Value of life


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
If you could cure every disease, and bring the world to peace but the cost was the life of an inocent child would you do it?
That's a dumb question.

How many innocent children die every day? Of course I'd do it.

And if it meant I had to kill her myself, sure.
I suppose as long as the child was an orphan, guaranteed not to suffer at all and was asleep at the time, there'd be no problem :D
what if they had to be awake and it had to be with lots of pain?

What if it was more than 1?
what if it was 10? 100? 1000? 100000?

What if the one child was yours?

(yes i am delbretly putting pressure on peoples ethics)
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I just wan't to kill someone who said: killing an innocent kid could cure every disease and bring the world to peace.

nothing personal :D
Speaking as a parent I would never exchange one innocent childs life for anything. I would rather see that one innocent child smile and playing and having fun even though our world is riddled with war and disease. I would kill the person who would want to kill the child.
Just doing basic philosophy of war: Kill, or be killed.

Or cartoon hero's basic philosophy: Kill, or they'll kill someone. :D
I wouldn't.

I was asked if I would kill someone who was about to kill someone else, and the only way to stop them was to kill them (that is not disable him in some manner)

It's a tough question. I am not sure that I could.
I agree i would do anything i could SHORT of killing to stop them, even if it ment my own life. I wont kill though
But sometimes killing is necessary while surely there is no other options can solve the problem.

What will you do to mass killer who you can't catch him. For example:
There is a critical momment. You're a cop with the gun on your hand pointing to the head of madman with the huge bom tied on his body, running into the toy mall crowded with kids. You can only stop him by pulling your trigger before he reach the mall.

Do you just thinking: Pull it?... No... Pull it?... No... Pull it?... No... Pull it?... No... ... ...Boom!! and hundreds kids dead!

Edited to bold important words
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I have no problem with cops carring guns and protecting us (i am a bit worried about us becoming like the US with that many guns). After EVERY police shooting there is two (corect me if im wrong) enquirys. It is investagated by the coriner AND by the homicide squad as a matter of corse. This protects us from any cop who shoots first. I couldn't PERSONALY kill (though i would die to protect). I have only the deapest Admaration for our police force.

The origonal question for this thread came from the movie swordfish and it askes the question (very well i think) "where dose it stop?"

At what point dose the end no longer justify the means?

My opinion is it should stop BEFORE it starts because otherwise there is ALWAYS the temptation to push just a bit further

(if any of that dosn't make sence read the torcher thread to see what im talking about)
Originally posted by Asguard

My opinion is it should stop BEFORE it starts because otherwise there is ALWAYS the temptation to push just a bit further

(if any of that dosn't make sence read the torcher thread to see what im talking about)

I've just read your torcher thread.

Education to spread good morals is ONE way to prevent bad things happen before it might happen. My oppinion still, sometimes is necessary to do things considered as bad in very special condition. You should lie sometimes to prevent someone's feeling hurt.

Btw, in the case of torching in you thread, I do not agree with it, because there are still plenty of alternatives to dig the info.
Arn't their feelings going to be MORE hurt when they find out that you were lying?
Originally posted by Asguard
Arn't their feelings going to be MORE hurt when they find out that you were lying?

Only for "small" lies. Just be wise on what you're lying of.

Take this case:
Your girlfriend / wife (if you married) hardly get nice gift (as they thought) for your birthday. But you realy don't like that gift. Do you suppose to tell her the truth of your feeling? Or 'lie' a little bit to show some appreciation?

I always love to be honest. But I don't think anyone can take the pain of some honesty. And sometime 'white lies' can save relationship.

Have you ever had one of those get out of control?

The longer you have to keep it up the worse it is and it gets worse once she finds out

Better to be honest if you can
by Asguard
...Better to be honest if you can

I agree. I'll only lie if it's really necessary. My example above perhaps not extreme enough to justify a lie.

Actually i don't think you CAN find one extreme enough. I would rather she told me everything rather than find out some other way and taking it the wrong way or whatever
Originally posted by Asguard
what if they had to be awake and it had to be with lots of pain?

What if it was more than 1?
what if it was 10? 100? 1000? 100000?

What if the one child was yours?

(yes i am delbretly putting pressure on peoples ethics)

The real question here I suppose is how many people does it take before it becomes wrong?

Ten thousand?
A million?

To be cuttingly objective, I suppose it becomes wrong when it hurts more than it helps.

Half the population of the earth? 3 billion.

Probably not much consolation to the dying individuals though!