Very Bad News for ISLAMISTS: 6 Million leaving Islam/yr (in Africa alone)

I am still waiting to see a SINGLE christian missionary site talking about this MYTHICAL 6 MILLION MUSLIM leaving Islam every year ? I did not see a single documentry about that ??

Pathetic LIARS !! :D

In South Africa, many blacks convert to Islam :

most experts agree that Islam is spreading faster than any other faith in East and West Africa:


Ten Years After Horror, Rwandans Turn to Islam

Enjoy DoctorHATE !! :cool:
okinrus said:
God does not want you to gamble or bet your life away, much less your soul, which I believe is stealing from yourself.

Putting all your eggs in your own basket is not a gamble.
Proud_Muslim said:
I am still waiting to see a SINGLE christian missionary site talking about this MYTHICAL 6 MILLION MUSLIM leaving Islam every year ? I did not see a single documentry about that ??
Here ya go, buddy!


    But all the while, the African people were turning to the Gospel for their answers. As we notice in Christian History's most recent issue, #79, a powerful group of indigenous evangelists succeeded during the first half of the twentieth century where Western missionaries had failed, propelling Christianity in Africa from between 8 and 10 percent of the population (8 to 10 million) in 1900 to nearly 50 percent (360 million) today.
The interview did admit that 330 million of that alone are Catholics. So I guess both articles are quite in agreement.

Now lets do the math:

(360-8)/104 = 3.38 million a year average. Thats just the average. The highest fluctuation could reach a rate of 6 million per year.

But its still bad news eh? :D
Nothing in your article about 6 million muslims leaving islam in Africa every year ????? :rolleyes:

How about New York times article that I posted above ??? :D
Proud_Muslim said:
most experts agree that Islam is spreading faster than any other faith in East and West Africa:

Spreading but thinning. :D

  • Ahmad Al Katani:

    ”but when the need is gone they revert back to Christianity or to paganism”

    “I swear by Allah we are living in a tragedy.”

I suppose its true that muslims cant keep many of their converts not unless they use their sword as an "encouragement". ;)
Proud_Muslim said:
Nothing in your article about 6 million muslims leaving islam in Africa every year ????? :rolleyes:
My article comes up with a 3.38 average for the whole period from 1900 to 2004. I suppose its up to you. Who would you trust, the Christians or the Muslim Ahmad Al Katani?

Proud_Muslim said:
How about New York times article that I posted above ??? :D

That is just one country and...

  • "For all the gains Islam has made, no one is suggesting that it is about to supplant Christianity as the country's leading religion. Catholicism, which arrived in the late 19th century with the White Fathers order of the Roman Catholic Church, remains deeply embedded in the culture."
Proud_Muslim said:
Well since you quoted from CHRISTIANITY TODAY, let me show you an article from them, RECENT ONE:

Outpaced by Islam?
The Muslim challenge is growing faster than our Christian outreach.

A Christianity Today Editorial | posted 02/04/2002

ENJOY !!! :p

I did enjoy that. The article merely implies that islam multiplies through childbirth and that christians are having a hard time penetrating african islamic states because of islamic intolerance.

As I said, add more babies to an already starving muslim population and you just get disaster.
My wife and I used to sponsor one of these starving muslim children. His name is "Islam Kamrul". He must be 14 by now. We stopped our sponsorship when my wife got pregnant. :)
DoctorNO said:
No religion has the apparent edge here. Not Christianity. Not Islam. Not whatever. So the real losers are the ones imprisoned in a specific mindset that is a factor in prohibiting them from enjoying life to its fullest.

Hey guyz this is good,practical conversation. I will speak from experience!
Few years back, i personally flew to africa and saw the truth about these great world religions;christianity and islam.

while in america the number of christian conversions is not much larger or exceeding number of muslim conversion;in africa it is the exact opposite.

In one crusade in northern Nigeria by an evangelist Bonnke from Germany close to half a million people registered decisions for christ.North nigeria is mostly muslim. There was no food involved nor money paid these muslims to convert.

The reason was this and will sound like fairy tales to many of a western mind.
Miracles! Miracles happening in this 21st century.
Many sick,blind and lame people most of whom were muslims received miraculous healing on calling the name of Jesus.
So that is the truth,i.e western christians at a mqjority don't even believe the bible to have been fully inspired and most don't believe in miracles that took place in the bible. many western christians are even denying the bodily resurrection of jesus.

But in africa and india, problems with daily life cause many to seek for a real God. They have no choice for pride that hinders many in the west from humbling fully to the word of God.

So guyz real miracles are happening in africa at the name of Jesus.
No miracle has ever been seen happening in the name of prophet muhammad.
This made many of my friends who were muslims to seek after Jesus.
(Signs and wonders will follow them who beleive,the bible says)
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday,today and forever.

Of course many of my western correspondents will say ' lies!", that no miracles happen. it is because the faith for miracles is not easily used over here. We have money, all food to eat, health plans, un-employment compensation,lots of other fun. If all these fun and amenities were gone, there will be a revival in the west.
problems seem to make people belive in a living God. Adieu.

As a former atheist, I went through a period of beginning to wonder if there might be a God after all due to some experiences had by a friend of mine. I asked for a sign if there was indeed a God and got it. I don't want to go into it because it's pretty personal but I immediately got copies of the Quran and the Bible and started comparing the two. They did not, in my opinion, compare. This was during a time when a Muslim friend was trying to bring me into Islam. After a couple of years of reading both and studying many other related sources I was sure I wanted to be a true Catholic and began discussing it with my Catholic friends. They answered me patiently and always had answers to all of my questions.

I asked for still more signs as to which way I should go, with this prayer "Whatever you want, God, that's what I'll do". To make a long story short, I received those signs too and went right to a Church which I had always passed and was always bustling with activity. I've been going ever since. This has only happened in the last year and when I discussed it with my priest he mentioned that scores of new people were registering with the Church over the past year and all had similar stories to mine. Miracles do happen in the West, but I'm pretty sure you have to ask nicely first.

My once self-destructive and depressing life has become peaceful and fulfilling, something I take to mean I am living life the way it was meant to be lived.

"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. " Matthew 7:7
Let us for the moment believe that what DocterNO says it true, then it is good riddance to the Muslims to remove such idolaters and decievers from their religion. Afterall, Islam does not stand for that.

Second, Africa is a great launching pad to spread whatever religion you want too. The people are poor, medicine is a work of God, etc. It's quite easy to give food to them and say it's from Jesus and much easier to give them food if and only if they attend church.