UFO Video proof


Id be interested in hearing more on the video.

I found a photo of another video which features practicly the same object (slightly diffrent)

Very Interesting stuff

Thanks for sharing the video with us
I have a picture with a silver dot in the background. It's also proof of a UFO, even it did just happen to be a plane/helicopter/whatever.

See how meaningless proof of a UFO is?
Star One

What exactly is the difference between one proof of a UFO and another?

You make no sense whatsoever,
The only meaningless things around here are and your idiot friends posts.

I'd like to see one of you put a link to video of a UFO, not a dot,
that even comes close to what this video may represent.

if one of you little sheep can do it, let's see it
all you've done is shown ignorant you are and made senseless posts which just prove's how ingrorant you are.

star one
You should see more about this sighting, and others in an upcomming tv special. I'll keep you posted but you'll probabally here about it

I believe I answered your question when I made the post
UFO Video Proof, video proof of an UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT
Nothing more, nothing less

I have clearly seen the error of my ways and you have shown me the guiding light. There is little doubt in my mind that you are 100% correct.

I will come clean and admit beyond a shadow of a doubt that you have successfully shown us an object that is unidentified. Nothing more, nothing less.

Re: Persol

Originally posted by UfoHunter
what this video may represent
It is a represntation that none of us can identify everything.

It's not proof of anything else because it 'may' represent something else, but is certainly not proof of that something.
This plane had to have at least at 15 to 20,000 feet. The UFO was no Higher than 1000 feet, probably even lower seeing that it came out of a small, low, cumulus cloud. This picture was taken in just about the exact same area. - Paul
Um, first, planes do fly high enough that they appear as 'dots'. Second, the thing may have just been BEHIND the cloud and been at any height. (It could have also been in front of it, as the object is white anyway)
A poorly shot, out of focus still or video of an unknown object proves nothing except that there are people (too many of them) that will believe anything they can't readily identify is paranormal or otherworldly.

Why can't it be a bird, flock of birds, airplane, or just shit on the lens? (I'm speaking of poorly shot images in general). One expects to see a thread with "video proof" in the title to have a little green dude waving out of a little porthole..... but all we ever get here is a blurry, out of focus blob.

I'm reminded of UFOTheatre's silly postings of "proof."
Looks like a plane to me. From this footage it appears that the "lights" are just the reflection of the sun moving along the plane as it changes trajectory slightly. Just my opinion.

I would be keen to see the hi-res version tho. I noticed on the website they show a picture of a plane and say " taken in the same area". Funny how they managed to work out how to focus their camera for that shot... How bout some hi-res still shots from the footage then?
What's the mystery? It was clearly a passenger jet. In the first seconds, the wings and tail are briefly visible, until the camera is defocussed, and then we get disjointed reflections.

Talk of altitude, and clouds. The wispy clouds shown in the footage happen at all altitudes, and could have been in front of and behind the plane. I live on the approach to a civil airport, and see many jets passing over and couldn't tell you what altitude they were at by looking at the clouds they appear to be near.

So, it was a plane. It's been identified, and is no longer a UFO, case closed. NEXT!
Case is not closed, i really cant see how that could be interpreted as a airliner, especialy with similar photos that prove it isnt a plane/airliner

Q-theres a big diffrence between say a photo with a silver dot on which could be anything and a video showing something spectacular (I.E the video on this thread)

UfoHunter-Cool ill look forward to the program , what countrys will the program be shown in (is it just U.S)?
Originally posted by Star_One
Case is not closed, i really cant see how that could be interpreted as a airliner,

Simple, just look at the first couple of seconds, where the wing and tail are easily visible, it is plainly a passenger jet! Freeze the frames, it's OBVIOUS, and the focus gets worse as the footage goes on.

especialy with similar photos that prove it isnt a plane/airliner

Other photos have absolutely ZERO bearing on this footage!
This footage stands on it's own, and is merely an out of focus shot of an airliner. To believe it is anything else does your credibility no good whatsoever, if you cannot differentiate bad photography of the mundane from something else.

Q-theres a big diffrence between say a photo with a silver dot on which could be anything and a video showing something spectacular (I.E the video on this thread)

'Spectacular'? An out of focus airliner reflecting sunlight is 'spectacular' is it?

I live on a flight path for a civil airport. I see airliners every day, at varying altitudes, and in different weather conditions.

