Vatican bans filmmakers of Angels and demons

I actually read The Sicilian by Puzo and I liked it...Also if the story is good, interesting and well-paced, character depth isn't required.

You don't know how credible Brown's story? let's just say it makes more sense and more believable than the vatican's line...
I actually read The Sicilian by Puzo and I liked it...Also if the story is good, interesting and well-paced, character depth isn't required.

I didn't read the Sicilian, actually. The last one I read was Omerta, and...well, I just had to give it up. And the pacing wasn't exactly the problem...if anything, it was too fast. He doesn't do anything to set a scene. Everything he writes is in summary mode. I want more than that from the stuff I invest time in.

You don't know how credible Brown's story? let's just say it makes more sense and more believable than the vatican's line...

Yeah, I'm not real up on that whole thing, so I can't really make any judgments on it.
as i have said before the back story for the devinci code wasnt his (infact he got sued for taking someone elses work), the REAL stuff was done by alot of other people and then the de vinci code was just a fiction novel set using there work to make a scean. The back story is mostly plausable, especially the stuff about the devine feminin

Angels and deamons on the other hand doesnt have that detailed back story
as i have said before the back story for the devinci code wasnt his (infact he got sued for taking someone elses work), the REAL stuff was done by alot of other people and then the de vinci code was just a fiction novel set using there work to make a scean. The back story is mostly plausable, especially the stuff about the devine feminin

Angels and deamons on the other hand doesnt have that detailed back story

Hey now, don't say that "he was sued" and leave it at that. The case was either thrown out, or he won, I don't remember now. But you'll always have some nutjob claiming your work was theirs. It happens all the time, and doesn't mean that Brown stole anything. Anybody can sue, it doesn't make the person automatically guilty.
The last one I read was Omerta, and...well, I just had to give it up.

You must be a mazochist. Why do you keep reading an author if you don't like his books?

Angels and demons was also good but the ending in the book is impausible. The guy is falling down from the sky and survives. I wonder how they gonna do it in the movie...
um i dont rember compleatly, i think they setled out of court. At least the women whos book he used apeared in the film "behind the devinc code" so im assuming they worked it out
You must be a mazochist. Why do you keep reading an author if you don't like his books?

Because I had thought that maybe it was a bad outing on his part. I'm a huge Stephen King fan, but I admit that sometimes you have to hold your nose through some of his novels. Eventually, though, he repays you by dropping a classic in your hands. I hoped the same would be true for Puzo, but about 6 so-called "chapters" into Omerta, I gave up.

Angels and demons was also good but the ending in the book is impausible. The guy is falling down from the sky and survives. I wonder how they gonna do it in the movie...

Well, I guess I don't have a reason to read it now! :eek:
um i dont rember compleatly, i think they setled out of court. At least the women whos book he used apeared in the film "behind the devinc code" so im assuming they worked it out

If they talked about the case in any manner whatsoever, as in what was stolen and what wasn't, then the case was thrown out. In out of court settlements, the person shelling out the bucks ALWAYS makes the person sign some sort of hush agreement stating that they can't talk about it at all for a certain amount of time.
they IMPLIED that this is the stuff that was plaugirised but i dont think they ever came out and said it:p

posting cartoons of the great prophet? - the fatwa is in the post matey :)
Then quickly change the missquote, because I didn't post it!
Best part:

"Father Marco Fibbi, a spokesman for the Diocese of Rome, said: “Normally we read the script but this time it was not necessary. The name Dan Brown was enough.”

The "Vatican" are not biased or ignorant, they only appear that way, maybe it's the name.