Umm wow


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
I honestly don't know how to title this, gone through a few in my head about the stupidity of this, the misandry, the lack of basic knowledge of both human and animal biology but I honestly can't think of one which captures this fully

A female friend posted this on Facebook with a comment about how stupid it was, and a couple of her other female friends were commenting how they couldn't even read through it because it was so stupid and to be honest I thought it was just a couple of idiots but when I did a small amount of searching this seems to be quite a prevailing view amongst radical feminists and that I find odd. I always assumed one of the major breeding grounds for feminism was the universities but anyone with basic knowledge of biology at even a high school level (let alone university) would see this is impossible. Not only does it fall down on the biological level, it falls down on the sociological level too

These prove that even amongst those who don't have sex with men penetrative sex is still practiced

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its a vent for women who are mad at men. Its emotions and emotions do not need logic.
What's PIV stand for? ...and's fully are we supposed to make the next generation if we don't have sex.
What's PIV stand for? ...and's fully are we supposed to make the next generation if we don't have sex.

apparently its penis in vagina and that's how I found out how prevalent this attitude is because I was searching that term. According to these radical feminists its unnatural
Fuck you!!!!

The term “fuck you” is not an insult for nothing, men know why – it’s the worst thing you can do to a human being. It is in itself an extremely physically invasive act, very often painful, generally at the beginning before the pain may be cut off by the genital arousal; causes all sorts of tears, bruises, swelling, discomfort, STDs, vaginal infections, urinary infections, genital warts, HIV and death. Not to forget the additional sado-gynecological interventions/ costs of PIV-maintenance, and all the secondary physical mutiliation and financial costs that go with our duty to make ourselves look decorative for male sexual consumption – such as hair removal, make-up, starvation or forced feeding, torturous limb deforming or cutting up, etc.

That's gold. Poetry. Beautiful!

I honestly don't know how to title this, gone through a few in my head about the stupidity of this, the misandry, the lack of basic knowledge of both human and animal biology but I honestly can't think of one which captures this fully

Sounds like what a lesbian would post as her interpretation of what heterosexual sex was like. (A heterosexual man might post something similar about homosexual sex - because he just wouldn't "get it.")
Feminism has had it's use, men and women are pretty much treated equal.
The only feminists left are the weirdo's who will make any (perceived) issue about gender.
Holy bat-shit is my only comment.

Am I the only healthy, red-blooded woman to ever discover Tantric sex and multiple orgasms with a gentle and considerate partner?
(Admittedly, I first had to get beyond sexual interference experienced as a preteen.)
My first actual forays into coitus were less than satisfactory but they were certainly not 'forced' upon me, either physically or psychologically.

There are some very unusual attitudes about sex, I am discovering.
The only feminists left are the weirdo's who will make any (perceived) issue about gender.

Oh, there is plenty of sexism left to (legitimately) protest - but as with every other cause out there, there are mainstream feminists and whackos. how are we supposed to make babies then? You the human race continues?
Feminism has had it's use, men and women are pretty much treated equal.
The only feminists left are the weirdo's who will make any (perceived) issue about gender.

You're sadly mistaken if you think men and women are equal now.

Women still get paid less for the same work compared to men. Women are underrepresented in positions of power. There are still many double-standards applied regularly to women and men in all walks of life. And there's more.

I hope you're an ignorant man and not a woman yourself. feminism at its extreme. And James in my life experiences what you say is completely false from my work is space and airborne to retail woman are getting permoted left and right most have worked hard for it. Also seen woman sleep flirt their way up. Something I have never ever heard of a man doing. Which is why I left my last job woman with no experience flirted slept her way to my boss. When I had the best numbers most experience and was already the go to guy for my team. Put 2 weeks in and wrote an email to corperate about what happened. Sexism does exist and depends on what topic your talking. Like custody.. woman are favored. Man kills his wife he's instantly in jail. Woman kills husband she's a victim and was abused
I have to wonder how these wackos expect procreation to happen... or do they only desire artificial insemination? Do they just dislike sex? If so, that's fine... but to call legitimate, consensual sex "rape" is just... well, pants on head retarded...
Glad no matter happened in my life i never once turned to females. They think males are all panting for them, no a minority find you disgusting.

So there labels, and i have seen from what they done to me, no reason what so ever. Glad i never liked females and never will.

People are bonkers, and i will always be glad i am alone, and never once liked females. They assume all males are sex mad or something, and i am glad i was never.

Its truly amazing what they did to my life, but i just assume most of you lot must be sex mad in your heads, and claim everyone is like you. Females cannot fathom it seems a male who is not interested in them or there bodies.
You're sadly mistaken if you think men and women are equal now.

Women still get paid less for the same work compared to men. Women are underrepresented in positions of power. There are still many double-standards applied regularly to women and men in all walks of life. And there's more.

I hope you're an ignorant man and not a woman yourself.

Thats pure rubbish, people should only get positions on whom they are ad what they can do. Not because they are female. There are loads of females in powerful jobs, but obviously people like you think people should be given there position just for being a female, and not what there abilities are.
Thats pure rubbish, people should only get positions on whom they are ad what they can do. Not because they are female. There are loads of females in powerful jobs, but obviously people like you think people should be given there position just for being a female, and not what there abilities are.

Look at the statistics. What is the percentage of women among board members of the top 100 companies? The answer isn't hard to find.

Are you saying that the situation is the way it is simply because women aren't cut out to lead companies? Are men just inherently better at business, politics, etc. ... on average? Is that your claim?

That was a clumsy straw man you put up there, too. Of course, I have said nothing about people getting positions just because they are female.