UFOs in disasters

Sod the other guys off!;)

okay wish me luck!i am going for D-day for final editing in a matter of days now.my exec function is complete.Z-DOS is about to be launched.
Oh! yeah,my father has just finalised deal with FOX News for coverage in Asia with Vsats!!i have 20% of shares of dads group (which has purchased Telestra's Indian group,and other groups) under my belt!!


Good luck on both counts....I really mean that.

Now, stay away from going to India for a month. No telling what can happen. Most common people there dont have a clue what nuclear weapons can do. They think it is just a big bomb than a FAE or daisy cutter. May be we can do some original programming about that and beam it to the Indian subcontinent. I know a TV/movie director that can put it together - for the good of mankind. PM me if you like the idea. Who says one man (or two) cannt make a difference?
Originally posted by TruthSeeker

Yes. Are you an alien? :D:D:D

...Now, seriously.
Yep... I know those things about UFOs (don't ask me how...) but...
Do you come from the future?
Are you a time traveler?
If so, what will happen with me...? (If you can possibly know me... I'm Nelson Guedes; born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil... and hoping to wake people up...)

Btw... are you Christian?


Sorry for the delay, dear TruthSeeker.

No, in this transmigration i'm not an alien. I'm human being (and not a hybrid neither). I have an "echoed being" that comes from the future and research our days on Earth. You see, not far away from now, Earth will be grabbed into a new dimension.

I cannot know this way what will happen to ya; nevertheless
I can guide you and give you orientation and prediction of some kind, if you're interested.

About my religion- I'm Jewish.

Weinstein Gil.