UFOs (UAPs): Explanations?

If you're new here Foghorn is a local troll who digs up past posts in order to have a "gotcha" moment with various favorite posters of his like Yazata and myself. He will even go so far as searching other forums for other people's posts to post about here. That is pretty much his sole contribution here, if you wanna call it that. It's petty and pitiful, like a little old lady always spying on her neighbors from her window blinds.
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Things in the sky that are very far away often are. You've noticed how some perfectly identifiable aircraft are silent, I'm sure. You can see them, but you can't necessarily hear them.

Just about every jetliner or airplane I can see in the sky I can also hear. So unless there is some strong wind that day, yes most aircraft emit audible noise to earthbound viewers.

What witness? Where is this description?

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If you're new here Foghorn is a local troll who digs up past posts in order to have a "gotcha" moment with various favorite posters of his like Yazata and myself.
Foghorn holds you to account by exposing when you lie about opinions you have expressed and claims you have made in the past. Naturally, you don't like that. Trolls don't like being caught out.
Just about every jetliner or airplane I can see in the sky I can also hear.
Congratulations on your superhuman hearing.
So unless there is some strong wind that day, yes most aircraft emit audible noise to earthbound viewers.
The expected weasel words. Notice how the troll tries to make it look like I said "most aircraft" or that I said aircraft do not emit audible sound, neither of which I said.
Excuse me?

What do you imagine I would have "apoplexy" about? You continue to disappoint, Yazata. There was a time when you wouldn't have taken a cheap jibe like that.

Anyway, to the content...

It's hardly surprising that some US legislators have been sucked into the general hysteria around UFOs. Why would we expect senators to have some kind of special immunity to that particular mind virus? All kinds of people from all walks of life believe in various conspiracy theories. Being a good critical thinker is not a mandatory requirement to gain office in the US Congress or Senate.

They'd have to have something to reverse engineer, first.

Which documents?

Alleging? Sounds like a poor excuse for legislation.

Grusch refused to meet with the most recent committee that offered to investigate his claims, did he not?

Again, hardly surprising. It's hard to talk UFO nuts out of their UFO nuttery.

It will never be closed, as long as it is theoretically possible for a Grand Conspiracy to exist. This is how conspiracy theories work. They are built to be immune to refutation. The True Believers can never be satisfied.

Does this not strike you as hopelessly vague? Name names. Show the documents. etc.

Again, hardly surprising since it sounds like huge over-reach at best, based on the lack of evidence provided.

Funny, that. Or maybe not. What with Grusch and then these unnamed "senior officials" all refusing to put their money where their mouths are, it almost looks like a pattern.

Is there a problem with that? The information gets through to the legislators, either way.

I guess it would depend on what is meant by a "sweeping denial". It sounds like it might be fair to sweepingly deny that the director of the UFO office has seen any good evidence of any unreported UFO programs. That would seem like a reasonable thing to sweepingly deny, if that's actually the case.

Of course, maybe the UFO office director is in on the grand conspiracy!
Where US politicians are concerned, it has to be borne in mind that the Republican party, having thrown in its lot with Trump, has excellent reasons to spread distrust of facts, to blur them by mixing them with stories and to denigrate hard analysis and expertise.

There is a campaign under way to gaslight the US public, so that their hold on reality is weakened, they see conspiracies at every turn, and they look to Trump for guidance on what to think. We live in a world in which Marjorie Taylor Green can be elected to the Senate - and then be taken seriously.

It is therefore naive in the extreme to rely on what current US politicians may think, or say they think, about this UAP business.
Video captured of a uap in New Mexico in 2023. Looks like what has been described before as a "tic tac". No apparent wings or rudder. And totally silent. The witness describes it as brightening when it goes behind some clouds and points out some sort of extensions on the rear top of it. It doesn't appear hoaxed or photoshopped either. What say you?

Ugh, I wish the witness had continued recording a little longer. It’s so difficult to decipher some of these after the fact, as I’m sure being there on the ground, we’d have a different vantage point. Looks like it could be a consumer drone but I’ve read that they can only fly at a max of 400 feet. It goes behind the clouds and “disappears,” which some of these “sightings” have in common.

