Universalism before and after X

lets see the evidence for your (apparently) objective claim
no absolute negatives please

Ez pz,

* The claim of 'Salvation' has existed since *pick a time in ancient history*. Since that time, there has been zero supportive evidence of that claim.

* There are objective assertions made in any scripture claiming salvation, many of which have been directly proven incorrect through science.

* There are contradictory statements made by any scripture claiming salvation. Reality does not support contradicton.

* Humans naturally fill in gaps with imagination... that is take something they have little to no knowledge about and fill it in with something creative and emotionally satisfying. Paradise after death would be an example.

* Humans are very judgemental and seek to punish those whom exhibit 'bad' behavior. Mix that with anthropomorphism (which you should know by now every human exhibits) and you have an imaginary life form punishing those with 'bad' behavior for eternity and 'saving' those with 'good' behavior.

* Humans are genetically prone to 'believe' as it is a survival requirement to make quick decisions with incomplete information or to accept what the 'group' accepts to gain their support and resources.
Ez pz,

* The claim of 'Salvation' has existed since *pick a time in ancient history*. Since that time, there has been zero supportive evidence of that claim.
evidence by who?
I mean there are very good reasons why there is zero indications of issues of advanced physics being evidenced in fields of business management

* There are objective assertions made in any scripture claiming salvation, many of which have been directly proven incorrect through science.
such as?

* There are contradictory statements made by any scripture claiming salvation. Reality does not support contradicton.
once again, depends whether it is the person is a practitioner or a non-practitioner - for instance the worlds most effective business manager's opinion of contradictions in the field of physics (like whether a photon is ultimately a particle or a wave) are not heralded as greatly valid

* Humans naturally fill in gaps with imagination... that is take something they have little to no knowledge about and fill it in with something creative and emotionally satisfying. Paradise after death would be an example.
I think I mentioned the perils of absolute negatives
take heed

* Humans are very judgemental and seek to punish those whom exhibit 'bad' behavior. Mix that with anthropomorphism (which you should know by now every human exhibits) and you have an imaginary life form punishing those with 'bad' behavior for eternity and 'saving' those with 'good' behavior.
what is this crackpottery?
objective evidence only please
save your tentative explanations for later

* Humans are genetically prone to 'believe' as it is a survival requirement to make quick decisions with incomplete information or to accept what the 'group' accepts to gain their support and resources.
first of all establish how you have complete knowledge (outside of "group " pressures)
/grabs popcorn
I'm a theologian and have come across somewhat of an issue. You will excuse me, the problem I come with precedes with the presupposition in the authority and the unity of the bible. If you are not a theologian it might be just jibberish to you, but you are welcome to tell me your advice.

Thinking about the past the other day, I couldn't help but wonder " how did people before Christ obtain salvation?" You might answer "Those who had faith in God." Well in that case, what makes socrates different from Moses? Indeed it also raises a deeper issue namely: "If salvation was possible without Christ, before he died, why was it neccesary for him to come in the first place?"

It migh be argued that those who had faith in a coming messaiah of the old testament would be justified by their faith, but where in the old testament is the Jewish faith exclusive? The bible speaks of Job, who was before Abraham, and was not a jew, and he was saved (or maybe not, but then why have a book about him?) or melkizedeck who was a "priest of the Lord" but a contemporary of Abraham!

So my main problem is this folks: If there was salvation outside of Christ and even the Jewish faith, why would there not be today?
So if anyone can clear that up for me, or perhaps argue that this is evidence of the fallacy of scripture, please aid me.

