UN: Women, children main victims in Gaza

Yes, of old age or other natural causes.

Most people (men and women) die of heart disease, cancer, and other age/health related illnesses. It's not the norm for either sex to die in heroic battles - not these days anyway. And keep in mind, plenty of chicks do go into the military now. When they do, they're not exactly "welcomed" by their fellow soldiers... well, unless you consider sexual harassment and rape to be welcoming behavior.
Most people (men and women) die of heart disease, cancer, and other age/health related illnesses. It's not the norm for either sex to die in heroic battles - not these days anyway. And keep in mind, plenty of chicks do go into the military now. When they do, they're not exactly "welcomed" by their fellow soldiers... well, unless you consider sexual harassment and rape to be welcoming behavior.
I think the current situation regarding women in the military is untenable. They should either be in, meet the exact same physical standards, and be in combat; or not be in at all.
I think the current situation regarding women in the military is untenable. They should either be in, meet the exact same physical standards, and be in combat; or not be in at all.

i know three military women. nothing close to that happened to them. they had no problems in the military and one is now a police officer and one is FBI agent.
i know three military women. nothing close to that happened to them. they had no problems in the military and one is now a police officer and one is FBI agent.

I guess our experiences are all different and that's what dictates our judgments. In 2005, one of my female family members was raped while in the military.

I do know another woman in the military and she had no such experiences. But she also more closely resembles a man, whereas my relative looks feminine and pretty. It doesn't always happen, but it's more common than most people think.
it is probably similar to what happens on many college campuses. alcohol plays a big part in many cases.

just recently two women were raped and murdered for leaving a club with someone while they were intoxicated.
I think the current situation regarding women in the military is untenable. They should either be in, meet the exact same physical standards, and be in combat; or not be in at all.

That's fair. I'm not debating whether women should be in the military. In fact, I more so lead towards "no, they shouldn't be," but I won't go off on a tangent by explaining my reasons. The fact is that they are in the military. While we sit here in our comfy homes at our little computers with cups of coffee and cable TV, women soldiers are overseas prepared to die for our country along with men. Whether or not they are physically strong enough to be there doesn't mean a damn thing when it comes to acknowledging and respecting the fact that their necks are also on the line.

Have you ever served?
That's fair. I'm not debating whether women should be in the military. In fact, I more so lead towards "no, they shouldn't be," but I won't go off on a tangent by explaining my reasons. The fact is that they are in the military. While we sit here in our comfy homes at our little computers with cups of coffee and cable TV, women soldiers are overseas prepared to die for our country along with men. Whether or not they are physically strong enough to be there doesn't mean a damn thing when it comes to acknowledging and respecting the fact that their necks are also on the line.

Have you ever served?
Nope, never been in the military. I chose to go directly to college. In retrospect, the deal wher the military pays off your debt might not have been a bad deal as I'm still paying for my student loans. The average doctor (I'm a doctor) emerges from school hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt and it takes a long time to pay that down.

But regarding women in the military, I've heard that having a group of people who can't serve in combat positions puts more presure on those in combat since they can't be rotated thru the noncombat spots when they need a bit of a break since those spots are filled by people who can't go into combat. I'm not disparaging the women who join the military (they don't make the rules), just saying it's not logical to sign people up as soldiers and not allow them to fight. As I said before, if women must be in the military; have them meet the EXACT same physical standards as the men (the enemie's not going to go easy on them because they're girls) and they should be treated exactly the same as the men including combat.

The fact that women are allowed to be soldiers but not go into combat is actually proof of what I was saying earlier. "Sure, sure, you can have a job in the military. But we can't have you going into combat where you might get hurt! That's just for men."
And keep in mind, plenty of chicks do go into the military now. When they do, they're not exactly "welcomed" by their fellow soldiers... well, unless you consider sexual harassment and rape to be welcoming behavior.

I've not seen anything suggesting rape or harassment is significantly different between military and civilian populations.

The women I knew were just as effective as soldiers as the men.
The fact that women are allowed to be soldiers but not go into combat is actually proof of what I was saying earlier. "Sure, sure, you can have a job in the military. But we can't have you going into combat where you might get hurt! That's just for men."

Women should be allowed to serve where they wish, but you are mistaken if you think that just because they can't currently serve as frontline troops that they are not wounded and killed in combat.

Women can and do serve in near combat roles such as MPs and other support roles that place them in danger.

Here is a list of those who have died: http://userpages.aug.com/captbarb/lives.html

350 or so women have been wounded to the point of being unable to return to duty in the current conflict
John99 said:
i know three military women. nothing close to that happened to them. they had no problems in the military and one is now a police officer and one is FBI agent.

I guess our experiences are all different and that's what dictates our judgments. In 2005, one of my female family members was raped while in the military.

I do know another woman in the military and she had no such experiences. But she also more closely resembles a man, whereas my relative looks feminine and pretty. It doesn't always happen, but it's more common than most people think.

