United Nations Responsibility


Tic Toc, World in Cobalt Blue
Registered Senior Member
The Disclosure Project’s conference held May 9, 2001 (National Press Club Conference) touched on the issue of non-disclosure agreements signed by participants in the above black sectors.

Greer stated that since these above black operations circumvent a country’s constitution then these above black operations would be illegal, from that assertion then it follows all non-disclosure agreements would be deemed also illegal thus, null and void.

Looking at this issue from a human perspective and as a global concern not localized individual country’s nationalism then I would agree that all non-disclosure agreements signed by individuals as members of their country would be null and void.

The assertion of threat to individuals that signed these non-disclosure agreements would be an act of terror by those whose intent is not in the best interest of global humanity.

It would then be the responsibility of the global community, supposedly the United Nations & Global Security to protect the signee’s of these non-disclosure agreements from the terror by those whose intent is not in the best interest of global humanity.

Does not global security over rule national security?
Protecting Iraqi’s from Iraq?
Protecting Kuwaiti’s from Iraq?
Protecting global peace from Hitler’s?
Protecting Armenian’s from Turkey?
The list goes on.

So if there is a global threat to humanity from an outside source that is not yet publicly acknowledged but can be directly traced to information withheld by these illegal above black operation then it would be the responsibility of the United Nations & Global Security to address this. Disclosure of this threat would be the jurisdiction of the United Nations & Global Security since it has become very apparent that non-disclosure is allowing harm to continue; harm to humanity as a whole, harm to individuals and groups of individuals.

To quote United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan from the High-Level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change in an address to the General Assembly on 23 September 2003, “We must understand that a threat to some is a threat to all, and needs to be addressed accordingly.”


There will become a point in time when disclosure will be inevitable, so the United Nations & Global Security must decide if disclosure now will result in less turmoil or disclosure later when decision making will not be in their hands, totally outside any global control.
What part of the United Nations & Global Security is a concern of pseudoscience?
I suppose if the UN has nothing to disclose, you wouldnt believe them.
The reality might just be there is nothing to disclose on such a topic as that at which you wish their was material to be disclosed, of course if they can't disclose something you'd call them liers. So what if they did just start making stuff up and lieing to you, would you be any happier?
Stryder, this is not about lies anymore it is way beyond lies and miss-truths.

It involves rogue countries making adverse global decisions that affect worldwide humanity.
Stryder, you must be clearer in your questions. In addressing an issue regarding the United Nations & Global Security, one nations citizens legally residing in another nation the usual term is resident alien.
FieryIce said:
To quote United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan from the High-Level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change in an address to the General Assembly on 23 September 2003, “We must understand that a threat to some is a threat to all, and needs to be addressed accordingly.”



I wonder when ones like Nations Secretary, Presidents, Prime Ministers etc. will eat their words and do what is right?
There used to be a poll here where we all had our ideas on the time when disclosure would take place. :)

It seems to have disappeared along with a bunch of other unwelcome
threads of questionings. :bugeye:
Poppycock. Threads that may or may not have "disappeared" were probably due to Dave's server difficulties. There's no one deleting "unpopular ideas." If so, there are much better candidates for deletion than your little poll.

FieryIce said:
I wonder when ones like Nations Secretary, Presidents, Prime Ministers etc. will eat their words and do what is right?
Lot's of promise about "disclosure" but no follow through. UFO-ETI nutters go on and on about how "disclosure is imminent" but even after several years, nothing has happened.

I wonder when con-artists like Greer and his small cult following will eat their words? What am I saying? It'll never happen. Believers operate on faith, not empiricism.

Greer and his ilk are doing nothing but taking advantage of mystery-mongers and sensationalist-junkies who are willing to spend money on his "lectures," "seminars," and published material... all of which can be purchased via your major credit card on his website.
Disclosure is a concern globally not locally; Steven Greer is pushing for Congressional Hearings within the U.S.

Rumor of the U.S. withholding fees from the United Nations, causes a frenzy at the United Nations, so, until the United Nations gets their head out of the U.S. behind, the “threat to some is a threat to all” will not be “addressed accordingly”.

There are several large countries the U.S. included that should be brought before the United Nations on charges but apparently an individual cannot initiate such proceedings.

The larger they are, the more they have to lose with disclosure.
Maybe Greer knows the United Nations is just a sock pupet for the United States?
Maybe Greer is a conartist who talks believers out of their cash to fund his little cult and pay his car/house notes. That would be more consistent with a nut like Greer. The UN is clearly not a US "sock puppet," otherwise there would be far less discord and disagreement between UN officials and the current US regime.

You should seek an education before positing random statements that have no purpose but to support your belief system. It would make you appear less silly.
There seems to be no "discord and disagreement between UN officials and the current US regime", wht current Us regime waves their check for fees and the Un officials say how high.
Me thinks skinny is a rejected lover of Greer?

Obviously throughly deceived by the demonocracy perpetrated by the US on the world.

Like there isn't discord? FOCLMFAO again,,,,
I must say, I really didn't expect a zinger from you Norval. [/sarcasm]

If you think that the current U.S. regime approves of the current U.N. administration, you are sorely ignorant of current events. But then, you've both demonstrted your willingness to be deluded into the fantasies you've created about alien wars, etc.
Our deluded fantasies skinny?

Your STDD deceptions and twisting of facts will never cease to amaze me.
WE didn't start the theory about the war in our solar system. Scientists did. :eek:

If you can't get the facts straight when you type them, try copy paste. :rolleyes:
What scientists? What are their names? What would be my motivation to "deceive?"

I stand by my assertion. You're deluded. You're my favorite woo-woo, though :cool:
Suffering from short term memory loss are you skinny?

Research the threads, gooooooooooogle it?

:bugeye: He aint seen nuthin, he's down on a muffon. FOCL :rolleyes:
craterchains (Norval said:
Suffering from short term memory loss are you skinny?

Research the threads, gooooooooooogle it?

Norval, you said in previous threads that "scientists" agreed with you. You never mentioned their names. Indeed, you refused to name any "scientists." You certainly didn't mention the names of any scientists that suggested an "ancient alien war."

But this is a typical woo-woo tactic. Rather than answer a direct challenge to a claim with information or citation that would be at the ready were it true, you respond with "do your own research." Why not simply type in a name or two? Surely it would have took less time to type than the repsonse you gave.