Unto Others?

Sure. But if you think that you can create a law/rule to cover every single situation that might ever occur, in any family, in any society, in any part of the world, then you're sadly mistaken.
Exactly, hence my critique of the silly simplistic slogans one hears in religion.
OK, so if you don't like the verse, don't live by it. It's really that simple.

Aside from that, Carcano, what is your problem with this? Why bring it up? What did you want to accomplish here, other than telling us we are all wrong?
Aside from that, Carcano, what is your problem with this? Why bring it up?
Why bring up any religious topic?
Do religious questions have any value?

Yes, I believe they do...not because the religions themselves have any value, but simply because they are widespread and influencial.
Carcano, I'm asking because I'm interested. I wonder why you pick small battles such as this, and what your overall feelings are on the topic of religion.

Personally, my main problem with religion isn't the "treat others as you wish to be treated" thing (as I think it's a fine idea), but rather the whole idea of fear being a tool of gaining and maintaining members.

Someone even stated in another thread that the only way to believe the truth in the Bible is to stop questioning it, and just accept it! Can you believe that?
Carcano, I'm asking because I'm interested. I wonder why you pick small battles such as this, and what your overall feelings are on the topic of religion.

Personally, my main problem with religion isn't the "treat others as you wish to be treated" thing (as I think it's a fine idea), but rather the whole idea of fear being a tool of gaining and maintaining members.

Someone even stated in another thread that the only way to believe the truth in the Bible is to stop questioning it, and just accept it! Can you believe that?
I dont want to believe...I want to know.

Belief or faith really means NOT wanting to know.

This is the central difference between Religion and Spirituality.

The religious person is satisfied with hearsay, preferrably something consoling...and isnt interested enough to make an effort towards attaining 'perception' of whatever truth is at hand.

They are happy with conceptions.

Conceptions draw from whatever cultural circumstances they happened to be born into...by chance.

Ignorance is basically offensive to the human ego. We dont like to admit that we dont know...and we dont know a lot. Even the most fundamental things about human nature...like:

1. Whether there is something of ourselves which is immortal, that survives the death of the body.

2. What determines good and evil within the human psyche.

3. What determines the multiplicity of sexual orientations, whether its the opposite sex, the seemingly pointless attraction to the same sex, or a criminal attraction to children.

And I consider it a hallmark of virtue to be more comfortable with an honest ignorance, than the dishonest certainty of faith.
The Golden Rule..."So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets" - Mathew 7:12 and then again, "Do to others as you would have them do to you" - Luke 6:31. Although it seems to be clear, simple, and to the point sometimes people interpret it on both sides of the coin. Example: if someone treats me badly, then should I treat them in the same manner? What about those who mean us harm? etc. etc. etc. On the flip side...treat everyone the way that you would like for them to treat you. Be good to everyone and they are supposed to be good to you. However to understand most Bible verses one must read the verses leading up to it. In Mathew 7 Jesus says "Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce, and the measure you give will be the measure you get". So if you choose to judge or treat someone badly then somewhere along the line you will get the same in return maybe not by those you treated in that manner but by someone else or even more likely by Jesus himself come judgment day. GOD hears everyone's prayer and your prayer is just as important as your enemy's prayer because we are all his children and he loves us all just the same. While you are most likely concerned with your own well-being and good fortune, your wishes (or prayers) may be coinciding with your enemies'. Referring to the earlier verses in Luke..."But I say to you that hear, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you". - Luke 6:27-28 Therefore it is GOD's will which will happen whether it is to your benefit, your enemy's, or HIS own. Therefore we are accepted (not asked) to treat all with kindness and goodness in the same manner as we would accept to be treated. This means physically as well as mentally. You see sometimes we wish bad things on others for whatever reason so we delight in seeing misfortune heading their way, but somewhere there is someone who loves that person and wishes only the best for them. As I was reminded of this not so long ago on another thread where I expressed favor in the death of a murderer. Fortunately it was another Sci-Fier (Fraggle Rocker) who pointed out my short comings. I was ashamed, but grateful. I hope this make sense.
3. What determines the multiplicity of sexual orientations, whether its the opposite sex, the seemingly pointless attraction to the same sex, or a criminal attraction to children.

We may not know the reasons, but it's hard to know anything for sure. All we can have are theories with supporting evidence. In the case of sexuality, there are some things that indicate that sexuality can genetic.

Also, some common sense and person experience can be factored in.

Considering that some children are born with both male and female sex organs, I'd say that everything to do with sex and sexuality is genetic. I think trauma could play a role in it, as well. I know a girl who was sexually abused for most of her teenage years by her stepfather, and she became a lesbian when she finally freed herself from that situation. I would venture that no matter how much she liked men, there's just no way for her to be emotionally comfortable with a man. Perhaps she was so psychologically scarred by the years of abuse, that she can't ever be with a man again.

But I also think that there are homosexuals who are born that way. I know I was born heterosexual, because I've never been attracted to a man. I never made the decision to like women...it's just what has always felt right. The same, I'm sure, is true for homosexuals.

I think common sense can apply to a lot of those questions.