There was no salvation before Christ. He went and preached to those spirits that were in prison when he descended into hell. He preached to them.
God himself became the sacrifice needed to provide salvation for the world. Jesus was born under the law, born of a woman. He gave the law then came into the world under it.
There is no salvation outside of Christ. Evil (sin) is the key word when studying why Christ came. No one could defeat evil but God himself.
The Bible is in order and tells the story of Jesus Christ, the who, what, when, where, how and why he came into the world.
This is told from Genesis to Revelation.
He came to save us from sin and sin is the transgression of his law.
He had to come because there had to be death of the sacrifice and no one qualified but God himself.
He inspired Abraham to answer Isaac when he said "The Lord will prepare himself a sacrifice." and he did prepare himself to die by becoming a man whom his executers claimed was an imposter.
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I appreciate your reply Linda, however I have the feeling that you did not read the whole thread.
Earlier I asked this question "if the disobedient of Noah's time were preached the gospel of Christ while they were in hell, why do not all people get this similar chance after Christ has come?"
Really, if everyone is going to get the opprotunity for salvation after death, whats the point of the christian institution? further, what was the point of the disciples, missionaries, evangelism, the church ect.
Just let everyone die and make their decision already.
evidence by who?
I mean there are very good reasons why there is zero indications of issues of advanced physics being evidenced in fields of business management

Anyone whom could provide it of course. If a business person wanted to see evidence of superpositions, a physicist could demonstrate it.

What's your scripture?

once again, depends whether it is the person is a practitioner or a non-practitioner - for instance the worlds most effective business manager's opinion of contradictions in the field of physics (like whether a photon is ultimately a particle or a wave) are not heralded as greatly valid

Physicists would point out that its both and demonstrate it.

I think I mentioned the perils of absolute negatives
take heed

While I don't know what you are talking about, my assertion is an observable human behavior.

what is this crackpottery?

Those words just sound funny coming from you.

objective evidence only please
save your tentative explanations for later

Would you like to see Muslims punishing disobedient children with death or dying grandparents rewarding their well behaved family members with a big inheritance?

first of all establish how you have complete knowledge (outside of "group " pressures)
/grabs popcorn

I don't know what you mean by 'complete knowledge'; however, education, observation, intelligence, and experience play an important role I'm sure.
Crunchy cat
Originally Posted by lightgigantic
evidence by who?
I mean there are very good reasons why there is zero indications of issues of advanced physics being evidenced in fields of business management

Anyone whom could provide it of course. If a business person wanted to see evidence of superpositions, a physicist could demonstrate it.
and the businessman can verify the authenticity of the demonstration by what exactly?

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
such as?

What's your scripture?
the bhagavad gita is a nice simple concise one to reference

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
once again, depends whether it is the person is a practitioner or a non-practitioner - for instance the worlds most effective business manager's opinion of contradictions in the field of physics (like whether a photon is ultimately a particle or a wave) are not heralded as greatly valid

Physicists would point out that its both and demonstrate it.
probably why the business man in the example writes it off as a contradiction ....

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
I think I mentioned the perils of absolute negatives
take heed

While I don't know what you are talking about, my assertion is an observable human behavior.
when you extend that all issues of personality (like for instance the notion of god being a person) are ultimately all projections of our humanity, you can't see the whopping great big wave of anthropomorphism you are riding?

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
what is this crackpottery?

Those words just sound funny coming from you.
no less humorous than your argument that conveniently steps outside of empiricism when you herald that all all arguments in reality must be empirical

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
objective evidence only please
save your tentative explanations for later

Would you like to see Muslims punishing disobedient children with death or dying grandparents rewarding their well behaved family members with a big inheritance?
I guess we can also but them along side with scientists making gross miscalculations while surmising the universe and its history

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
first of all establish how you have complete knowledge (outside of "group " pressures)
/grabs popcorn

I don't know what you mean by 'complete knowledge'; however, education, observation, intelligence, and experience play an important role I'm sure.
and they are outside of group pressures because?
The claim of 'Salvation' has existed since *pick a time in ancient history*. Since that time, there has been zero supportive evidence of that claim.
This is not evidence that salvation is not real. This is an assertion that there is a dearth of evidence on the other side.

* There are objective assertions made in any scripture claiming salvation, many of which have been directly proven incorrect through science.
This is not evidence that salvation is not real. This is a claim about problems the other side has in proving its assertion.

