twisted his arm (which caused a hairline fracture). It was sort of a pay it forward thing. The woman didn't press charges on him so he dropped the charges on me. So unless he was to embarrassed to go to trial because a teenage girl beat him up, I would hope that he would have dropped the charges even if I had a penis.
"Busting out someone's windows" isn't actually violence towards them is it? It's not like she took a crowbar and busted his face. While destruction of property is wrong and should be punished, I wouldn't exactly equate it to being beaten physically. Yesterday a kid threw a ball into my car window (on purpose). I was mad, but I'm pretty sure I would feel different if he had hit me with the ball.
"Busting out someone's windows" isn't actually violence towards them is it? It's not like she took a crowbar and busted his face. While destruction of property is wrong and should be punished, I wouldn't exactly equate it to being beaten physically. Yesterday a kid threw a ball into my car window (on purpose). I was mad, but I'm pretty sure I would feel different if he had hit me with the ball.

figures that a violent sexist would be so readily able to excuse terroristic threats that come from women...

Why encourage violence by women instead of going out and protesting domestic violence?

Oh of course, it is only domestic violence when a man does it.
I had a good friend who used to use that method. But one day, he held his girlfriend down for about 10 (?) minutes, until she claimed she had calmed down. He let her go, and then she proceeded to lay into him. He then (with difficulty) restrained her again, and the same thing happened. Eventually he was forced to strike her in the abs to wind her, upon which she went crying to the cops. Thankfully the cops weren't sexist pieces of shit in that case, and realized that his girlfriend was a crazy bitch. But given how she was behaving when they arrived, that wasn't really too hard to deduce.

Glad for your friend that the cops weren't sexist.
I think that if a girl is THAT crazy, you'd probably be forced to doing what he did. I think most women would have calmed down after the first submission.
I respect your friend for using only as much force as necessary. Unfortunately the necessary force was striking her.
If I were in that sitch, and I could get a hold of a phone, I'd pin her, then call the cops myself and just keep her pinned until the cops got there.