On another note, has this thread run its course since politics is now part of the conversation? lol!
MR is such a kidder:

Here's video of a blimp with a TV screen. It looks nothing like the plasmoid uap.

Now compare that to the plasmoid UAP:

Yeah, there's just no way these two bright squares in the night sky could be attributable to the same cause:


Better start looking in the ocean depths or alternate dimensions for more plausible explanations.
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Don't know how this compelling incident escaped my notice. Maybe I've posted about it before, but new information has since come out about it. So it bears renewed examination imo..

Excellent description and analysis of uaps captured on FLIR camera and multiple ship radars that were swarming the USS Omaha while performing training exercises off the coast of San Diego in 2019. The skeptic's old canard that it is just a radar glitch or a weather balloon or a drone just doesn't hold up to the known facts of the case..

And here's a really good and detailed analysis of the USS Omaha radar and FLIR video as well as a third camcorder video taken from the ship's deck:

I read thru the thread devoted to this incident on Mick West's Metabunk site ( https://www.metabunk.org/threads/uss-omaha-ufo-uap-radar-video.11762/ ) and all they pretty much do is complain and whine about the audio of the speed of the radar targets and then go on with some crazy speculations that the radar is actually registering surface targets and not air targets. Nothing much beyond that, So the case stands as yet another compelling instance of multisensory detected uap encounters and even satisfies the new criteria of uaps for transmedium travel.
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MR is such a kidder:

Yeah, there's just no way these two bright squares in the night sky could be attributable to the same cause:

View attachment 5897

Better start looking in the ocean depths or alternate dimensions for more plausible explanations.
Number 1, you can clearly see the blimp in the first still, So where's the blimp in the second still?

And number 2, the uap as captured on the video is a morphing and shape-changing object. So instead of dishonestly freeze framing it at just the point that it looks like a square, why don't you compare it to the uap as seen in the whole video" You won't because that will basically totally debunk your blimp theory, We all know how you operate here.
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Fascinating interview by ufologist Jeremy Corbell with marines who witnessed a large underlit triangular uap silently hovering for about 10 minutes over the 29 Palms marine base in CA in 2021.. Lots of eyewitnesses (up to 50) gathered outside to look at this. Also included are cellphone video and still photos of the uap. In his questioning, Corbell expertly rules out such mundane possibilities as flares, illumination rounds, or a stealth bomber..Helicopters and a 60 plus truck convoy are witnessed being sent out to search the area after the uap vanished. THIS is how we investigate uaps!

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Detailed analysis by ex-Navy pilot Chris Lehto (the anti-Mick West) of two encounters with tic tac/spherical uaps, one captured on video speeding past Air Force One over LAX, and another based on two F-16 pilots' accounts while flying over the Gulf of Mexico. Backs up other eyewitness reports and videos of tic tac shaped uaps and of the AARO's reports of spherical uaps seen "all over the world".

Yet another excellent detailed analysis by Chris Lehto of clear videos taken of uaps over Gulf Breeze FLA, which underwent a ufo sighting flap in the early 90's. These videos are really good in that they show the uaps in a stationary position from which they zip away at incredible speed. This supports reports of the seeming impossible performance of uaps suddenly accelerating and flying at supersonic speed without any noise being made. Also included is evidence of the strange "liquid" property of some uaps to morph and change shape.

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Excellent description and analysis of uaps captured on FLIR camera and multiple ship radars that were swarming the USS Omaha while performing training exercises off the coast of San Diego in 2019. The skeptic's old canard that it is just a radar glitch or a weather balloon or a drone just doesn't hold up to the known facts of the case..
There's no reason it couldn't have been a drone, either from the island nearby which is - guess what?! - - a military drone base, or perhaps from some other ship that was in the vicinity. Weather balloon seems unlikely for this one given the prevailing wind at the time. Radar glitch hasn't been ruled out.

To me, the FLIR footage for this one looks a lot like a "bug on the windshield" situation. But I haven't seen any discussion about such a possibility.
I read thru the thread devoted to this incident on Mick West's Metabunk site ( https://www.metabunk.org/threads/uss-omaha-ufo-uap-radar-video.11762/ ) and all they pretty much do is complain and whine about the audio of the speed of the radar targets and then go on with some crazy speculations that the radar is actually registering surface targets and not air targets.
You mistake (or pretend to mistake, more probably) an honest attempt to make out what was said during the recording (was the speed "38 knots" or "138 knots" for a "complaint" or "whining". Because you are a troll, you seek to cast aspersions on people who are actually making an attempt to investigate the thing in good faith - something you would (a) be incapable of doing because you lack the technical skills and (b) have no interest in doing because it has never been your intention to learn the truth about this sort of stuff.
Nothing much beyond that, So the case stands as yet another compelling instance of multisensory detected uap encounters and even satisfies the new criteria of uaps for transmedium travel.
There is no evidence of transmedium travel in this case, despite Corbell's claims to the contrary.
There's no reason it couldn't have been a drone,

Actually there's alot of reasons it couldn't have been a drone:

To me, the FLIR footage for this one looks a lot like a "bug on the windshield" situation. But I haven't seen any discussion about such a possibility.

Seriously? A bug on what windshield? The FLIR camera? Your explanations are beginning to sound as absurdly ad hoc as Mick West's party balloons! lol
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Following repetitive requests from fellow member Pinball1970, I have jumped into the UAP / UFO debate on Sci forum. I'm no expert in the field but have 50yrs of watching aerial phenomena I have been a member of Aviation Groups, Astronomy Societies, Wildlife Groups and even a UFO Research Group for a short while.

Most TV and internet programs on UAP are entertainment based, and are bias in the believe of ET activity. Whilst many books are written to make money and maybe personal gains. Very little is based on science and scientific research, also many sightings are decades old .

If you are new to the subject or interested in UAPs go to a high place a hill, with a good view and preferably clear dark skies. You will see UAPs.
Objects in the sky you cannot identify, after a few seconds or even minutes you may eventually have an idea of what they are. Until then they are UAPs.

If you enjoyed the experience and wish to know more, lots of Aviation , Astronomy, Spaceflight and other aerial phenomena web sites are available online. They are to be learned from,and NOT for asking about strange things you may have seen. By all means ask about flight paths of aircrafts or bright stars and space launches.

There are many apps to help you identify things in the sky "Flight Radar" for aircraft, "SkySafari" for Astronomy and "Heavens Above" for tracking satellites. You may also use Astronomy Books or buy a Airband scanner receiver and listen to air traffic control.

Make notes of what you see when you are out, and enjoying your experience. Visit a airport and talk to aviation enthusiast about their hobby. Also go to a planetarium or visit an astronomical group.
Don't forget there are many forms of wildlife that can fly and may confuse you also.

Always keep an open mind and keep learning.
The truth is out there.
I have no doubt that life exists on other planets and moons. Even after 50 years of looking at the skies I still see UAPs, but not as many now.
Yes I have seen unusual things but nothing that has convinced me that they were, manufactured or controlled from an extraterrestrial source.

Get outside and enjoy watching the skies and not your computer TV or other screens. Many of the so-called experts have little experience of observing Aviation, Astronomy, Satellites, meteorological events and other aerial phenomena like birds.

Please remember, your mind can play tricks on you also. Follow the Science, but question everything.
If you do witness an extraordinary event, register your sighting with a reputable group within your country.

Best Wishes and clear skies. Gaiachild

NASA currently defines UAPs as "unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAPs) – that is, observations of events in the sky that cannot be identified as aircraft or known natural phenomena."--- https://science.nasa.gov/uap/

Do you agree with this definition? Do you believe such things exist?

Report uap/ufo sightings here:

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NASA currently defines UAPs as "unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAPs) – that is, observations of events in the sky that cannot be identified as aircraft or known natural phenomena."--- https://science.nasa.gov/uap/
Do you acknowledge that there is a difference between.
"we cannot identify it as a known natural phenomenon"
"is not a known natural phenomenon"

Until they know what it is; they can't be certain what it isn't.

Mundane explanations are not ruled out. Like us skeptics, NASA doesn't speak in black and white terms. And they don't speak with authority. By definition, there are no authorities in UAPs.