* There are contradictory statements made by any scripture claiming salvation. Reality does not support contradicton.
This is not evidence there is no salvation. It is an argument that challenges the idea that ALL notions of salvation can be true.
* Humans naturally fill in gaps with imagination... that is take something they have little to no knowledge about and fill it in with something creative and emotionally satisfying. Paradise after death would be an example.
This is a hypothesis about the source of the belief. It is not evidence showing there is no salvation.

* Humans are very judgemental and seek to punish those whom exhibit 'bad' behavior. Mix that with anthropomorphism (which you should know by now every human exhibits) and you have an imaginary life form punishing those with 'bad' behavior for eternity and 'saving' those with 'good' behavior.
This is a hypothesis about the source of the belief. It is not evidence showing there is no salvation.

You have provided no evidence at all to support your claim that there is no salvation. If you raised these points in other contexts they might make for valid arguments. However you stated that objectively salvation is not real. You have provided no evidence of this. This does not mean you are wrong. It would be very hard to provide evidence of such a thing. But the fact that you confuse the above arguments with evidence of your assertion shows a deep misunderstanding of what evidence is.

The arguments are possible ways of attacking a believer when they set out to back up their claim that salvation is real. You can use them to counter these arguments or raise doubt about the reasons the believer has for believing.

But you yourself made an assertion. You asserted that salvation is not real. The above arguments on your part do not support this claim.
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Crunchy cat

and the businessman can verify the authenticity of the demonstration by what exactly?

If he had reason to doubt the authenticity of the demonstration he could replicate it on his own.

the bhagavad gita is a nice simple concise one to reference

Purushottama claiming to be the primary source of energy on earth (taking credit for Sunlight) would be a good one.

probably why the business man in the example writes it off as a contradiction ....

If the business man doesn't hold reality as the highest 'authority' on truth then he has a personal limitation.

when you extend that all issues of personality (like for instance the notion of god being a person) are ultimately all projections of our humanity, you can't see the whopping great big wave of anthropomorphism you are riding?

Wouldn't that type of anthropomprhization be claiming human behavior is driven by external fantastic sapient life forms? That's far different then pointing out how people are prone to fill in knowledge gaps with imagination.

no less humorous than your argument that conveniently steps outside of empiricism when you herald that all all arguments in reality must be empirical

Everything stated in the associated bullet about humans being judgmental and actively anthroporphizing is empirically observable.

I guess we can also but them along side with scientists making gross miscalculations while surmising the universe and its history

What's that fallacy about a competing unrelated argument substitution?

and they are outside of group pressures because?

In the West it's unlikely that a group can affect another person's ability to survive as the individual is protected. So while pressures might be present, there is no survival requirement to giving into those pressuires.
This is not evidence that salvation is not real. This is an assertion that there is a dearth of evidence on the other side.

So, if you want to be technical then you are correct in that it is not evidence that some weird generic salvation doesn't exists somewhere in reality... but that would be no more likely than being cursed by some generic zaboombafoo dimension.

What it is evidence for is the human claim of salvation being false. Think about it statistically. Hundreds of thousands of years of claim and zero objective evidence. It raises the question 'why does the claim exist?' and the answer can be traced right into human psychology.

For future reference, I am referring to the claim of salvation by human beings and of course I am considering scripture to be a human invention.

This is not evidence that salvation is not real. This is a claim about problems the other side has in proving its assertion.

This is not evidence there is no salvation. It is an argument that challenges the idea that ALL notions of salvation can be true.

All scriptures that I am aware of that claim salvation are supposedly written by "perfect" life forms... usually omnipitent and omniscient. If you are perfect and know everything then to make a mistake drops the whole house of cards and exposes a scripture as a human invention... and that brings us back to claim samplings over a huge amount of time with zero supportive evidence... which brings us back to asking why the claim exists... and of course the answer becomes quite clear.

This is a hypothesis about the source of the belief. It is not evidence showing there is no salvation.

