Very New and need to know.


Registered Member
Okay so i finally found the courage to research psychic abilities and came across this site i have to say im still jolty. Basically i need to know if i have psychic abilities of any kind or if im eligible to have them. about a year or two ago i had extreme sensations of deja vu almost regularly everday and every week. Now im not having deja vu no where near as much as i used to have it im only getting it say once per month. If someone could offer me an explanation as to why that happened i would appreciated. Also whenever i have deja vu it feels as if not that ive been there or done the thing before but it feels as if ive experienced it in a dream yet i have no recollection of having any of those dreams. The dreams i do remember are very strange they all relate to something in my life but have other aspects of them that make them strange. anyway i realize i may be ridiculed but i basically have an urge and extreme curiosity to find out more. id like for some people to tell me where to start im willing to be patient and if my age is necessary then ill tell.
Eligible to have psychic abilities? You mean like, fill out a government form and hope you qualify? :) I'll leave this to the professionals...

Deja vu?

Deja vu?

Our mind tends to take in things and relate them to what it knows. The most common example of this is when a person finds themselves reading a completely unfamiliar word and pronouncing it as a familiar word. For example, I was in a pet store looking at a kind of fish called a "Bird Wrasser". The person next to me read it carefully and out loud "Bird Wrestler". She consistently called it this even when I pointed out that there was no T or L in the word anywhere. She still carefully and deliberately said "wrestler".

With deja vu you will most likely find that you are in a situation or place that your mind subconsciously relates to a memory of a similar situation or place and sends of messages of familiarity. There are even sensory cues that can affect you on the subliminal level that fill in even more detail of that particular situation/place which can seem like "I knew what was behind that wall before I looked!"

Then there's the phenomenon of false memory. I can clearly recall taking my two nieces to a park right behind our house when they visited us one summer in Prescott, Arizona. One problem. They NEVER visited us while we lived in Prescott. I NEVER showed them that park. Yet the memory is as clear as the memory of the dinner I just finished. I started to think that maybe I had just dreamed it, but I am a lucid dreamer and am very familiar with my own dream patterns. This memory is not from a dream.

If you've just started researching the world of the psychic, I'm going to offer some advice. Exhaust all mundane possibilities before going to the strange stuff. If you jump to paranormal conclusions too readily, you pretty much get clumped with the gullible whackos.

I've investigated ghosts and have encountered very few events that didn't have their origins in the mundane. The ones that I couldn't track to the mundane I still pursue, but I have less and less time to run this stuff down. (I know a cool "breeze" can come off of stone exposed to the right conditions, but how strong can that "breeze be when emanating from a solid 3'X3' area?)

Good luck on your research. Use the scientific process when you can and don't be afriad to ask a lot of questions. Some of the people here really want to help, others are pretty much just out to have fun (often at someone else's expense ;)). Just don't accept an answer as god-given truth just because it's what you want to hear. Criticize your own research just to keep yourself honest.

Good luck!
When it comes to researching "psychic abilities," you're really just looking at human behavior and belief and neurology, not actual "special powers."

Déjà vu is brain chemistry and a normal cognative function, not ESP. A fair bit of research has been done that relates to it because epileptic patients experience déjà vu or déjà vécu responses with chemical and electrical stimuli. Stimulation of the entorhinal cortices consistently resulted in déjà vu, whereas stimulation of perirhinal cortices resulted in reminiscence of memories (Bartolomei et al 2004).

Why do I bother with learning such things? I have a spouse with epilepsy. That's not to imply that one who experiences "strong feelings of déjà vu must have epilepsy... I've had such feelings and never a seizure. My wife has a Gray Matter Heterotopia, which causes seizures but has never reported any strong feelings of déjà vu. I've seen her stumble over trying to remember the correct word for the color blue or for one of the four round things on a car that meet the pavement though, which are memory related. No probs as long as she takes her meds.

Bartolomei, F., Barbeau, E., Gavaret, M., Guye, M., McGonigal, A., Regis, J., Chauvel, P. (2004). Cortical stimulation study of the role of rhinal cortex in deja vu and reminiscence of memories. Neurology 63: 858-864
thnx for your replies but does anyone have a clue as to why i stopped having feelings of deja vu? and by eligible i really just meant if i would be able to get some of the psychic abilities the people on these forums are talking about. telekenisis and i forgot the other ones.
I think anyone can gain psychic abilities. Deja Vu is not a psychic ability. I have never heard it classified that way.
Nobody can, apparently, "gain" "psychic abilities." They've not been proven to exist. No one has been able to replicate or produce on demand these alleged "abilities." They are but another psychological condition that some humans are afflicted with.
There are alot of really good books on this type of stuff available everywhere. I started studying my abilities a couple of years ago and I can't even tell you how neat it is. I really like working with crystals and I have gotten pretty good at viewing auras too!

All I can say is keep with it and you will be amazed!
Crystals, auras, "developing psi...." it's all bunk. None has been demonstrated to be anything more than imagination.