The pretty point is interesting. John, would you consider the 3 women you know who were in the military to be pretty? Also, atleast 2 of them have since shifted to other jobs; do you know why? Finally, is the third still in the military?

Anyway, there are statistics on the issue of harassment atleast, as MSNBC reports in its article "Pentagon releases sexual harassment data". Here's the beginning of it:
Pentagon releases sexual harassment data
Survey finds more women feeling harassed, but fewer reports were filed
updated 4:06 p.m. ET, Fri., March. 14, 2008

WASHINGTON - One-third of women in the military and 6 percent of men said they were sexually harassed, according to the latest Pentagon survey on the issue.

The figure for women was worse than the previous finding several years ago but better than a similar survey taken in 1995, the Defense Department said in a report Friday. The Defense Manpower Data Center said it compiled the data from a survey of 24,000 people in 2006.

A separate report on sexual assaults showed that fewer cases were reported among military personnel in 2007 after years of significant increases.
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There were 2,688 sexual assaults reported last year by people in uniform, the figures showed. That was down about 9 percent from the 2,947 reported the year before.

Officials said some changes in the method of reporting data made it difficult to compare numbers year to year. In 2005, there were about 2,400 sexual assaults reported.

Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman did not confirm details of the report on sexual assaults but said "the minimal decrease in numbers should not be necessarily viewed as any type of indicator or change."
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A good military tactic would be for Hamas soldiers to steer clear of Schools Hospitals and Mosques.
They might have a better chance of survival.
A good military tactic would be for Hamas soldiers to steer clear of Schools Hospitals and Mosques.
They might have a better chance of survival.

Always assuming the Israelis don't lie.

Israelis: Sources: Hamas leaders hiding in basement of Israel-built hospital in Gaza

Time magazine reporter:

Hamas, not surprisingly, offers a different version of how much it has suffered in the assault. TIME's reporter in Gaza met with brigade commander Abu Azam, who laughed off Israeli claims that senior Hamas officials were all hiding in underground bunkers. "See? I'm out on the street checking on my men," he said. While admitting that Hamas had suffered casualties, he claimed that its military wing was still intact. "Our proof is that we are still firing rockets at the Israelis," he said. But the number of Hamas rockets has fallen from about 80 a day at the start of the war to about 15 to 20 rockets daily.

Israeli military officials allege that at the start of the conflict, Hamas' commanders took refuge in the basement of Gaza's main hospital, Shifa, knowing that Israel would never risk the international outrage that would result from bombing a hospital. But Shifa's director, Dr. Hussain Ashaur, denied the allegation and allowed TIME to tour the basement, which was teeming with patients waiting for X-rays and ultrasounds. "Every room was busy with patients and doctors. It always is," said TIME's Azmy Keshawi.

Now its upto people who they prefer to believe.
why should women have to put up with it at all?

Because they do.

Thankfully that is changing and the less they put up with it, the less they have to. But there is something twisted in how some men and women relate to each other that isn't likely to go away.

I have a friend who won't put up with that crap. She recently dumped her current hubby because he stepped over the line. But her sister goes from one abusive guy to another. Gets beat up all the time. Takes them back. Gets beat up. Takes him back. My god she picks vile abusive losers and she knows it, and every one tells her and still she keeps coming back for more.

Obviously something is broken at a precognitive level in both her and her loser boyfriends.
Women should be allowed to serve where they wish, but you are mistaken if you think that just because they can't currently serve as frontline troops that they are not wounded and killed in combat.

Women can and do serve in near combat roles such as MPs and other support roles that place them in danger.

Here is a list of those who have died: http://userpages.aug.com/captbarb/lives.html

350 or so women have been wounded to the point of being unable to return to duty in the current conflict
I'm well aware of that. Frankly, that's just one more reason that, if women are to be in the military, they should be all in. There's really no safe place in a war zone. We shouldn't pretend there is.
Because they do.

Thankfully that is changing and the less they put up with it, the less they have to. But there is something twisted in how some men and women relate to each other that isn't likely to go away.

I have a friend who won't put up with that crap. She recently dumped her current hubby because he stepped over the line. But her sister goes from one abusive guy to another. Gets beat up all the time. Takes them back. Gets beat up. Takes him back. My god she picks vile abusive losers and she knows it, and every one tells her and still she keeps coming back for more.

Obviously something is broken at a precognitive level in both her and her loser boyfriends.
Not just her, women love assholes. Even serial killers seem to have the women lining up for them.
The average life expectence of both men and women is in the low to mid seventies. I guess men in the AARP generation sees a lot of action on the front line.
And that is relevent why? Let me throw one phrase at you: Women and Children First!!!! When the ship is sinking, it's the men who are most likely to drown. When there's a bump in the night, it's the men who go check it out. It's only men who must register for selective service in case we need a draft.

Face it, women and children are valued more than men. It's a man's duty to protect women and children and it's been that way since the dawn of mankind.