UFOs are real...

So, what's the deal Avatar? Is this a kind of Free Thoughts thread, posted in Pseudo Science?

What is the purpose of this thread?
ok sorry, Banshee

move it to free thoughts ------------->

I just was thinking about the fact that most of the UFO sightings are just test flights of secret government planes
Russia, America, maybe China

I'm not saying that they all are secret tests
I don't know that
I think you have a point now. Let's see where this is going.

I do agree with you though, that a lot of sightings are test flights or even just normal flights, which are mistaken for extraterrestrial flights.

Still, UFO means Unidentified Flying Object. Not everything what is seen is identified. A lot of the sightings come down to terrestrial flights. The sightings which are unexplained remain.

Could all of these sightings be secret military craft then?

Speculate please people...:)
I am actually quite intriqued about that UFO which F-16s were chasing in Washington (was it Washington?)

it's oficially an UFO!
I find it quite amazing

and because I know you, you probably have a good link about that:)
What about the UFO that played with an RAF Mosquito pilot in his plane. It copied all its movements then started to do loads of manoveres and then disappeared. It was also detected by radar (cue 'The Twilight Zone' tune)
No, I am sorry. I got that article via e-mail and deleted it after posting it.

There were questions about this UFO (over Washington) though, by someone who researched this particular case and he spoke to a person from the military who said it probably was a little plane. Then he also said that he could not give away exact info because of the security measures.

I do not know exactly who this military man was anymore. I deleted the messages, which I now pity. Oh well, such is life. :)

Anyone else around here who does have the info? It would be much appreciated...
Originally posted by Banshee
Speculate please people...

We have been speculating about UFOs and alien space crafts for 3 years now (in this forum). If anyone wants to take a dig on these, go ahead...

Here I am assuming most people think UFO as alien aircraft.

Why UFOs have blinking red lights? Advanced computerized systems can easily operate in infrared or no lights.

Why UFOs are caught in radar? If our stealth fighters can absorb or scatter radar, certainly...

Why UFOs are seen mostly at night very close but never in a day up close?

Why UFOs seem to play cat and mouse game with fighter jets but never land on an airport or baseball field or on top of a building and take off? OR

Why dont UFOs record our TV and satellite programs and feed it back a day later to confuse the hell out of us...

Why there are no or little UFO sightings in ocean where there are ships and single boat honeymooners spread across?

No, UFO means Unidentified Flying Object, So it can be a lot of "things", by lack of better word.

People see strange lights which they cannot indentify as a terrestrial craft. So they conclude it has to be an extraterrestrial craft.

UFO's are seen in the daytime too. However, I think they are more "visible" in the nighttime because then the lights become clearer against the night sky.

Actually people do see UFO's on the Ocean. Only, a lot of people do not mention it because they are afraid they will be classified as crazy or just saw a kind of craft which is manmade but not known to them. I gather there are a lot of crafts in the sky which are just military flights by crafts not known to the public.

Still, there remain sightings which are not caught on radar or which disappear as rapidly as they appear.

What are they? Secret flights with new crafts which make testflights?

But does that go for all the sightings? There are strange phenomenon happening every once in a while for which there is no clarification.

How come? Where do these crafts come from?

Maybe, if it are extraterrestrial flights, the occupants do not wish to make themsleves known to the human race. I find this confusing and I'm curious to know what explanation is there for such sightings.

I know for sure that if I was an extraterrestruial, flying my spaceship, I definitely would not want to contact the public on earth. Look at it this way. You are in you spacecraft, hovering above earth and you see what is going on in this civilisation

Would you land, with the risk of being captured immediately?

Oh well, I am dead tired. I hope it makes sense. If not, I'll be back after a good night sleep... :) It is 5.15 am, and really time to go look for my bed.

Let's discuss it some more please...:)
Actually, I dont really believe that unidentified objects are alien spaceships, ever. But you have something, banshee. We always assume that aliens with superiour technology are generally superiour to us, but that need not be the case; maybe they took a million years of hard work getting where they are, and now they're getting the willies watching us do in a century what they needed millenniums for. But in that case, I do think they would be a lot more careful about not being spotted.

