Universal Islamic Declaration of Human Rights



I Right to Life
II Right to Freedom
III Right to Equality and Prohibition Against Impermissible Discrimination
IV Right to Justice
V Right to Fair Trial
VI Right to Protection Against Abuse of Power
VII Right to Protection Against Torture
VIII Right to Protection of Honour and Reputation
IX Right to Asylum
X Rights of Minorities
XI Right and Obligation to Participate in the Conduct and Management of Public Affairs
XII Right to Freedom of Belief, Thought and Speech
XIII Right to Freedom of Religion
XIV Right to Free Association
XV The Economic Order and the Rights Evolving Therefrom
XVI Right to Protection of Property
XVII Status and Dignity of Workers
XVIII Right to Social Security
XIX Right to Found a Family and Related Matters
XX Rights of Married Women
XXI Right to Education
XXII Right of Privacy
XXIII Right to Freedom of Movement and Residence

I think it was tabled during the meeting of the conference of Islamic countries (55 country ) in 1981 or something like that.
Well those are nice ideals, to be sure, but I don't see them in practice in most Muslim nations.
spooky's Universal Declaration of Human Rights

I Right to Life
II Right to Freedom
III Right to Equality and Prohibition Against Impermissible Discrimination
IV Right to Justice
V Right to Fair Trial
VI Right to Protection Against Abuse of Power
VII Right to Protection Against Torture
VIII Right to Protection of Honour and Reputation
IX Right to Asylum
X Rights of Minorities
XI Right and Obligation to Participate in the Conduct and Management of Public Affairs
XII Right to Freedom of Belief, Thought and Speech
XIII Right to Freedom of Religion
XIV Right to Free Association
XV The Economic Order and the Rights Evolving Therefrom
XVI Right to Protection of Property
XVII Status and Dignity of Workers
XVIII Right to Social Security
XIX Right to Found a Family and Related Matters
XX Rights of Married Women
XXI Right to Education
XXII Right of Privacy
XXIII Right to Freedom of Movement and Residence

damn that was easy! i just hope nobody calls my bluff
Hey spooks, I agree with all those things you said, but like. . .what about all the stoning that go on in your house, and that one time you cut that guy's tongue out and let him bleed to death in your living room because he spoke out against you?
declarations, declarations and more declarations

it's funny, yet very sad.

those "declarations" are directed towards a western audience. particularly the US.

if i'm wrong,
i expect stonings, female pussy mutilations, religious police (preservation of virtue and prevention of vice), cutting off hands, noses and ears, ....etc, etc, to immidiately stop.
i mean, it was DECLARED. lol
I Right to Life
That includes Jews of course.

II Right to Freedom
So I can start a church in Mecca right?

III Right to Equality and Prohibition Against Impermissible Discrimination
So if I want to tour Mecca you're not going to discriminate against me based on religion right?

IV Right to Justice
What justice? Killing women because they slept with a guy without being married?

V Right to Fair Trial
So, if a Palestinian guy murders a Jew in Tel Aviv, "fair" would dictate death penalty (or life imprisonment, take your pick).

VI Right to Protection Against Abuse of Power
Does this include getting rid of the religious police in Saudi Arabia?

VII Right to Protection Against Torture
So, no more locking children up in cages and forcing them to study the Koran?

X Rights of Minorities
Great. I want to start a church in Mecca. And I want to build a synagogue there.

XII Right to Freedom of Belief, Thought and Speech
So you wouldn't mind if I start a Jewish radio station in Saudi Arabia, right?

XIII Right to Freedom of Religion
This will apply to Jews as well, right?

XVI Right to Protection of Property
Great. So, whatever the Jews own right now in the Gaza strip and West bank will be protected right?

XXI Right to Education
That includes women right?

XXII Right of Privacy
Great, so if I want to sleep with two guys and four girls in one night that would be legal right?

Great. Now start applying them, because quite frankly, I see none of them in Islam.
Whether you would admit to it or not,

"Many muslims in the arab world are muslims without islam and the west is becoming more like Islam without Muslims."

Jerrek, USA was founded on liberty and equal rights, yet slavery was an integral part of the economic and society. I don't see you insulting integrity and liberty because they were not applied. If you wish to insult the muslims, then go ahead, but to insult Islam, submittion to god, is like insulting an adjective at the mercy of it's users.

