UN: Women, children main victims in Gaza


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
ok inspite of the title this is NOT about Gaza or israel. Its about how the media reports civillan casulties in any war or disaster.

if we look at this artical the first line is:

A United Nations agency says nearly fifty percent of those killed in Israeli strikes across the Gaza Strip are women and children.
This is the source but please dont turn this into another gaza thread

Now this shows 2 problems

1) its impossable from this to determine how many children have been killed
2) aparently a number LESS than 50% of WOMEN being killed is more important than over 50% of CIVILLAN MEN being killed

Now i ask how many of you would find it any more acceptable to have your father killed than your mother

How many women here would say it was more ethical acceptable for their partner to be killed than themselves.

Seems to be that equality between the sex's a limit

In the words of Di'Nozo (NCIS) "why does the women thing always come out when a ship is sinking or when there is only one bedroom with a bath"
ok inspite of the title this is NOT about Gaza or israel. Its about how the media reports civillan casulties in any war or disaster.

if we look at this artical the first line is:

This is the source but please dont turn this into another gaza thread

Now this shows 2 problems

1) its impossable from this to determine how many children have been killed
2) aparently a number LESS than 50% of WOMEN being killed is more important than over 50% of CIVILLAN MEN being killed

Now i ask how many of you would find it any more acceptable to have your father killed than your mother

How many women here would say it was more ethical acceptable for their partner to be killed than themselves.

Seems to be that equality between the sex's a limit

In the words of Di'Nozo (NCIS) "why does the women thing always come out when a ship is sinking or when there is only one bedroom with a bath"

I believe the idea is that women and children are less likely to be combatants and thus less likely to have 'deserved' to die.
like ANY unarmed civillian is a real combatant against someone with a gun

They keeping track of who's armed to? I can certainly agree that unarmed civilians generally don't possess much of a threat to armed ones. By the way, stones may not seem like much, but they can still kill and thus I can't really see a stone throwing person as 'unarmed'.
forks, ropes, and hands can kill too

the point is, against an armed terrorist group, every citizen is equal (except for those ex-marines that can do crazy shit). people just have a soft spot for women cause they're usually seen as the helpless innocent one.
forks, ropes, and hands can kill too

Yes, but it's much easier with rocks against armed soldiers; that way you can duck for cover when the bullets start flying.

the point is, against an armed terrorist group, every citizen is equal (except for those ex-marines that can do crazy shit). people just have a soft spot for women cause they're usually seen as the helpless innocent one.

They're not just 'seen' that way; women and children usually -are- innocent, a few suicide bombers notwithstanding.
A United Nations agency says nearly fifty percent of those killed in Israeli strikes across the Gaza Strip are women and children.

where does it say fifty percent of the civilians? Its says fifty percent of those killed. Some of those killed are male soldiers and male civilians, which is the other fifty percent. I would want a higher percent of soldiers killed than women and children.
They are using heavy munitions. They are definately not being purposefully selective in their targeting.
Depends on who you believe:

Additionally, numerous flippant remarks by senior Israeli politicians and generals, including Tzipi Livni, the foreign minister, refusing to make a distinction between civilian people and institutions and fighters - "Hamas doesn't ... and neither should we" is how Livni puts it - are rightly being seen as admissions of war crimes.

Indeed, in reviewing statements by Israeli military planners leading up to the invasion, it is clear that there was a well thought out decision to go after Gaza's civilian infrastructure - and with it, civilians.

The following quote from an interview with Major-General Gadi Eisenkot that appeared in the Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth in October, is telling:

"We will wield disproportionate power against every village from which shots are fired on Israel, and cause immense damage and destruction. From our perspective these [the villages] are military bases," he said.

"This isn't a suggestion. This is a plan that has already been authorised."

ok inspite of the title this is NOT about Gaza or israel. Its about how the media reports civillan casulties in any war or disaster.

if we look at this artical the first line is:

This is the source but please dont turn this into another gaza thread

Now this shows 2 problems

1) its impossable from this to determine how many children have been killed
2) aparently a number LESS than 50% of WOMEN being killed is more important than over 50% of CIVILLAN MEN being killed

Now i ask how many of you would find it any more acceptable to have your father killed than your mother

How many women here would say it was more ethical acceptable for their partner to be killed than themselves.

Seems to be that equality between the sex's a limit

In the words of Di'Nozo (NCIS) "why does the women thing always come out when a ship is sinking or when there is only one bedroom with a bath"
Asguard, when will you learn. Despite all the bullshit you may hear about a patriachy or it being a "man's world"; society values women and children more than men. It is considered a far greater crime to kill a woman or a child than to kill a man.

There are good biological reasons for this. So long as one man remains alive, he can impregnate every female on the planet (and have a great time doing it!!!); but the loss of even one female greatly lowers the fertility of the species.

So society pretends to give its honors and rewards to men, meanwhile it sends men out to do all the dangerous work. Think of a heroic man. What do you picture? A man charging into certain death to save his buddies/family/country/whatever. That is a man's duty. Think of a heroic woman. What do you picture? A widow forced to raise her children on her own against all the odds; or a woman fighting for equal pay. But charging a machine gun nest? I don't think so.

Biology is destiny and just as the worker bee will gladly lay down its life for its queen, men will always be the ones doing the majority of the fighting and dieing.
Biology is destiny and just as the worker bee will gladly lay down its life for its queen, men will always be the ones doing the majority of the fighting and dieing.

Worker bees are women. The men are lazy good for nothings and are killed off except when the is need for sex.
Worker bees are women. The men are lazy good for nothings and are killed off except when the is need for sex.
Leave it to Swarm to correct any errors regarding bee taxonomy.:p So the anology isn't perfect, but those male bees still get a pretty raw deal. Killed off unless the queen's in the mood and even then, they die immediately afterwards.