Very lost cowboy ghost?

Now why can't all evidence be as compelling as this
Kudos to the camera operator for not giving us a blurred image along with kudos for the recording person who captured the sound so clear almost like in a studio
Now I believe :)

I'll take your non-response as a concession.

You should avoid blanket accusations that are indefensible.

your take is your own decision. they are not blanket accusations because it is considered acceptable in general society as well as a representative microcosm sample on this forum to consider paranormal phenomenon as hokey and all work of hallucinations, even among traditional religionists.
from my own experience, it is often not positive though and paranormal phenomenon is mostly psychological but not necessarily hallucinative, which is the difference in understanding.

it seems to be mostly an aberration or dysfunctional release of the mind. this i've garnered from personal experience when there was much trauma, anger, violence etc as well as very manipulative sociopathic/psychopathic type people in the home environment. i noticed the paranormal phenomenon was taking place in a amplified, highly emotional/mental (but dysfunctional/abberrant) environment. this had nothing to do with 'ghosts' in the traditional meaning or the dead, it was very much due to the living and those projecting strong emotions and thoughts, especially aberrantly. i am not saying all such cases are negative, but most of them seem to be. some can be benign but those seem to be more rare.

i think most paranormal phenomenon that is negative is a byproduct due to a dysfunctional mind/thought-processes of whoever is emitting them, even subconsciously or unconsciously. literally, these are or were someone's ghosts or inner demons. Instead of using the mind in rational and healthy motives, it can operate in deviation.

We assume, because generally most people are operating rationally at most times but it's not the case at all times or with all people. there are very dysfunctional and twisted minds and this i think can emit negative personifications of that conceptual minds/thoughts such as demons, negative shadow figures etc. unfortunately, it can affect others around them as they are extensions and that is the main reason why it is even remotely worthy of not dismissing it simply as imagination.
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your take is your own decision. they are not blanket accusations because it is considered acceptable in general society as well as a representative microcosm sample on this forum to consider paranormal phenomenon as hokey and all work of hallucinations, even among traditional religionists.
They are still blanket accusations. And you have now made a straw man. A straw man is when you move the target of your attack away from a weak point, to some other target, which you can attack better. It is a fallacy.

We were not talking about general society; you were talking quite specifically about people here, in fact, you said "just about everybody here".

There are the very kind of sloppy, emotional arguments that get used in many discussions, that so many of those rational members are trying to root out.
Huh. Restating that a broad generalization is "true", without defending it.
You have certainly demonstrated master-level internet-fu.

what i do concede is that most paranormal phenomena is due to some type of craziness. it is not normal or constructive. what is rational is the paradox to be aware that the irrational exists or can manifest. human minds don't always result in constructive, positive or rational forms/output. it can be illogical, destructive and even malevolent. this is the major problem with organic life. in essence, organic life has built-in faulty mechanisms of it's own.

this is also one of the reasons why i think machines, robots and computers will be the next gen future lifeforms that will replace us and maybe they will deserve to replace us too. organic lifeforms are very fallible in ways that are often grossly illogical. there is often a lack of purity to organic life. it could be ascertained as inferior type of life due to it's fallibility.
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