Proud Syrian, please debate intelligently, don't cut and paste cheering slogans, they hurt the cause.
Originally posted by Flores
Whether you would admit to it or not,

"Many muslims in the arab world are muslims without islam and the west is becoming more like Islam without Muslims."

Jerrek, USA was founded on liberty and equal rights, yet slavery was an integral part of the economic and society. I don't see you insulting integrity and liberty because they were not applied. If you wish to insult the muslims, then go ahead, but to insult Islam, submittion to god, is like insulting an adjective at the mercy of it's users.

Proud Syrian, please debate intelligently, don't cut and paste cheering slogans, they hurt the cause.

Flores, are you blind or is it just me?

You're just turning a blind eye to the atrocities that go on in muslim countries. Don't even try to deny it.
hey, not everyone is ready to submit to god, some times it takes a few atrocitys to soften them up
Originally posted by Flores
"Many muslims in the arab world are muslims without islam and the west is becoming more like Islam without Muslims."

If you truly believe that these tenants are the core of Islam, then yes I'd have to agree with you. Surely, though you can see how the idea of associating any of these ideals with Islam seems laughable to most people.

Originally posted by Flores
USA was founded on liberty and equal rights, yet slavery was an integral part of the economic and society. I don't see you insulting integrity and liberty because they were not applied. If you wish to insult the muslims, then go ahead, but to insult Islam, submittion to god, is like insulting an adjective at the mercy of it's users.

Yes, but the great thing about America is that it's not afraid to turn a critical eye to itself (Well now and again, at least) and push to do away with such obvious contradictions and hypocrisy. The difference, I guess is that the things you are naming are in the past, and looked upon with shame and a bit of anger, whereas atrocities are happening in the arab world today.
i bet as you're reading this, a certain arab vagina is being mutilated

Look how stupid you sound man , look at you .

Its not Arab , its AFRICAN . Not Arabic , not Islamic , AFRICAN .

Just shut your mouth man if u cant provide information only demonization .
I would suspect that the owner of the African genitalia probably considers herself Muslim, or at least her cultural surroundings do. I think this is due to religion been formed and used within cultural surroundings. A good example of this may be Malcolm X’s transformation of what Islam was.

I would propose that any governmental system (religious or secular) must maintain order by some threat of force. That the west views the threat used in Islam countries as been too harsh says more about cultural distance than any real, qualitative difference.

Should the question posed not be; Will Muslim counties benefit from having a list of ‘human’ rights, and if yes, what benefits will they be.

My answer to this is that there will be benefits in terms of how they are viewed internationally.

P.S I think the first woman was seen on Saudi TV recently….
I would suspect that the owner of the African genitalia probably considers herself Muslim, or at least her cultural surroundings do. I think this is due to religion been formed and used within cultural surroundings. A good example of this may be Malcolm XÂ’s transformation of what Islam was.

The thing is that such does not have to be the case at all , since the custom is not depending on Islam in anyway .

There is non-Muslim female circumcizion as well , it is a cultural African tradition not an islamic one in any way . It has not become part of Islam it was there before Islam and it still is there amongst Muslims and others .

It is not at all like the NOI's doctrines as it has not become part of Islam itself . Its not deformation of revisionism of Islam , its pre-Islamic cultural tradition .

P.S I think the first woman was seen on Saudi TV recentlyÂ…

Saudi has issues that rise far beyond religious oppression .
My point was that it does not matter which came first, but that they both exist in the same space. A festival in the middle of winter was around before Christianity reached the west, but in an effort to wipe out the pagan religion, Christianity took it and transformed the part, and Christmas was born. How would you separate out culture from religion, if you agree that religion is the action of religion, not just the written form of it. (that is that a religion can exist without the dependence on a written book)
Originally posted by Ghassan Kanafani
i bet as you're reading this, a certain arab vagina is being mutilated

Look how stupid you sound man , look at you .

Its not Arab , its AFRICAN . Not Arabic , not Islamic , AFRICAN .

Just shut your mouth man if u cant provide information only demonization .

pardon ME for not being precise enough.
what a huge mistake i've made. stupid ol' me.

let me correct that.

i bet as you're reading this, a certain AFRICAN (not arab) vagina is being mutilated.


GK, you're a pleasure to read, as always.