UfO's Created the Debunker

Originally posted by (Q)

Rense.com is a crank site. They place articles with pictures of balloons with the intent of spreading visiting alien propaganda.

Rense.com does contain much dubious information, however the
site contains A LOT of information and not all is so dubious. That is
part of the part of the problem in trying to get solid info on the UFO
phenomenon, it is often mixed with less credible and highly speculative information. The so called "Battle of Los Angeles" is
based on microfilm and reports from several newspapers and military
documents of the time. It happened. Does it prove that the object
the military was fireing at was an "alien spaceship?" Of course not!
Dr. Bruce S. Maccabee has done a photo analysis of the image taken
from the microfilm. He has a Ph.D in physics and has much published
work. http://brumac.8k.com/BATTLEOFLA/BATTLEOFLA.html