Unbelievable velocity mass variation!

No, it's just that I don't want to discuss your points. It's useless.
It's useless because you aren't offering justifications for your assertions and we're not willing to accept vapid assertions.

You didn't get the real point. I'm talking of collisions between many particles in arrangments of trains of particles what is different of what you thought.
More ad hoc attempts are rationalisation. We can track individual particles in some experiments, they do not line up in the way you're describing. There's not only no evidence that particles arrange themselves in the way you describe, there's evidence they don't!

I mean collisions between trains where the energy of the individual particles sum to the total energy of the train which is the working one to produce new subatomic particles.
And you can provide no working model based on this principle which gets close to experiments.

The concept of trains of linked particles is very important in my theory and it also expalins how them can produce diffraction patterns solving the "wave-particle mystery" in favor to the particles' approach.
No, it doesn't 'explain' anything. It only counts as an explanation if you can demonstrate it leads to behaviour seen in experiments. What you mean is you find the concept personally appealing and therefore you think it's work looking at. As has been said many times to you, the fact something might not be disproven doesn't mean it's worth the same amount of consideration as anything else.

To give an example of that from elsewhere in science there's a large "Teach the controversy" push by bat shit ignorant creationist nut jobs in the US. Their line is that because science cannot disprove "God did it" then creationism should be taught along side evolution in schools and the kids be allowed to make up their mind. But the reasoning fails a couple of ways. Firstly the non-scientific nature of creationism means it shouldn't be taught in science class, at most it should be discussed in religion classes. Secondly whose version of creationism? There's as many versions as there are religions, should we teach them all? What about other ideas? I could say "The universe came about from dragons fighting one another and their breath fire was the big bang!", should that now also be taught in science class? Of course not, teaching every possible alternative explanation, regardless of merit or evidence, is ridiculous.

You're trying to do the same here. You come up with some interpretation of phenomena you don't have any experience with and you think it's worth serious consideration, despite having no working models. It isn't. Why should I consider your views over any of the other hacks here? What makes your ideas right and theirs wrong? Normally if someone asked that question about a mainstream model the justification comes in the form of experimental validation, quantitative models, logical constructions leading to tested predictions. But you can't provide any of that so until you do no one should take your claims as anything more than "Because I say so".

Sections 3.3 and 3.4 study the forces in the interactions of the particles and the equilibrium states that they can reach in trains-like structures but they available on the printed book version only. They are reserved for those who really want to enter deep in the theory and, I think, would not mind to pay $25 for it. You know, the book deserves something...
No, the book doesn't deserve something. Your website lacks any viable quantitative models and you expect people to give you money to get the details? Why would anyone want to 'enter deep in the theory' when you've given them no reason to think you have anything worth reading?

If you really think you're onto something then making your work freely available will, in the long run, net you more money. If you have something viable then by getting published in journals will lead, eventually, to a job in research and they pay more than $25. Replacing quantum mechanics and relativity would lead to fame and fortune. Nobel Prizes pay out close to a million bucks! So the fact you hide your details behind a pay barrier suggests you don't really believe you're onto something.

By the way, the main problems in Physics are not mathematical ones but conceptual ones, like this of trains of particles something I think, never considered before.
Why do you think you're in any position to tell anyone about maths and physics. You don't have any working knowledge in university level stuff, never mind research level. You've never written work good enough to be published. You haven't worked in the research community. You haven't done any experiments or worked with experimental data properly.

Seriously, given you don't know even university level relativity or quantum mechanics, how can you say anything about its problems? All your knowledge seems to be on a superficial layperson level. What few equations you do write down on your website are light more than high school level. As such you can't critique things like quantum mechanics properly, all you can do is read a pop science layperson explanation and then disagree with that.

And just for you to have an idea how things can fit the distance between the particles is half the De Broglie wavelength although in the new theory is just a length related to the distances between the particles nothing to do with waves.
Can you provide a quantitative model of this which leads to predictions consistent with experiments? If so please do so.

May be you would like to take a lok at sections 4.2 and 4.3 wich treats how photons and electrons diffraction can be explained with the concept of trains of particles. You should also take a look, even before, in the proposed structures for the photon and the electron to understand the thing (sections 4.1 and 4.4). Yet, you also should look at the definition of the elementary particles which they are made of (sections 3.1 and 3.2) to understand how all this could be possible. And you should take a look at section 4.11 to see how the Standard Model of subatomic particles would be replaced because the elementary proposed particles are different from the "quarks".
Just for the case here is the link to the web site: http://www.geocities.ws/anewlightinphysics/
You seriously think sections 4.2 and 4.3 amount to a proper discussion of how electrons and photons interact? I see nothing more than vapid assertions and a complete failure to construct a viable model. And you think 4.11 explains a replacement for the Standard Model? You don't provide any replacement! To replace the SM you would have to demonstrate it can explain/model all the things the SM can. You don't demonstrate you can model anything.

Where's you calculation of g-2 in electromagnetic processes? Where's your calculation of the running coupling of the strong force? Where's the isospin-mass relation of hardons? Where's the scattering cross section for .... anything? The fact you think 4.2, 4.3 and 4.11 offer anything in the way of replacing mainstream models shows how staggeringly ignorant you are of even the basic premise of science. The number of phenomena the SM can accurately model, the related experimental data and the derivation of those models can literally fill libraries! The LHC can produce terabytes of data every second! All of which, at present, the SM can describe.

You really should actually open a book on either experimental particle physics or an introduction to quantum mechanics. You need to realise just how far behind you are and how far from anything viable your assertions are.
AlphaNumeric said:
... To give an example of that from elsewhere in science there's a large "Teach the controversy" push by bat shit ignorant creationist nut jobs in the US...

That was just plain unfair and rude. There is no cause to insults bats with such analogies!
Noble creatures, bats. Especially when compared to creationists. By the way, for those creationist yahoos, bats are rodents with wings, just like whales are bovines without legs.

Noble creatures, bats. Especially when compared to creationists. By the way, for those creationist yahoos, bats are rodents with wings, just like whales are bovines without legs.


Not to venture to far off the path... The bats in the northeast US, where I am from, are getting a terrible beating from the 'White Nosed Fungus'. There are colonies that have been completely wiped out.

First I lose my beehives to CCD, and now the bats are dying off.:mad:
This is something discussed recently in a philosophy class I go to. Absolute truth for things other than tautology does not really exist. You are martillo because you define yourself as such but how do you know we're on a round planet? Couldn't we all be in the matrix? ...


Hi AlphaNumeric. :)

Just an amusing aside if I may?...

In that philosophy class, how many would be willing to jump off a cliff and demonstrate the objective effects of something called 'gravity'?

Then, once having objectively established that gravity 'exists' for all who have jumped off that cliff, then they can deduce the objective tendency of that gravity on any sufficiently massive and deformable body to bring it together and form an objectively 'round' shape unless someone introduces other forces above and beyond the gravity and its tendency objectively observed.

How would a philosophy professor answer 'show' that this is also 'just philosophy'? Could he?

I would be interested in how a philosophy student/professor would argue 'philosophically' for/against the objectivity of gravity and its tendency to make things 'round' in the way I just mentioned?

Can you bring this one up in your next session, mate? I would be much interested in the arguments to/for etc and would be obliged to you if you could bring that up in your next class and report back! Thanks.

Cheers! :)