Vanilla Coke is damned good

Known locally as 'The Parsons nose'

Wha? I still can't understand how to decipher British Humor. Mr. Bean is the only British Comedian that I can understand. But he doesn't even talk.....

If Vanilla Coke tastes like rooster rectum, and it's fluffy, I hearby conclude that Vanilla Coke is indeed bottled rooster bum, as a rooster's rear has feathers, and therefore is also fluffy. *phew*

we' got me on that one. They're probably both intended for the pleasure of prison inmates. Either way, I'd shoot myself before drinking another cup..........

I cant believe ALL of my friends in Calgary like it :eek: .....perverted friends :D
My, we comment of the dangest things. I would have thought this thread long gone to the bottom and yet it is alive and doing well.

In essence we can boil this thread down to you like it or you don't. Matter of individual tastes.
Originally posted by wet1
My, we comment of the dangest things. I would have thought this thread long gone to the bottom and yet it is alive and doing well.

In essence we can boil this thread down to you like it or you don't. Matter of individual tastes.
Well this is your 3rd post so even you keep comming back for more ;)

And vanilla coke is good!