Vatican City violates religious freedom . .

I Am F_AQ2: Why?
M*W: Hi, F_AQ2! Thanks for asking. Paganism has been around since the Druids came out of the forests of Gaul and the Celts worshipped the element deities. Paganism influenced all other religions. Before the time of the first biblical writings, there existed a matrilineal society in the area of Turkey, Gaul and other areas around the globe. They believed in Goddess worship. During that time, there were no wars, definitely no rapes, and everyone had an honorable place in society.

Enter the ancient patriarchs, and everything changed. The copied the earlier creation stories, but they were not the original stories. Then came Christianity, copying from earlier Pagan beliefs. Christianity isn't original. It's only a copy, and a false one at that.

What we know today as Christianity is not true Christianity but Paulianity. Paulianity is a very false religion that is entirely anti-Christian. Even Christianity was patterned after Pagan ideals. Paul's family were pagans. Paul, himself, was a pathological liar, so anything he might have said or written is a lie.

Christianity is finally declining worldwide as Paganism grows. The more intelligent the human race becomes the less Christians believe in the dying demigod savior myth.

Even now, the history of Moses seems to be in doubt. He, too, is based on a myth. Makes me wonder if everything we know isn't a myth. Maybe one day the existence of the human race will be a myth.

If everything is based on a myth, then who are we really? I guess timing is everything. What's real today is tomorrow's myth. The only important thing is us humans. The Gods of Myth did not prevail. Only humanity will prevail.
Originally posted by: Medicine Woman
M*W: Hi, F_AQ2! Thanks for asking. Paganism has been around since the Druids came out of the forests of Gaul and the Celts worshipped the element deities. Paganism influenced all other religions. Before the time of the first biblical writings, there existed a matrilineal society in the area of Turkey, Gaul and other areas around the globe. They believed in Goddess worship. During that time, there were no wars, definitely no rapes, and everyone had an honorable place in society.

I do believe that this is due mainly to the populations of that time. Murder, rape and burglary do not happen in a population of so few but will increase as populations increase.
Paganism was the first I will admit that. I, however do not see the difference that would make it a “true” religion other than it was not based on an earlier system. If that is the definition of a “true” religion then that is what it is. Paganism does not promote hatred, bigotry or murder any more or less than the major religions today. I think that the fact it does not lead to the atrocities that other so called moralistic monotheistic religions lead to is due to the fact that it has no real structure to it. A pagan simply believes and that leads to a love of all things on earth, even those that do not believe or those that destroy. A structure inherently has a leader or someone to maintain that structure. As we all know, power is the fast lane to corruption. When you put thousands of people together and tell one man that he can have them do ANYTHING that he pleases then you have the recipe for destruction. Modern religion has been warped by that structure that it has created itself. I don’t see how paganism holds any more truth than any other religion but I do understand that it does not propagate the hate that has become staple for many religious followers today.
I Am F_AQ2: Paganism was the first I will admit that. I, however do not see the difference that would make it a “true” religion other than it was not based on an earlier system.
M*W: 'Religion' in no way implies that it is the 'truth.' It more likely implies simply a 'common belief.'
I Am F_AQ2: If that is the definition of a “true” religion then that is what it is. Paganism does not promote hatred, bigotry or murder any more or less than the major religions today. I think that the fact it does not lead to the atrocities that other so called moralistic monotheistic religions lead to is due to the fact that it has no real structure to it. A pagan simply believes and that leads to a love of all things on earth, even those that do not believe or those that destroy. A structure inherently has a leader or someone to maintain that structure.
M*W: I call Paganism the 'true' religion because it was the first. Again, 'religion' does not imply the 'truth,' but it implies a 'common belief.' The 'common belief' of Paganism at least puts a priority on healthy living within a common ecosystem. It implies humanity's place within the universe and with the elements. There is truth in that. Paganism promotes happiness and well-being within our world. We already know what religions followed original Paganism and how corrupt they all were.
I Am F_AQ2: As we all know, power is the fast lane to corruption. When you put thousands of people together and tell one man that he can have them do ANYTHING that he pleases then you have the recipe for destruction.
M*W: That's where the problem with religion comes in. Power is the child of pride. Pride kills.
I Am F_AQ2: Modern religion has been warped by that structure that it has created itself. I don’t see how paganism holds any more truth than any other religion but I do understand that it does not propagate the hate that has become staple for many religious followers today.
M*W: Modern religion is evil. There is nothing healthy about modern religion. Modern religion is founded on pride. Modern religion kills. 1+1=2. Just imagine how wonderful the world would be if everyone was Pagan!