Verschärfte Vernehmung

Apparently, Sam, if America is so bad then Gitmo should have a negative effect on terrorism.

Maybe we need to start throwing women off buildings, Saddam Hussein style, to stop terrorists.
You don't want it to work, you support suicide bomber attacks.

I'd say its you that supports suicide bombing, since you promote and help sustain the conditions that create them.
And have no objections to innocents being tortured for several years, leading to damaged individuals.
Why doesn't some Islamic terrorist try to blow up George and co, if they're so good at it?

And why isn't he and his torture-party in front of a war crimes tribunal at the Hague?

Could the answer to both questions go something like: George Bush is the President of the most important country on the planet, he just doesn't get blown up or charged with war crimes, goddammit!
I think we have to reassess our thinking. Clearly we were premature in concluding that the Gestapo practices were torture. As the US has clearly proved, its not.

We owe an apology to the Nazis. :(
According to your beliefs, Sam, we do.

For once again: Nuremburg was a kangaroo court as much as the US' trials of terrorists are.

Furthermore, the suicide bombing came before the supposed torture. And it is not targetted, again, against Americans. It is targetted primarily against Iraqis and Israelis.
According to your beliefs, Sam, we do.

For once again: Nuremburg was a kangaroo court as much as the US' trials of terrorists are.

Furthermore, the suicide bombing came before the supposed torture. And it is not targetted, again, against Americans. It is targetted primarily against Iraqis and Israelis.

Actually, as iceaura has already declared, the suicide bombings followed the US invasion and escalated after John Negroponte was appointed as top US official in Iraq (they are much worse in Iraq than they are in Afghanistan or Pakistan).

Also, consider the coincidence. No suicide bombers in Iraq, Afghanistan or Pakistan before US military moves in. All three countries have them now.

Actually, as iceaura has already declared, the suicide bombings followed the US invasion and escalated after John Negroponte was appointed as top US official in Iraq (they are much worse in Iraq than they are in Afghanistan or Pakistan).

They are much worse in Iraq owing to the political and religious strife between Shi'a and Sunni Moslems.

Furthermore, as evidenced by Buffalo's scrupulous documentation, suicide bombings occurred tremendously before and after Negroponte's appointment. Iceaura, as you, have ignored these references in order to prop up false arguments.

As to why they followed the US invasion: Um, duh? The powder keg which Saddam kept a lid on was lit by Saddam being disposed. Thereafter, the lack of law let the natural undercurrents of brutal strife come to the surface. Iraqis were like mad dogs on a chain, just waiting to bite the dog across the way.

Also, consider the coincidence. No suicide bombers in Iraq, Afghanistan or Pakistan before US military moves in. All three countries have them now.

With Afghanistan and Pakistan, you do have an attack against the US military/government and not on the same level of Iraq. But in Iraq, you have suicide bombings primarily against their own people as demonstrated in the EIGHT HUNDRED references given.