Vanilla Coke is damned good

You've got to be kidding: this is like drinking melted ice cream.

(everyone's tastes are different; it's all a happy debate) :)
Originally posted by You Killed Jesus
It is quite possibly the best pop ever.
I'd rather lick a rooster's ass than drink Vanilla Coke. :bugeye:

Obviously you have never licked a rooster's ass Goofyfish! It tasts exactly like Vanilla Coke. lol

Rooster ass... Yummm

any soft-drink is damn bad for your health.
better beer then (not talking about american bear though, it's socks water not beer)
We don't have vanilla coke here, but I really would like to taste one...feel free to FedEx me a six pack. :D
You guys have no idea how bad Vanilla Coke can get. Last summer, I was given the job of "Soda Jerk" in my town. I worked as a soda fountain attendent. This required me to make various sodas for incoming touristas. So, I would have to actually make sodas such as Vanilla cokes, from the syrups and tonic water. Having this job, I also had an endless spectrum of sodas for me to make my self at my discression. I could make strawberry rootbeers, whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted it. The point being, all summer I got Vanilla Cokes for free, and they were fresh. Now I tell you, That can be the most disgusting thing you could ever drink. I had the oportunity to look on the ingredients list on the syrup....... May God (or Allah, or whatever religious figure you worship. If you don't worship anybody, just add "Psycho_Potato" here) have mercy on your soul.
Hey! I finally tried vanilla coke yesterday, I liked it. Though Im not a big soda person. I couldnt compair it to rooster rump, but hey! Whatever floats your boat:D

Take care
The only thing it's got going is the fact that it's smooth and kinda fluffy. Beyond that, trauma.........

Unlike some people though, I'd take vanilla coke above rooster ass. Theres just something unnapealing about licking the rectal area of a rooster.:)
Unlike some people though, I'd take vanilla coke above rooster ass. Theres just something unnapealing about licking the rectal area of a rooster.

Known locally as 'The Parsons nose' :D

No Vanilla coke in blighty yet but I hate vanilla anything especially those yucky fucky candles eurk!!

Hippies! :bugeye:
Originally posted by Elbaz
The only thing it's got going is the fact that it's smooth and kinda fluffy. Beyond that, trauma.........

Unlike some people though, I'd take vanilla coke above rooster ass. Theres just something unnapealing about licking the rectal area of a rooster.:)

So let me get this straight...

If Vanilla Coke tastes like rooster rectum, and it's fluffy, I hearby conclude that Vanilla Coke is indeed bottled rooster bum, as a rooster's rear has feathers, and therefore is also fluffy. *phew*:D :eek:

So what's the differance again? I forget.:confused: