Unf**king Believable, A mosque to be built at Ground Zero


It's all greek to me
Registered Senior Member
A mosque to be built at Ground Zero.
They have got to be kidding surely.
This is a disgusting idea. To build a 13-story mosque at ground zero and have the grand opening on September 11th 2011 !! And politicians who support this atrocity claiming it's okay because of America's diversity are simple deluded beyond belief. What an insult to all who were murdered, to have this insulting building of the religion of peace shoved in American's faces.
Pat has it right let them build the thing in Death Valley, or not at all.
It is an in your face celebration of the victory over the infidels that they achieved on 9/11. Smash and burn them and whack a mosque down on top of their burnt remains to gloat over their defeat.

The catholics did the same thing in south America when they defeated the local pagans they would whack a cathedral on top of some destroyed temple as a clear sign to everyone of their victory.

The politically correct of the american elites are so pathetic to allow this insult. I have no doubt that the true Judaists of the islamic world will be overjoyed and encouraged by this ultimate sign of feeble weakness in their enemies.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
It doesn't sound like a mosque. Why would a mosque have 13 stories?
A mosque to be built at Ground Zero.
They have got to be kidding surely.
This is a disgusting idea. To build a 13-story mosque at ground zero and have the grand opening on September 11th 2011 !! And politicians who support this atrocity claiming it's okay because of America's diversity are simple deluded beyond belief. What an insult to all who were murdered, to have this insulting building of the religion of peace shoved in American's faces.
Pat has it right let them build the thing in Death Valley, or not at all.

Don't let it worry you. :)

Maybe its the new Caliphate. The Islamic States of America? Good thing there are already so many supporters for religious democracies in the country.

Will they have the adhan five times a day?

Oh the sweet sound of Allah -ho - Akbar!
Don't let it worry you. :)

Oh it doesn't worry me I don't live there, but I do think it's a bit off.
I suppose America is only changing one theocracy for another. It is up to them, but it's a smack in the face for the victims and their families.
Are they doing this on public land? If it's on private land, how is it anyone's say but the landowner?

If this jerkoff doesn't want a Islamic community center there (which is not quite a mosque), then he should shell out the dough to buy the land.
Oh it doesn't worry me I don't live there, but I do think it's a bit off.
I suppose America is only changing one theocracy for another. It is up to them, but it's a smack in the face for the victims and their families.

They're most likely thinking in the long term future, when 911 will be a historical event, and the emotional turmoil long since gone.

when 911 will be a historical event, and the emotional turmoil long since gone.

We have seen in many instances, that this is not the case. For reference see:

The Holocaust
Pearl Harbor
The Hiroshima/Nagasaki Bombing

We need to remember these things, and need to prevent them from ever happening again.

History is never forgotten. And that's not always a bad thing.
We have seen in many instances, that this is not the case. For reference see:

The Holocaust
Pearl Harbor
The Hiroshima/Nagasaki Bombing

We need to remember these things, and need to prevent them from ever happening again.

History is never forgotten. And that's not always a bad thing.

My point is, these events don't affect the majority of the world now, the way it did then, or even shortly after (decades).
Who knows how folks will feel about 911 in 150 years time?
One thing i'm sure of, is that the historians of that day will play a big role in
the general, mainstream feeling towards it. My point was, that maybe plans are already underway to shape future societies, but make no sense to us in the present.

A mosque to be built at Ground Zero.
They have got to be kidding surely.
This is a disgusting idea. To build a 13-story mosque at ground zero and have the grand opening on September 11th 2011 !! And politicians who support this atrocity claiming it's okay because of America's diversity are simple deluded beyond belief. What an insult to all who were murdered, to have this insulting building of the religion of peace shoved in American's faces.
Pat has it right let them build the thing in Death Valley, or not at all.

It is two blocks away, not at Ground Zero. But, it is kind of close. The Americans are still at war with terrorism last I checked, and the bulk of them happen to be muslim. It is a bad idea, but at least it is not on the ruins.

Despite the vote, the board has no official say over whether the community center will even get built. Although the American Society for Muslim Advancement and the Cordoba Initiative have said they bought the current building site at 45 Park Place in 2009, city officials say the 19th century Italian Renaissance palazzo-style building is both historically and architecturally significant to Manhattan. The 152-year-old TriBeCa building was originally constructed for a shipping firm but formerly housed a Burlington Coat Factory outlet. Elisabeth De Bourbon, the spokeswoman for the city's Landmarks Preservation Commission, said the group may designate 45 Park Place as a landmark which would effectively bar construction of the Cordoba House. The Commission last heard a proposal to landmark the building in September 1989 but no follow up hearing or vote has been scheduled yet.
This probably belongs in the ethics thread, might get some interesting discussion that it deserves there.
A mosque to be built at Ground Zero.
They have got to be kidding surely.
This is a disgusting idea. To build a 13-story mosque at ground zero and have the grand opening on September 11th 2011 !! And politicians who support this atrocity claiming it's okay because of America's diversity are simple deluded beyond belief. What an insult to all who were murdered, to have this insulting building of the religion of peace shoved in American's faces.
Pat has it right let them build the thing in Death Valley, or not at all.

Im moving to England.
We get attacked, thousands of people die, and we allow them to worship there.
Jeez. You guys really think that because a group of religious extremists did a horrific act (Which we must never forget) that all people of the social group are like that? Do you believe because some blacks steal than all are thieves? That because some polish are dumb all are idiots? Of course not! (I hope) I understand that the idea of building an Islamic building near ground zero may anger some, but you must remember that most Muslims do not believe in such violent acts. The understanding that a subgroup does not define the whole is the key to peace and harmony.
Christ, before you two start pulling each others weaves out, can we please close this thread? As stated before, there is already an existing thread covering this topic.
Its called simple bullshit. Imagine how the familes will feel.

Bigoted families who equate an entire religion with the works of a few extremists? I hope they spend every day in agony and turmoil over this, and their hatred and bigotry eats them up from inside. That's how I imagine they feel. Or at least I hope so.

Too bad. And whos we?

Just me so far, as the first Brit to chime in, we'll see if you get any pro votes, shall we?