Vatican bans filmmakers of Angels and demons


As a mother, I am telling you
Valued Senior Member

"The Vatican has banned the makers of a CERN-inspired quantum physics-based prequel to The Da Vinci Code from filming in its grounds or any church in Rome, describing the work as “an offence against God”.

Angels and Demons, the latest Dan Brown thriller to be turned into a film, includes key episodes that take place in the Vatican and Rome’s churches. Archbishop Velasio De Paolis, the head of the Vatican’s Prefecture for Economic Affairs, said that Brown had “turned the gospels upside down to poison the faith”.

I am not surprized and they have the right to do so...

Best part:

"Father Marco Fibbi, a spokesman for the Diocese of Rome, said: “Normally we read the script but this time it was not necessary. The name Dan Brown was enough.”
"Father Marco Fibbi, a spokesman for the Diocese of Rome, said: “Normally we read the script but this time it was not necessary. The name Dan Brown was enough.”
Not surprising...considering Brown's fast and loose handling of early church history.

The guy is chronically dishonest...but hey, so is the Vatican!
I thought Dan's story made more sense than the Vatican's...
The Vatican must be getting a share of the receipts if they're promoting the movie. Any negative stance is sure to make the movie more desirable to potential viewers. Maybe the Popemobile is out of gas.
And yet we still pay attention to a heap of crap like The Vatican. Unreal.

Can we ban The Vatican for celebrating Hitler's birthday every year while he tried to kill every Jew in Europe? I mean, if we're going to be fair about it...
Not surprising...considering Brown's fast and loose handling of early church history.

The guy is chronically dishonest...but hey, so is the Vatican!
M*W: He's a fiction writer. I don't plan to ever read of his publications, and I'm an atheist. I probably would agree with him on many aspects of early church history--or not--because I haven't ever nor will ever read pulp fiction.
MW you actually should read them, i found them really facinating especially when i went back to the non fiction books behind the de vince code. As for angels and deamons it was a good fiction book, great story but without the huge amount of back story that the second one has
The Vatican is both a Country and a Building.

You see, the Catholic Church did once have an actual Country -- the Papal States, a political jurisdiction that was admininistered by the Papal Bureaurcracy, and the tax revenues supported the Church. The people of Italy had a revolution and all of this property was confiscated from the Pope. The Pope was given the Vatican, but in real terms it has been a form of House Arrest. The Pope gets to pretend that a small city block is equivalent to the Country that was stolen from him.

Actually, the Pope should stop pretending. Rome betrayed him, and the Vatican is not Rome.

The Capital of the Church should move to Mexico City. The Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe is the heart center of the Catholic Church. Let the Fires of Hell consume that stinking pit of infernal puss Italy.

were they banned from the country or just the building?

"The Vatican has banned the makers of a CERN-inspired quantum physics-based prequel to The Da Vinci Code from filming in its grounds or any church in Rome, describing the work as “an offence against God”.

Angels and Demons, the latest Dan Brown thriller to be turned into a film, includes key episodes that take place in the Vatican and Rome’s churches. Archbishop Velasio De Paolis, the head of the Vatican’s Prefecture for Economic Affairs, said that Brown had “turned the gospels upside down to poison the faith”.

I am not surprized and they have the right to do so...

Best part:

"Father Marco Fibbi, a spokesman for the Diocese of Rome, said: “Normally we read the script but this time it was not necessary. The name Dan Brown was enough.”

I agree with Father Fibber. Who the hell is Dan Brown ? I wouldn't be caught dead reading his stuiff.
The Vatican must be getting a share of the receipts if they're promoting the movie. Any negative stance is sure to make the movie more desirable to potential viewers. Maybe the Popemobile is out of gas.

You have a good point. I remember reading about a strip show in the North of England whose premises had signs sayin " Banned by the Purity League" pasted all over the place. It was subsequently found that the show's management had produced the posters.
The Vatican is both a Country and a Building.

You see, the Catholic Church did once have an actual Country -- the Papal States, a political jurisdiction that was admininistered by the Papal Bureaurcracy, and the tax revenues supported the Church. The people of Italy had a revolution and all of this property was confiscated from the Pope. The Pope was given the Vatican, but in real terms it has been a form of House Arrest. The Pope gets to pretend that a small city block is equivalent to the Country that was stolen from him.

Actually, the Pope should stop pretending. Rome betrayed him, and the Vatican is not Rome.

The Capital of the Church should move to Mexico City. The Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe is the heart center of the Catholic Church. Let the Fires of Hell consume that stinking pit of infernal puss Italy.

If only all Christians had your loving attitude...
man, the ignorance in this thread....

The Vatican is both a Country and a Building.

It is actually NEITHER... It is more than 1 bulding and it is not a country...

Thanks for playing...

I agree with Father Fibber. Who the hell is Dan Brown ? I wouldn't be caught dead reading his stuiff.

So if you don't know who he is, how the fuck do you know if he is good or bad???

Again, the ignorance can be cut...
At least you read it. I liked both the book and the movie and I bet he is more accurate than the Vatican.... :)
At least you read it. I liked both the book and the movie and I bet he is more accurate than the Vatican.... :)

Well, I didn't see the movie, and I have no idea how credible his story is...however, the book was garbage. The story was weak, the characters were paper-thin, and the ending was...yuck. Just an unsatisfying novel all-around.

He reminds of Mario Puzo. Puzo's books were the basis for the Godfather movies...but if you ever read them, you'd puke. Literally. Puzo was a HORRIBLE writer. Literally and completely untalented. Granted, Brown is much better than him, but being much better than Puzo isn't saying much.