Often, on a bright day, the fuselage will reflect enough light, so all you can see if a bright blob in the sky. They are high enough up, that I can't hear the engines (they land about 12Km away). The brightness of the reflection makes gauging size impossible, as I'm not seeing the whole aircraft, just a bright spot. So a bright orb moving without making a sound, ... IS IT A UFO!!!!!????

Well, no, it does make a sound, it's just I can't hear it. It does have wings, it's just I can't see them. It's not really a bright prb of light, it's just a reflection.

Simple, and easily debunked.

Hmm....you have a point, although i cant freezeframe it (damm windows media player!).

But what about the red light braking away leaving 3 blobs intead of 4?
I said:
What does this evidence prove (other than the existence of UFOs which has already been proven)?

UFOHunter said:
I believe I answered your question when I made the post
UFO Video Proof, video proof of an UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT
Nothing more, nothing less

No... you didn't answer my question. If all this proves is that UFOs exist, then who cares? I thought everybody already agreed on that.

Please don't go off on other people for not reading when you're not reading.
But what about the red light braking away leaving 3 blobs intead of 4?

From the footage I saw (not sure if it was complete) I think it was just reflection from the wing furthermost from the viewer.
a little more info

Its a plane, no, wait
it's superman!!! I can see his balls! :eek:

The pictures posted there are High res, the plane was shot as a picture through the camera, not footage. The plane was taken at around 200x zoom witch means that some of pixels may have come up digitalized, yet you can obviously see it is a plane.

The footage was taken with out the digital zoom and was in focus (you can check distance, focus, settings etc. by the tape signiture on the original VHS tape) the clouds are low cirrus clouds and the film was taken in the foothills of the White Mountains, or otherwise there was low cloud cover.

The Plane was at least 20,000 ft.

The objects change color, frame by frame, blue to red to white,
They also change in size. First getting bigger, and then change arrangement and size as they fly away from the camera. They seem to be perhaps transferring power.

They interact, disappear and reappear in less then a second You probably can't see it on the web version because of the compresion and that is also why you might think it is out of focus.
Similar objects have been taped but nothing this close or long enough to do a good analysis.

They were self luminosity orbs that changed formation at least five times showing
first three, then four then three and back to four again all the time changing color, brilliance and formation.

OH yes. Then there is that little thing of disappearing at the end. If you watch closely you'll see that the object changes direction and the lights go out one by one. It actually flew away so fast that it giver's the appearance that it's disappearing. Otherwise know as a hyperleap.

That's a pretty cool trick for an invisible airplane with movable reflectors that change size at will.....hmmmm I wonder if there is a patent on this thing, I'd like to get stock in the company that takes responsibility for building it.

try looking at it in fullscreen mode
Righty, so your VHS tape shows these 'Orbs' moving around in relation to each other does it? Somehow that motion isn't seen on the digitised version, ... how do you explain that. Mere 'resolution' differences will not, and as VHS records at a rather low resolution, I doubt the quality of your tape is that much better.

It doesn't 'disappear' at the end at all, let's talk ourselves through the footage, shall we?

Footage starts, a passenger liner is in fairly good focus, with wings and tail just visible, and there are some wispy clouds in shot.

The camera is zoomed, (this we can see from the way the clouds change size) and the frames go out of focus. At this point, we start to see burst of reflection along the sides of the craft, in a straight line (fuselage) and one lower at the back right, which appears to be coming from where the wing was previously visible.

These points relative positions remain constant throughout this footage, they do not more out of their arrangement. The only change is the size and brightness of the lower right reflection, as it angles into the sun more.

Towards the end, there is a lot of camera shake, and what appears to be a lessening of zoom. The object doen't make a 'hyperleap' it merely appears to lose brightness (so turns so that the reflections are no longer pointing at us, or a cloud occludes the sun) and we lose track of it and look at another area of sky.

It is so obviously a passenger jet, claiming anything else makes you sound like a desperate frothing UFOlogist low on credibility.

Ta ta.

Passanger liner, ha, that,s funny, the closest airport is boston, over 150 miles away, there is a small airport 30 miles from here and a no fly restriction for any other aircraft.

FAA says there where no planes in the are

What is this, the blind morons message board?

ta ta

by the way, there's a picture of an airplane posted underneath the video.... It looks absolutely nothing like the objects.....unless maybee your BLIND!!!!!!!!

you people drink too much coffee