Umm wow

Look at the statistics. What is the percentage of women among board members of the top 100 companies? The answer isn't hard to find.

Are you saying that the situation is the way it is simply because women aren't cut out to lead companies? Are men just inherently better at business, politics, etc. ... on average? Is that your claim?

That was a clumsy straw man you put up there, too. Of course, I have said nothing about people getting positions just because they are female.

There's a macho culture in some companies where the executives go drinking together and play golf and enjoy themselves in the way that men do, for example at sports events. It's pretty difficult for women to break into that kind of culture, which has nothing to do with talent. That's probably changing, but too slowly.
There's a macho culture in some companies where the executives go drinking together and play golf and enjoy themselves in the way that men do, for example at sports events. It's pretty difficult for women to break into that kind of culture, which has nothing to do with talent. That's probably changing, but too slowly.
Thats only an issue if the male execs are unfairly making decisions based on who is part of their culture.
It is not a given that the male execs enjoying themselves on the golf course, and drinking together etc, means that it is either bad or needs to change. It is only when such cultures lead to inequalities in decision making (e.g. They promote someone in their macho drinking culture over an equally talented person who is not).

Should people stop playing football with their work colleagues because not everyone likes the game?
Or is it only an issue if the promotions all seem to comes from within the group that play football?

I think my point is that it is not necessarily the culture itself that leads to inequalities but whether or not the person can put aside that cultural aspect when making decisions.
Admittedly some cultures may tend to attract those that can't separate, but that is not to say the culture is at fault rather than the people.