Ufo theory


Registered Senior Member
This isn't much of a theory.
The other day I was walking down the
street with my brother and I thought:

Hey, wouldn't it be kinda cool if
ufos weren't alien transports or
alien spacecraft, but devices of
somesort to gather information on the
cosmos. THink about it. These devices
may have been traveling the cosmos
for millions of years.
Perhaps they possess some sort of
an undefined artificial intellect that
makes an attempt to perform the
action of distinguishing objects in
motion and learn more about them.
Perhaps if this is true, these devices
might be made of materials of alien
origen that might cause reaction within
our bodies that might lead to such
things as hallucination, or bodily
Perhaps the goverment has taken in
one of these devices and are flying
them all over the world to discover
what they can do or perhaps test
them on the population to see what
kind of effects could be produced.

This isn't really much, just a thought.
It doesn't really matter if you don't
believe it, but it would kinda be cool
if you did and it was or is true.
Take it one step further.
Each survey/data recording probe is manned.
Uh-oh, aliens are here on this planet.
There goes your hypothosis on that one straight out the window. :)
dude, what if they were the real aliens protical droids, like r2 d2 or something like that, you know, except there different so there droids would be different, and mabe they disingedthem so that they woulodnt scare us?

There can(must) be some drons, or automated crafts. We landed on the Mars with that ugly thing pathfinder. But beyond every robot there must be a brain ( with a green, red or blue blood), but it`s a living thing.
And they are not far away,...
Why should there be a 'living' brain with blood in it behind every robot? What about intelligent robots? Artificial life? After all, we ourselves are only robots; only we are made of proteins instead of metal.

I am; therefore I think.

I must disagree with your premise. "I am; therefore I think" since all things exist, yet not all things think. On the other hand, all things which think do exist.

Although there may be some of us who work mechanically, without original thought I must also disagree, for the most part, with your statement about our being robots. Robots, so-called "intelligent robots" and "artificial intelligence" are "created" by vessels with living brains and blood in them while humans are offspring which are "procreated" through a reproductive process.
You are missing the point.

Imagine a powerful computer that can simulate your brain down to the last atom. Provided we can actually input your entire brain's data into that monstrous machine, it would be able to simulate your brain. Provide it with sensors analogous to our senses, and you have a copy of yourself essentially living independently. The only difference is that one of you is bilogical, and the other electronic.

The big point is, one doesn't have to be made of cells, or even of biochemical materials, to be insightful, or independent, or able to procreate, or capable of evolution, or to be called 'alive'.

I am; therefore I think.

You can "call" anything you want "alive". Whether or not it is in fact, a living, thinking being with a brain and blood is a different matter entirely.

The robot you describe is like "Data" from Star Trek... no emotions, no soul, no biological functions? It might obtain similar input but, without human faculties, it certainly would not react to stimuli or process information in the same manner as me. Believe me, your theoretical robot and I would be VERY DIFFERENT.

To focus on your original question: "Why should there be a 'living' brain with blood in it behind every robot...?" That's just the way it is. Robots are created by 'living' brains with blood in them. Even if I were to create a robot that could create a robot, the second generation robot would, in actuality, have been originally created by me. Kind of like how God created all things. It's a continuum.

Have a great day!

[This message has been edited by truestory (edited September 16, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by truestory (edited September 16, 1999).]

We are getting a little off the topic here (though maybe such a debate is relevant in this forum after all...)


You are not thinking carefully enough; you are quick to dismiss artificial life as something that could never live up to the real thing. You do not seem to perceive the more subtle reality: that all machines, biological or not, are nevertheless machines.

The robot you describe is like "Data" from Star Trek... no emotions, no soul, no biological functions?

In the latter movie "Star Trek: Insurrection", Data got his emotion chip installed and activated. He has emotions now. And the Borg actually grafted biological tissue onto him (interestingly enough, the Borg are mostly artificial, though they start out fully biological.) So at least as far as science fiction goes, the hard edges of the past mindset seem to be smearing out these days.

It might obtain similar input but, without human faculties, it certainly would not react to stimuli or process information in the same manner as me.

Un contraire. The scheme I described is designed to show you that the computerized replica would react to stimuli and process information <u>precisely</u> as you would -- simply because it's a precise replica. In other words, the artificial brain has exactly the same simulated nerve passages, the same simulated senses, and can in fact feel a simulated body to which it thinks it's attached.

Robots are created by 'living' brains with blood in them. Even if I were to create a robot that could create a robot, the second generation robot would, in actuality, have been originally created by me.

There's no contest to the claim that artificial life forms could not just happen; they need a naturally-evolved originator (hence the term "artificial".) However, once they are created with enough self-sustainability and flexibility, they can proceed to evolve on their own (a la Terminator) even to such a degree as to completely outpace the evolution of their original biological creators.

As far as I see it, humanity has a fork in the road a relatively short distance into the future. Either we are completely replaced with superior artificial organisms, or we instead enhance ourselves a la the Borg, and evolve as a blend of organic and inorganic. Either way, intelligent, and indeed living, artificial organisms are bound to be created and coexist with us (if not replace us altogether.)

I am; therefore I think.

Mind Children, by Hans Moravec has a good description of what Boris is saying. The mind is the same, the body; different.
Well, Boris... I guess your premise of humans being machines is where we differ. I view machines as those systems and devices created by humans to ASSIST in the performance of human tasks. Although your ideas are interesting, as I have said in the past, I prefer real life experiences and true stories over fiction anytime.
Boris, your theory is very interesting, but I have seen it in film "MATRIX". It`s the same thing. A large and powerfull machine has take control over human nation, and so...

Maby your theory is correct, but only thing I wanted to say is that "they" exists.

And one more thing. U can never made a machine with emotions,...

Sorry for mistakes,.....

And one more thing. U can never made a machine with emotions,...

What makes you think that?

I am; therefore I think.
u people think so much like humans, donbt you think that the ets woulod be able too make other forms of life, blood and everything, except they control, and everything with the A.L, i also have a therory that the aliens wouldnt have too work with there hands to create things but program it into a computer, then have a machine relocate adams to create whatever they want.


If it already exists, it can be artificially replicated (given reasonable energy requirements, of course...)

I am; therefore I think.
But it does not exists!!!
Can U give me a good definition of emotions?

Emotions cannot be replaced with any kind of energy,...

Sorry for mistakes,...
>Can U give me a good definition of emotions?

Emotions cannot be replaced with any kind of energy.

Emotions are purely physical phenomena. There need not be anything spiritual about them. (Mood altering drugs are proof of this.)

The theoretical brain simulation machine as previously described by boris would feel emotion every bit as much as you or I.


"Reality has a way of catching up with you, the way the ground catches up with an airplane that runs out of fuel."
Thank you Blacktubby, couldn't have put it better myself.

I am; therefore I think.