A hypothesis is an idea for testing. A fact is a consistent observation. This particular reflects how people make things up that are satisfying to fill in knowledge gaps. Its a natural behavior that can be observed in any society on earth. Humans tend to share alot of common desires (a big one being for their sapience to persist after death in paradise). We are difference detection machines compelled to persist after all.

This is a hypothesis about the source of the belief. It is not evidence showing there is no salvation.

Again it's not a hypothesis, it's an observable (a fact). Showing why a claim exists is important because if it's based on human psychology and not external objective events then we easily determine whether the content of the claim is true or false.

You have provided no evidence at all to support your claim that there is no salvation. If you raised these points in other contexts they might make for valid arguments. However you stated that objectively salvation is not real. You have provided no evidence of this. This does not mean you are wrong. It would be very hard to provide evidence of such a thing. But the fact that you confuse the above arguments with evidence of your assertion shows a deep misunderstanding of what evidence is.

The arguments are possible ways of attacking a believer when they set out to back up their claim that salvation is real. You can use them to counter these arguments or raise doubt about the reasons the believer has for believing.

But you yourself made an assertion. You asserted that salvation is not real. The above arguments on your part do not support this claim.

As I stated in the beginning of my responses, point taken. My assertion should have been directed at the human claim of salvation rather than the generic idea. What my points do show is the human claim of salvation being real are false. What they don't touch is whether or not some type of generic salvation exists somewhere in reality... but of course such an idea holds no more probability of being true as an invisible pink unicorn existing. It's basically unfalsifiable.
So, if you want to be technical then you are correct in that it is not evidence that some weird generic salvation doesn't exists somewhere in reality... but that would be no more likely than being cursed by some generic zaboombafoo dimension.
Sure, I am being technical about it. Otherwise you are making a claim to know something that I don't think you know or really want to make a claim to know. The logic would not work in science and it should not work here.

All scriptures that I am aware of that claim salvation are supposedly written by "perfect" life forms... usually omnipitent and omniscient. If you are perfect and know everything then to make a mistake drops the whole house of cards and exposes a scripture as a human invention... and that brings us back to claim samplings over a huge amount of time with zero supportive evidence... which brings us back to asking why the claim exists... and of course the answer becomes quite clear.
Certainly some theologists would agree with you in your suppositions. But many believers allow slack in relation to the mortal scribes. They consider the gist true. If you have two people with opposing claims about a phenomenon you cannot point to these opposing claims and say both must be false because they disagree.

A hypothesis is an idea for testing. A fact is a consistent observation. This particular reflects how people make things up that are satisfying to fill in knowledge gaps. Its a natural behavior that can be observed in any society on earth. Humans tend to share alot of common desires (a big one being for their sapience to persist after death in paradise). We are difference detection machines compelled to persist after all.
But it was a hypothesis IN THIS CASE. Your application of what I agree is a common human trait IN THIS CASE is a hypothesis. It is not my fault it is hard to test. You are claiming to know what their belief is founded on. But you do not know this. It might be a good guess. It might be right. It might and probably does apply to many individuals. Etc. But to claim that everyone's belief is based on this human trait is a hypothesis.

Again it's not a hypothesis, it's an observable (a fact). Showing why a claim exists is important because if it's based on human psychology and not external objective events then we easily determine whether the content of the claim is true or false.
No. It is a fact that people do this. It is not a fact that all religious people have their beliefs for the reason you cited. Your application in this case is a hypothesis.

As I stated in the beginning of my responses, point taken. My assertion should have been directed at the human claim of salvation rather than the generic idea. What my points do show is the human claim of salvation being real are false. What they don't touch is whether or not some type of generic salvation exists somewhere in reality... but of course such an idea holds no more probability of being true as an invisible pink unicorn existing. It's basically unfalsifiable.

My bold.

No, it does not do that. You have made excellent arguments against anyone claiming to have proven salvation and also against certain justifications for believing in it. Given that you admit that salvation might exist - I know, you consider it incredibly unlikely - you cannot know if their claims are correct. Unless you are claiming you know what can or cannot be known. I would be interested in examining your proof that if there was salvation there would be no possible way for anyone to know it.

