Very New and need to know.

shaman_ said:
Great news for those with psychic powers.. You can win a million dollars!!

Your comment tells us all about you. Did you know that? You are a person who thinks money is the only important thing in the world. You think psychic powers are a lottery ticket that is used to win 1 million dollars.

You don't think too good.

You ever wonder what happens to people who show up saying they are psychic and want the million? They get the check, then security escorts them away as they wave to the TV cameras. Security keeps right on escorting them out the back door and into the waiting FBI van. The FBI van takes them to a nice scientific facility where they will be tortured until the people find out what they want. In these days of detention without charge, no one will ever know what happened to you. They will believe you are on an island with your million somewhere instead of in a small room with people with power tools.

You ever wonder what you could do if you were psychic? If you were psychic, why stop at 1 million? You can go reveal yourself at that website, or you can go to casinos and win 10's of millions. You can play the stockmarket and make billions of dollars. You can basically do anything you want. 1 million dollars is small potatoes for people with small minds.

That website is a trap for the unwary and the naive. Anyone who tries for the 1 million is going to be marked down in a computer database somewhere. You know for a fact that there are real psychics there testing and reporting on every person who goes there.
RubiksMaster said:
Psychic abilities don't exist. No matter what websites or books you may read, the truth is, nobody has such powers. If you ever try to find a real demonstration, or real proof that someone has special powers, you won't be able to. That is because they simply don't exist, and therefore cannot be proven.

Sorry if this is a let down. But it had to come eventually.

I could never understand a person who says "This doesn't exist" with absolute conviction. How do you know? Just because you cannot do it? You are 1 man out of 5 billion or so. You don't think that one of those 5 billion can do things you cannot?

I finally decided on fear or envy. People deny that psychic power are possible because they have done something they feel guilty about and do not want any mind readers to know. Or they are envious because they are a regular person with nothing. You know. The envy of poor people for rich people.

You may as well get over your fear. You are busted. There are all kinds of people that can read minds. Someone somewhere already knows about all of your bad deeds. You cannot escape. That is the impetus behind religious, cultural and moral edicts telling people to be good. You don't want to be good to please god or some ephemeral religiuos edict. You want to be good because people can read your mind and they will know when you have been bad.
If psychic abilities don't exist, then why did the US secret services employ 'Remote Viewers' during the cold war. These people sat in a lab in America and 'watched things happening' in the USSR... in their minds!
duendy "ok, te subjct of psychic power. one poster her said they ha an interest in the occult. i am curious. in wat regard if you dont believe in psychic phenomena....?"

I'm guessing you're talking about me. I did not have an "interest" in the occult. I used to practice it. I've been there, done that. None of it has stood up to the scientific process (with one exception). Yes, my heart was in it. Yes my divinations often bore themselves out. Yes, I scored high with Zener cards (not consistently, but more often than not). Yes, I was actually with a group that practiced mind-reading and telekinesis. Nothing occured that didn't owe itself to either good playing of the odds or near-imperceptible clues in the environment. There's also the problem with people who so desperately want to believe that they will look for the slightest clue that such things are true and go on that as solid evidence.

For example, tarot cards. Just a psychological tool. You mention something like "an influential, older woman is holding you back", and your client will dig through their mental files until they find someone who fits that purpose. The hardest part about tarot reading was getting the client to shut up. I did cold readings, no knowledge of the client's past, or even wanting to know what their question was. Too many clues can be given away with the voice, let alone body language.

Had a strange event with a ouija board once, but that was it. I still study ghosts and I choose to believe in reincarnation (for lack of solid evidence one way or the other), but all of the psychic and paranormal phenomena I grew up with (yes, I grew up with this stuff and started putting it to the test at age 8 when I wanted to see how my family's religion worked) has failed to pass any test of validity past "good playing of the odds or near-imperceptible clues in the environment" with only one exception that I intend to get back to when I can get things set up again.

I'm not someone who discovered the occult in her teenage years and got into it because the imagery was cool (it is cool, I'll give you that) or because it freaked out my parents. Au contraire, I was raised on this stuff. We put up a Roman Catholic front when my dad's family visited, but he and my mom were really into this. My skepticism stems from the fact that the paranormal lacks the mystical allure for me because I grew up with it.

That's why I feel qualified to be the subject of a test. I don't want to hammer away at an event until I can force it to fit into a mundane explanation. That's no better than claiming that everything you can't readily explain must be psychic phenomena. I want to see if any of it holds up under mutually agreed upon conditions (scientists vs. psychics).

Let's try something easy. Remote viewing. Above the light switch in my computer room is a drawing that a friend of mine made for me. There are three elements in this drawing, each with distinctive features. The subject matter is something I have never discussed either on this board or anywhere on the internet except through e-mails to my brother, who does not have his own computer, using only the one at his local library for e-mail access. To my knowledge (and because he would insist I join him if he did), he does not visit forum sites at all.

Scientists-How many of the three elements must be described and to what level of accuracy?

Psychics-There is an item very near the picture that is pretty distinctive itself. Should I move it, or can you distinguish between the picture and the object?

All-Is this test acceptable at this point? Again I declare that my integrity on this matter can be counted on.
duendy said:
hhhahaaaa...promise it;ll work this goes. sorry
A Skeptical Loot At James Randi

fingers crossed?
So instead of discussing the fact that no one has been able to demonstrate the abilities that they claim to have you post a link that criticises James Randi.
Ad hominem duendy? that's unlike you....

