Vatican City violates religious freedom . .


Valued Senior Member
Oh I mean the The US has accused Saudi Arabia (BBC) of severely violating religious freedom.

The funny thing is, the last I remember the Vatican City doesn’t allow for the religious worship of other religions does it?

Sounds hypocritical to me anyway.
Come on Micheal you must be able to come up with a better one than that :p I mean equating Vatican city with SA? I am still puzzling over what the real meaning is behind this :confused: I mean did we suddenly find an endless supply of oil? have they developed a new renewable energy source? Why the sudden stab at the saudis from the white house?
Why? I like to think of it as the Church's own independent property? I believe that muslims, Jews, and protestants would be allowed to worship as their God is our God.

Now the Saudi Government's territory spans quite a distance, covering many people. There are practical reasons, however, that might warrent such behavior, such as a foreigners safety with such extremists around.

The core difference between the two is that peope who want to worship in Saudi might find themselves unable to move. Someone in vatican city, on the other hand, could just as well move to another place.
okinrus said:
Someone in vatican city, on the other hand, could just as well move to another place.

Which would involve what 30 paces or so?

Maybe they have struck a secret deal with Al Quaida to turn over SA and now the US is beginning the campaign to discredit the Saudi regime internationally. :eek:
I know I know, but in fairness it does seem a little odd that the US would put this out now of all times. And to some people it may seem hypocritical if you negate the size issue. Some Muslims may think of SA as some Xians think of VC.
Michael: The funny thing is, the last I remember the Vatican City doesn’t allow for the religious worship of other religions does it?

Sounds hypocritical to me anyway.
M*W: I've been there, and the only other religion I saw inside Vatican City was Paganism, and right there under the Pope's nose! I'm sure the City of Rome has many other religions represented, but Vatican City, after all, is the home of the Roman Catholic Church, so it's highly unlikely other religions would have churches there.

I've seen an exhibit on The Vatican, and supposedly underneath St. Peter's Basilica was an ancient pagan worshipping site.
What do you gain from invading a country that has only about 750 inhabitants and no natural resources? There are just some old buildings and a small strip of German state property (a graveyard to be exact) plus some guys in flashy uniforms and old men in dresses. No one wants to own that...
You are kidding, right?

The Papal Throne at one time was in contention to assume the Secular Rule of Christian Civilization. It was only by losing a series of Wars that the Pope has been placed uner virtual house arrest in the one square block in Rome that is called The Vatican.

If the Pope were to have his way, The Catholic Church would reassert itself over all Secular Thrones and Rule the World as a Theological Monolith. And wouldn't we all be better off then with what we have now -- Corporate and Special Interest Groups ruling by bribery, or the Military Industrial Complex deliberately taunting enemies because you don't need multi-billion dollar weapons systems to fight your friends.
Hehe, that is funny!
What do you think the center of Catholicism is going to be filled with? The Vatican is basically a gigantic church. It would be like going to church with a Buda statue sitting in the middle of it or a cross behind a rabbi. Heck I’m all for religious tolerance but that is going to far. 
I Am F_AQ2 said:
Hehe, that is funny!
What do you think the center of Catholicism is going to be filled with? The Vatican is basically a gigantic church. It would be like going to church with a Buda statue sitting in the middle of it or a cross behind a rabbi. Heck I’m all for religious tolerance but that is going to far. 

Well, actually the Vatican is what is left of the Territorial Jurisdiction of Christendom. Catholic Civilization used to comprise all of Europe. Now, one square block in Rome is all that remains.

I suppose the idea of this Thread is to stress that Catholicism's Defeat has not gone far enough until the Last Catholic on Earth renounces his Faith. It seems that for 4 Centuries now the intent of "Religious Toleration" has been to utterly destroy the Catholic Church.
It seems that for 4 Centuries now the intent of "Religious Toleration" has been to utterly destroy the Catholic Church.

Yeah, I know, I find it ridiculous. When you hear about people talking bad about religion, what do most athiests mention? Christianity. I mean geez, don't lump all religion into Christianity, wtf.

Anyone that heard about the ACLU wanting to change the Los Angeles city seal knows how ridiculous it is. They want to get rid of a tiny little cross that is shown on the seal because it spouts Christianity yet they make no mention of wanting to change the name of Los Angeles which means City of Angels. But what I find even more ridiculous is that the cross is so freakin tiny yet what is in the center of the seal? A huge Greek Goddess that takes up most of the seal.. isn't that religious? They don't complain about a Greek Goddess taking up most of the seal yet what they want out is a tiny little cross which you can barely see? Rofl, idiotas.

- N
Michael said:
Oh I mean the The US has accused Saudi Arabia (BBC) of severely violating religious freedom.

The funny thing is, the last I remember the Vatican City doesn’t allow for the religious worship of other religions does it?

Sounds hypocritical to me anyway.

America ignores many countries racism for its own benifits. calling Arabs racist makes Jewish lobbies happy
s t e p h said:
America ignores many countries racism for its own benifits. calling Arabs racist makes Jewish lobbies happy

Steph if you have a comment on the particular subject then formulate an opinion or theory for a post. What you have posted doesn't really seem to relate very well to what is being discussed.

for example you could say "I believe the vaticans policy of not allowing other religions to have offices in the vatican is racist" Then explain your points and give some examples why you believe that to be true.
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Originally posted by: Neildo
Yeah, I know, I find it ridiculous. When you hear about people talking bad about religion, what do most athiests mention? Christianity. I mean geez, don't lump all religion into Christianity, wtf.