I think it is a natural human trait for rationalists to want to close the door on notions like salvation even if to do this they must make claims that they cannot really make for the same reasons they attack believers claims.

If the focus remains on the CASE that believers make for why there is salvation, that is one thing.
But once claims are made about what must or must not be, the skeptic or rationalist must back this up. I did note you admitted my point here, but then the bolded portion runs back into the same problem.

You admitted that it might be possible that there is some kind of salvation.
If this is the case
then it seems to me human claims - are there others - could be true.
If you are claiming that even if salvation existed no one could know, then it seems to me you are making a lot of claims about what it is possible to know.

I will leave the debate there. My experience is the debate goes around in circles from here.
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Well you make a good point, that Christ went a preached to those who had died before He arrived on earth. Unfortunately that brings up a dilemma. If people are preached too after they die, and they get a chance to accept Christ, what's the point of evangelizing now?

To give people the opportunity to accept the good news before they die i guess. We can speculate as to the reason but the simple fact remains that Jesus told His followers to go out and give the Message to the world. Therefore we do not need to know the reason, it's an instruction from Jesus to His followers and His followers seek to do as they are guided too.

In fact, what was all the hubub that Paul did when he travelled the entire Graeco-Roman world trying to get as many people saved as he could?

He was doing what he was told to do. As a believer He was following Jesus.

Certainly if those who didn't get a chance to hear about Christ (the disobedient during Noah's time) then those who don't hear about Him today will also.

Irrespective of your point. Each one will need to respond to the message.

How exactly is this consistent?

It is consistent for followers of Jesus to seek to do what He told them to do.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Crunchy cat
and the businessman can verify the authenticity of the demonstration by what exactly?

If he had reason to doubt the authenticity of the demonstration he could replicate it on his own.
so in other words he could become something of a physicist?

the bhagavad gita is a nice simple concise one to reference

Purushottama claiming to be the primary source of energy on earth (taking credit for Sunlight) would be a good one.
so what does take credit for sunlight then (and I don't mean in the theoretical sense)?

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
probably why the business man in the example writes it off as a contradiction ....

If the business man doesn't hold reality as the highest 'authority' on truth then he has a personal limitation.
thats the point - degrees of truth or reality are dependent on certain skills of perception - certainly explains why judicial courts call upon forensic investigators instead of janitors
Originally Posted by lightgigantic
when you extend that all issues of personality (like for instance the notion of god being a person) are ultimately all projections of our humanity, you can't see the whopping great big wave of anthropomorphism you are riding?

Wouldn't that type of anthropomprhization be claiming human behavior is driven by external fantastic sapient life forms?
why use the word fantastic?

That's far different then pointing out how people are prone to fill in knowledge gaps with imagination.
so similarly it's your imagination at work when you adamantly hold that the final last expression of humanity or personhood in the universe finds its evidence on this planet

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
no less humorous than your argument that conveniently steps outside of empiricism when you herald that all all arguments in reality must be empirical

Everything stated in the associated bullet about humans being judgmental and actively anthroporphizing is empirically observable.
so when you say "some people sometimes make some mistakes" all you are saying is "some people sometimes make some mistakes" - tying that into a specific scenario (like theistic claims) for the greater glory of another one (like say science) is completely absurd since one can observe errors of judgment in all disciplines of knowledge

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
I guess we can also but them along side with scientists making gross miscalculations while surmising the universe and its history

What's that fallacy about a competing unrelated argument substitution?
the fallacy is that one can use identical general principles of your argument to challenge any claim since errors are made everywhere

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
and they are outside of group pressures because?

In the West it's unlikely that a group can affect another person's ability to survive as the individual is protected.
they don't have crime, law courts and police in your neighbourhood?

So while pressures might be present, there is no survival requirement to giving into those pressuires.
they don't have psychologists, psychiatrists or counselors in your neighbourhood either?