I will read it tomorrow.
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Happeh said:
Your comment tells us all about you. Did you know that?
Yes you've got me all figured out...

Happeh said:
You are a person who thinks money is the only important thing in the world. You think psychic powers are a lottery ticket that is used to win 1 million dollars.
Actually I don't think money is that important. I don't think psychic powers are a lottery ticket. I'm yet to be convinced that they exist.

Happeh said:
You don't think too good.
Thanks but I do ok.

Happeh said:
You ever wonder what happens to people who show up saying they are psychic and want the million? They get the check, then security escorts them away as they wave to the TV cameras. Security keeps right on escorting them out the back door and into the waiting FBI van. The FBI van takes them to a nice scientific facility where they will be tortured until the people find out what they want. In these days of detention without charge, no one will ever know what happened to you. They will believe you are on an island with your million somewhere instead of in a small room with people with power tools.
The test are not hidden away in a military facility. The jref does not have a special forces security team overlooking the tests.

It sounds like you are making excuses..

Happeh said:
You ever wonder what you could do if you were psychic? If you were psychic, why stop at 1 million? You can go reveal yourself at that website, or you can go to casinos and win 10's of millions. You can play the stockmarket and make billions of dollars. You can basically do anything you want. 1 million dollars is small potatoes for people with small minds.
So why aren't all the psychics millionaires then?

Happeh said:
That website is a trap for the unwary and the naive. Anyone who tries for
the 1 million is going to be marked down in a computer database somewhere.
Other than the jref database? What is your source for this?
Happeh said:
You know for a fact that there are real psychics there testing and reporting on every person who goes there.
I don't know for a fact that there are real pychics.

Sorry about the arrogance but it's 6am and I've had a lot to drink.
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tablariddim said:
If psychic abilities don't exist, then why did the US secret services employ 'Remote Viewers' during the cold war. These people sat in a lab in America and 'watched things happening' in the USSR... in their minds!
If remote viewing works then why was the project closed down?
Oxygen said:
Psychics-There is an item very near the picture that is pretty distinctive itself. Should I move it, or can you distinguish between the picture and the object?

I know I'm not psychic, but the picture elements that come to my mind include flowers or plants, a pot or urn and something like a rainbow. The object near the picture could be a clock or a speaker.
psychic activity involves magick doesn't it?...i had a go at it a while back--chaos magick. BUT i got cold feet. why?......i didn't like idea of magick circle as a means to keep 'evil' out, etc etc. i also didn't like te attitude of some 'Chaotes (ie., people who do chaos magick). seemed a bit cold. can only to say for a few, not all seemed to me the MYTHOLOGY of magick as its generally known anyhow is patriarchal.......and when i found about about the Illuminati and their occultic pursuits--POST 7/7, it very much made me realize that psychic POWER can be a dangerous thing unless EARTHED. that first before any kind of exploration there must be a deep love for Nature. oterwise it becmes very ugly indeedo. like the CIA being interested in 'remote viewing' kind of ugly!
tablariddim-I sent you a private message regarding the experiment. Hopefully doing that will keep things from delineating into a guessing game. You know, people look up what was already posted and start a process of elimination.

All Next Saturday I'll post the picture (if I can figure out how. In all the time I've been on this board I've never posted an image!). Is that enough time for everybody?
tablariddim said:
The cold war ended. But... how can we be sure that such projects are still not in existence?
Project Stargate was closed down in 1995 because it was not working.

Sure its possible that there are others in existence. If so, they haven't had much luck with Bin Laden .
duendy said:
psychic activity involves magick doesn't it?...i had a go at it a while back--chaos magick. BUT i got cold feet. why?......i didn't like idea of magick circle as a means to keep 'evil' out, etc etc. i also didn't like te attitude of some 'Chaotes (ie., people who do chaos magick). seemed a bit cold. can only to say for a few, not all seemed to me the MYTHOLOGY of magick as its generally known anyhow is patriarchal.......and when i found about about the Illuminati and their occultic pursuits--POST 7/7, it very much made me realize that psychic POWER can be a dangerous thing unless EARTHED. that first before any kind of exploration there must be a deep love for Nature. oterwise it becmes very ugly indeedo. like the CIA being interested in 'remote viewing' kind of ugly!
The illuminati, magick and psychics all in the same post! Is there anything you don't believe in duendy?
shaman_ said:
Project Stargate was closed down in 1995 because it was not working.

Sure its possible that there are others in existence. If so, they haven't had much luck with Bin Laden .
the trouble with you--as'skeptic'--asis shared by others of your persuasion on these boards issssss, you are politically
UN-savvy. ie., you dont see the irony of what you said above about Bin Laden....doyou?
shaman_ said:
The illuminati, magick and psychics all in the same post! Is there anything you don't believe in duendy?
mockers NEVER learn!....they just mock, wit a sticker on their backs saying 'fool'.......of course they dont KNOW this
shaman_ said:
The link at the bottom of the page has a rebuttal from Mr Randi. This hardly shows that he is a liar.

Interestingly most of the arguing is about the Geller tests. Duendy do you thing Uri Geller is genuine?
ohhhhhhh, how you defend this conman. LOL till my ears drop off