Violation of Newton's third law with a new space propellant invented by me.

So what are the three things at the back that look like exhausts?

That cracked me up.:D

What is really cracking me up is the irony of featuring shuttle as an example of a crackpot project...because ultimately shuttle was an extremely inefficient waste of space money. Luckily we are heading towards more realistic and money saving choices with Falcon rockets.
Nope - he is collaborating with Tach. I have a feeling about this.

Butthurt much? I wonder what crackpottery I exposed in your earlier posts that you are stalking me so viciously? :)
Could it be your fairly recent crackpottery on the Physics of the Merry Go Round? Eh? You got pretty belligerant when your ignorance was exposed.
Butthurt much? I wonder what crackpottery I exposed in your earlier posts that you are stalking me so viciously? :)

I'm not stalking you viciously at all. I'm only exposing your crackpottery on the roulette issue, in a manner no more vicious or severe as you've dealt with others (not me) in various forums. I did a check on your last hundred or so posts. The rudeness and arrogance you employed in some of them was very bad. What goes round comes around - you know, like a roulette wheel. What, did you feel that your magical anaboplectic algorithm was going to give you an edge on this too ?

If you feel my manner towards you is vicious, then you can imagine how many others have felt about your attitude towards them. Hurts, huh ?

In any case, I thought my comment, above, was more humourous than anything, didn't you ? I have a feeling .. you know, like you had about the anaboplectic algorithm .. why can't I have magical feelings too ? At least I had mine here, in psuedoscience .. heh ..

Could it be your fairly recent crackpottery on the Physics of the Merry Go Round? Eh? You got pretty belligerant when your ignorance was exposed.

I've participated in all manner of crackpottery discussions here and there, I'm sure. Differences are ..

1) In a strict math / physics forum, even in the link you provided above, I pressed no issue, nor lied nor pretended at anything. As soon as I saw I was wrong I accepted it and backed out.
2) I never pupported to be a scientist or a mathematician - you have, yet in a math / physics forum, you have implied what amounts to no less than magic (stay tuned) and have not resiled from it one bit.
3) Where I've canvassed more alternative ideas, I've done so in the appropriate section.
4) There was a point recently in the roulette forum, where you said we were going to start from basics. I did this, and started with some most basic questions, with no offensive or taunting comment in that post. Your next response, while not answering any of those questions, nonetheless contained taunting comments.
I'm not stalking you viciously at all. I'm only exposing your crackpottery on the roulette issue, in a manner no more vicious or severe as you've dealt with others (not me) in various forums. I did a check on your last hundred or so posts. The rudeness and arrogance you employed in some of them was very bad. What goes round comes around - you know, like a roulette wheel. What, did you feel that your magical anaboplectic algorithm was going to give you an edge on this too ?

If you feel my manner towards you is vicious, then you can imagine how many others have felt about your attitude towards them. Hurts, huh ?

In any case, I thought my comment, above, was more humourous than anything, didn't you ? I have a feeling .. you know, like you had about the anaboplectic algorithm .. why can't I have magical feelings too ? At least I had mine here, in psuedoscience .. heh ..

I've participated in all manner of crackpottery discussions here and there, I'm sure. Differences are ..

1) In a strict math / physics forum, even in the link you provided above, I pressed no issue, nor lied nor pretended at anything. As soon as I saw I was wrong I accepted it and backed out.
2) I never pupported to be a scientist or a mathematician - you have, yet in a math / physics forum, you have implied what amounts to no less than magic (stay tuned) and have not resiled from it one bit.
3) Where I've canvassed more alternative ideas, I've done so in the appropriate section.
4) There was a point recently in the roulette forum, where you said we were going to start from basics. I did this, and started with some most basic questions, with no offensive or taunting comment in that post. Your next response, while not answering any of those questions, nonetheless contained taunting comments.

PS - I just read but A FEW of your posts in the link you gave above. Most of them were rude, aloof, arrogant .. and again, with some invidious references to older / retired people. What IS IT with you and your frequent carping of older people. Did your parents beat you severly or something ?

I would suggest that the level of offence from you in comparison to mine in that forum, is about 10:1 - in fact, I'm being gracious. I can't see where I was much offensive to anyone, including you, at all.
I cannot believe that people are derailing this incredibly important thread about gluing vacuum particles to fan blades...
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