Or maybe they are so vastly superiour that they merely regard us as we would ants. Then they wouldn't care if we spotted them from time to time. But then why should they find us interesting enough to keep buzzing around here for half a century (at LEAST)?:bugeye:

BTW, if I was the Air Force, and I was to test fly some advanced, saucer shaped craft, I would be sure to paint "UFO" in large letters on it; that way anybody reporting it would suremy be headed for the loony bin, hehehe.:p

If the people in the spaceships that have been flying around our planet for at least the last half century were ever to land here, the last thing they would be worried about would be getting captured by the locals. Anyone that thinks the space people fear us must be supremely susceptible to propaganda. And if you get any of your ideas on any of the forbidden subjects of crop circles, cattle mutilations or UFO's from any government source whatsoever you can be sure you're being deceived.

The fact of the matter is that the people in the governments of this world are the ones who are scared. They realize that all the time and effort that they put into destroying representative governments all over this planet and militarizing the whole world counts for naught anymore.

The evidence for the above mentioned suppressed subjects is overwhelming and the way the new evidence is being presented ensures that the government's pathetic stance of secrecy and denial will not survive scrutiny for much longer. Increasingly they will be regarded as incompetant fools for adopting such a ridiculous stance in the first place. Their whole culture of secrecy is a by-product of the militarism that Professor Albert Einstein warned against almost a century ago and that culture of dark deeds is bound to fade into the past in the near future.
People have been seeing UFO's for thousands of years. That they are such an old phenomenon indicates to me that they are a natural and normal part of life on this planet. That means at least to me, that at the bare minimum they are nothing new. This would mean:

If they are a natural phenomenon caused by some bizzar unknown atmospheric phenomenon, then it's entirely normal to see them. They are caused in that case by something which in time will be identifiable.

If they are caused by extraterrestirals, then the idea of aliens being on planet Earth is not a new idea. If their intentions were to conquer or subjugate or in some other way be hostile they could have done so in the past few thousand years when we were lesser developed.

In either case, the phenomenon is quite simply "normal" wether you believe that aliens visiting the Earth is normal or if you think that an unknown natural phenomenon is normal for our planet.

I have no worries reguarding the subject in any event. I do however, feel elated at the idea of something being totally unknown to us.
That's another thing, that humans seem to assume that the extraterrestrial travelers might be afraid of the human race. Why is that? Are the humans perhaps afraid themselves to lose their "control" over Earth as they know it?

I agree with Xevious. Probably races from other planets are visiting Earth for ages and not with the intention to bring immediate harm to the human race. If so, they would have done that long ago. On the other hand, I also think there are some characters among them who are just as eager to have power over others (may it be humans or other species) as there are humans who feel the urge to rule and control everything.

As mentioned before, there are a lot of sightings to be explained as terestrial crafts. The unexplained sightings remain though, for which no explanation can be found.

Something must be going on with this, though I can not put my finger on it exactly.

Somehow I think crafts from off the planet are visiting Earth frequently. They just don't make themselves known to us. A too violent species we are?

Maybe...maybe it is something else they are waiting for...
On the other hand, I also think there are some characters among them who are just as eager to have power over others (may it be humans or other species) as there are humans who feel the urge to rule and control everything.

Proof positive that Banshee is an alien. :D
One can easily imagine aliens being really horny after all that time required to travel to Earth from who knows where.

Meaning there should be many, many alien-terrestrial-baby hybrids aloose amongst us.

As there are no such babies amongst us recognized as xeno-terran cross-breeds, all aliens must be female.

That would confirm a theeory held by males across time. ;)
The space people/aliens, or whatever your preference is for calling them, probably don't come down and introduce themselves because our planetary society lacks moral fiber and exhibits distinctly evil tendencies when dealing with minorities in our own countries and with poor people everywhere. We also have no respect for our home planet, as is evidenced by how much we pollute it and then refuse to do anything about restoring it when the opportunity presents itself. We allow millions of people to starve to death when there is an abundence of food, we poison millions of people to death with TDPDS so huge profit can be made, we foment wars to insure control of resources, we refuse to convert to clean power because polluting power is another big money maker and a way to dominate society and we generally do anything necessary to facilitate all of the above. What kind of rose tinted glasses can anyone be looking through to think that there is any reaon why the space people would actually want to meet us?