UFO's and religion

Skinwalker, seeing as you don't seem to be a scientist, and barely have any scientific knowledge and in addition to that are ignorant and obnoxious, I'll just ignore that post.
Better still... put me on your ignore list.

But it is interesting how you tend to use phrases like, "you're not a scientist" when people ask questions you don't like.

Or can't answer.

Here's another question: what is a scientist? And why does it matter that I am or am not one?
Greco said:
The next thing you be telling us PM is that you were abducted, anally probed and a sperm sample was taken from you. But if something like that happened it would be God's will. Allah be praised. :D

LMAO @ Greco :D

This topic seems to be ineptly titled. Unidentified flying objects have NOTHING to do with UFO's. The only correlation seems to be in recent science fiction literature and entertainment. When you seem something in the sky you don't know, Im assuming you dont assume its a UFO and call Scully and Mulder.

All jokes aside, this thread has shamefully been reduced to name calling so shortly. May we please get to the topic at hand? And one more thing, angels don't have life. That is contradictory to the knowledge we have.

And basing your comments on evolution, negates your chance of being correct since evolution, or at least the one that is glamourized, is incorrect.
Unidentified flying objects have NOTHING to do with UFO's.

You're so right §outh§tar, most of the UFO's I'm familiar with are the unidentified fried objects at McDonalds.

All jokes aside

You got to be kidding.

And basing your comments on evolution, negates your chance of being correct since evolution, or at least the one that is glamourized, is incorrect.
All jokes aside

Huh! This thread is about UFO's §outh§tar how did the subject of evolution arise?