If that site has any testable or reproducible evidence that you can show, then I'll be more than happy to revise my statement. Otherwise, thatmexdude, you'll be better off studying the neurology and psychology associated with such beliefs. It is there that things really become fascinating. It would seem that the human mind has a need to find patterns and provide explanations of "why?" and when the explanations aren't forthcoming, the mind is satisfied with spurious data and made up explanations. With a properly disciplined mind, however, one can seek answers to questions without becoming a mystery-monger or significance-junkie.
Skinwalker, are saying that there is nothing in the universe that science can't explain fully? That all the answers are already known? That there is nothing left to learn?

Just because something is viewed as foolish or mystical doesn't mean that it isn't true!!

All kinds of things that were once thought of as mystical or evil ar witch craft are now a part of our day to day life. If you were to go back in time with a laptop and lighter, they would probably burn alive!! These things are common now, and we know how they work. I'm sure that given enough time we will figure out how psychic powers and abilities work too! Skepticism can be a good thing, but blind obeidience to it leaves you no better than us "fools" that believe in mysticism!!
so basically i wont be able to read minds? or sens emotions one of the things im extremely interested in is astral projection also reading minds or telling the future. i would also like to study dreams.
I agree with you Lucycat. Well said!! It is true that there are people out there who prey on the gullible or those who are looking for attention. Personnally I will search for the answers by practicing meditation, energy work and concentration to develop such powers. I think that these powers are the next step in our evolution.
Psychic abilities don't exist. No matter what websites or books you may read, the truth is, nobody has such powers. If you ever try to find a real demonstration, or real proof that someone has special powers, you won't be able to. That is because they simply don't exist, and therefore cannot be proven.

Sorry if this is a let down. But it had to come eventually.
RubiksMaster said:
Psychic abilities don't exist. No matter what websites or books you may read, the truth is, nobody has such powers. If you ever try to find a real demonstration, or real proof that someone has special powers, you won't be able to. That is because they simply don't exist, and therefore cannot be proven.

Sorry if this is a let down. But it had to come eventually.
hah! go tell the Illuminati
I would like to see anyone who claims to have these powers reproduce them under laboratory conditions. In fact, I even offer myself up as someone to experiment on under less than ideal conditions. Does anyone here who claims these powers feel up to a test? My integrity in this matter can be counted on. Let's set something up.

If it matters, my background involves both hard science and the occult. I'm not being sarcastic, either. I really would like to see something proven. Unfortunately, it usually comes down to "you can't just make it happen, it has to happen naturally", or "the aura in the lab is interfering" which sounds more like a cop out. But come on. Let's try something that satisfies both sides for conditions.

What can we do that doesn't involve travel (unless you want to come to Modesto some weekend)? What conditions do we need?
Lucycat said:
Skinwalker, are saying that there is nothing in the universe that science can't explain fully?

I'm saying that there's nothing in the universe that science cannot potentially explain.

Lucycat said:
That all the answers are already known?

Why would I say that? That's a non-sequitur.

Lucycat said:
That there is nothing left to learn?

Another non-sequitur.

Lucycat said:
Just because something is viewed as foolish or mystical doesn't mean that it isn't true!!

Much of what is considered "mystical" is pure bunk. Show me the evidence. That's where the mystics fall flat on their silly faces.

Lucycat said:
All kinds of things that were once thought of as mystical or evil ar witch craft are now a part of our day to day life. If you were to go back in time with a laptop and lighter, they would probably burn alive!!

An appeal that simply doesn't work. People have always claimed to have powers of divination and psychic abilities. Iron has been invented, technology has given us the power of the computer, we fly to the upper atmosphere and even space. Yet the ignorant and undereducated that claim some "msytic" abilities haven't evolved. They still see themselves as "special members of the human race" -and none can prove it. When proof is demanded, the argument resorts to a cowardly response of pseudo-altruism: "the true psychic doesn't seek recognition." Yet mystery-mongers and significance-junkies claim them to be true as if it truly mattered to them. And it does. Hope springs eternal to those that want to believe. Belief is both a human failing and a blessing at the same time.

Lucycat said:
but blind obeidience to it leaves you no better than us "fools" that believe in mysticism!!

"Blind obedience" to what? I believe in nothing that cannot be demonstrated or logically inferred and deduced from observation and experience. Mysticism and the paranormal shit people want to believe in falls into the "cannot be tested" category because it DOESN'T EXIST.

Fools that believe in mysticism are 'fools' because the fool themselves. They cannot explain, so they invent. They cannot reason, so they fanasize.
Illuminati Illuminati Illuminati......!
how do ya like THAT? bossy boots
Skin.....oh myyyyy, what a great member of the positivist science brigade you are. and you give good ad

but you are rathe old ashioned i have to say. not cool

ok, te subjct of psychic power. one poster her said they ha an interest in the occult. i am curious. in wat regard if you dont believe in psychic phenomena....?

Skin and others who believe solidly in materialistic science. i tend to believe you have what i might term ...conveyor-belt-minds regarding this subject. i.e you imagining that errr 'psychic activity' could be made to order, and patented??

ahahaaaa there is a pattern i see. bet you dont/wont/ is te TRICKterishness of not only UFO/abduction phenomea, but also psychic events inc;uding OBes etc that evades your invading 'scientific' eye. as tho it's takin te piss outta your method of approach. which, lets be fair, is rather clinical laboratory and cold

Ok my crystal ball here....a lookin in it......i am askin it to tell me about your tells me you tink consciousness is an emergent property of matter/energy. is this TRUEEEEE???