There is a good reason for this. You are posting on an English site that has many people posting on it from USA, Europe, England and other such countries that are have MASSIVE Christian populations as compared to other religions. I can drive down the road and cross 10 Christian churches without a single hint of ANY other religion anywhere. I realize that many Christians get upset when atheists point the finger at them without the mention of any other religion but that is to be expected. I do not have to worry about the great mass of Wicca’s using their influence in my daily life. I do however see the Christian church everywhere form the TV shows/commercials to Government laws to the places I go after work. There are christens everywhere I go. That is not to say it bothers me or that I even dislike it but it is the defining influence in our societies when it comes to religion. When I think religion I think Christianity because it just so happens to be the one I am most familiar with.

Originally posted by: Neildo
Anyone that heard about the ACLU wanting to change the Los Angeles city seal knows how ridiculous it is. They want to get rid of a tiny little cross that is shown on the seal because it spouts Christianity yet they make no mention of wanting to change the name of Los Angeles which means City of Angels. But what I find even more ridiculous is that the cross is so freakin tiny yet what is in the center of the seal? A huge Greek Goddess that takes up most of the seal.. isn't that religious? They don't complain about a Greek Goddess taking up most of the seal yet what they want out is a tiny little cross which you can barely see? Rofl, idiotas.

Yes the Greek goddess is religious but that speaks the point above as well. Most people are used to Christianity and therefore watchful of it and its specific symbols. Would you not worry if suddenly our dollar said in Allah we trust? Yes you would because you would be afraid that the government is going to adopt Arabic ideals that you do not believe in and so would not like the law to force you to follow. The same goes for those that are atheists. They do not want to see the government adopt anything that would force them to follow ideals that they do not prescribe to. Yes it is a small seal and it is a small symbol but the average person will not want to give an inch should someone try to take a mile. The goddess is of no concern since there is no danger that this could be a sigh that Greek ideals are going to become part of the government.

Then again there is also the point that people will find ANYTHING to gripe about no matter how hard they have to look! :)
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: I've been there, and the only other religion I saw inside Vatican City was Paganism, and right there under the Pope's nose! I'm sure the City of Rome has many other religions represented, but Vatican City, after all, is the home of the Roman Catholic Church, so it's highly unlikely other religions would have churches there.

I've seen an exhibit on The Vatican, and supposedly underneath St. Peter's Basilica was an ancient pagan worshipping site.

There you have it folks. There is religious freedom even in the tiny state of the Vatican. Where priests and bishops are allowed to practice paganism. :D
I Am F_AQ2 said:
Hehe, that is funny!
What do you think the center of Catholicism is going to be filled with? The Vatican is basically a gigantic church. It would be like going to church with a Buda statue sitting in the middle of it or a cross behind a rabbi. Heck I’m all for religious tolerance but that is going to far.

And I doubt that any sane person who calls himself 'muslim' would like to live and work in the vatican as an altar boy. :D
DoctorNO: There you have it folks. There is religious freedom even in the tiny state of the Vatican. Where priests and bishops are allowed to practice paganism. :D
M*W: There are pagan artifacts and architecture within Vatican City as well as St. Peter's Basilica. The giant columns circling St. Peter's are Graeco-Roman phallic symbols. The high altar of St. Peter's was erected over the ancient site of druid worship. The Egyptian obelisk in St. Peter's Square directly responds to the dome of the high altar of St. Peter's representing a penis and vagina. Pagan symbols of the sun and sun gods are all over the place. Also represented within the architecture of St. Peter's is the Islamic crescent. The sun is deified as God just about everywhere you look.

Roman gods and goddesses prevail. There are recurring elements of astrology in the Basilica. Behind the statue of 'St. Peter' in the Basilica is a wall displaying the 8-pointed star of Ishtar. It is most prevalent on the pope's apartment building. The obelisk in St. Peter's Square was dedicated to Caligula's sun worship. The name of this obelisk is 'Ba'al's Shaft', translated as 'Ba'al's penis.'

The stole that the Pope wears bears symbols of the pagan gods Ba'al, Shamash and Ishtar.

The obelisk in front of St. John Lateran is an obelisk dedicated to Pharaoh Thutmoses II that stood at the Temple of Amon in Thebes. Obelisks honor the Sun God and were used by the ancient pagans as a clock. Obelisks representing penises are found on many Christian churches in the form of steeples.

The statue of St. Peter in the Basilica is really a statue of the pagan god Jupiter with the sun wheel on his head.

The dome of the high altar in St. Peter's is decorated with pagan worship sun disks.

The Pope holds a gigantic gold sunburst called the 'ostensorium' that the letter symbols add up to '666.'

Serpents and gargoyles can be found everywhere. Insense and candles represent pagan worship. Did you ever wonder why the Eucharist is round? It represents the pagan sun disk.

Why does Jesus and all the Saints have halos? Halos are symbols of pagan sun worship. Along with the serpents and gargoyles are fauns and satyrs, famous symbols of pagan worship.
DoctorNO: MW, you make it sound like paganism is so bad. ;)
M*W: That was not my intent. Paganism is a true religion whereas Christianity is not. The point I was trying to make is that in Vatican City, you won't find a Baptist Church or Presbyterian Church, for example, but you find Pagan symbols and beliefs EVERYWHERE! Christianity is false because it built its churches over many pagan worship sites to dominate or obliterate them. However, the Vatican has more Pagan symbols than probably any other single location. Therefore, Christianity arose out of Paganism and NOT out of Judaism. Big difference!