UFO Skeptics


Thank you for your kind words and glad advice I take it quite willingly. Yes..Now I grant you this advice. All watch but none see, for the seeing see only what there minds will tell them look beyond that, look not only for the facts, but also the falsehoods; the cover-ups, and ask yourself why, why does the government do such things.
Expect what you wish, and it may not come true
Yours zygos

[This message has been edited by zygos (edited July 12, 1999).]
Don't you start too!!! LOL

I am not really sure on what you make of it all, Zygos. Could you bring me up to speed on what you're thoughts are, please?

[This message has been edited by Dave (edited July 12, 1999).]

Ok you want to hear what I say through your deaf ears, thats fine with me.. but of course the answers can only be truely be found in yourself.
For I could tell you that the sky is black and that the only reason the sky apperrs to be blue is only because of the oceans, but you would not understand me until you realized it yourself. But I will ask you a question to think about, What proof do you have that makes UFO's all hoaxs? surely you have something (even if it is your philosophy). For all great Hoaxs have some lie imbedded in them, if this is all a great lie, break off a bit of it, chew it, and show me your results....Yours Zygos

Many look at I and see my young body and judge me by it, but I am as young as the Universe, And as old as time

[This message has been edited by zygos (edited July 13, 1999).]
Ok Why is the sky blue

Zygos Said:

For I could tell you that the sky is black and that the only reason the sky apperrs to be blue is only because of the oceans, but you would not understand me until you realized it yourself.

Actuall fact is:
The sky appears blue because light from the Sun is scattered by small particles on its way through the atmosphere. The amount of scattering depends upon the wavelength of the light and consequently blue light is scattered the most, which is why we see a blue sky. This also explains why the sky appears red at sunset. At sunset the light has more of the atmosphere to pass through before it reaches us, so the blue light is completely scattered away and only red light remains.

So since you are wrong can we assume that well your not as informed as you think you are..

Mid12am Darn! I wanted to tell him that.....tee! hee!

Zygos, I honestly don't think you are paying attention. This isn't school-time .... Homework here will enlighten you!
You say I have "deaf ears"... which means you didn't peruse my posts which means you still rant that I'm a skeptic as apposed to a believer! Pay attention, mate :)

You say: "For all great Hoaxs have some lie imbedded in them" isn't the lie implied in the hoax? Go over your posts before hitting the submit button - that way you can correct your mistakes and make sure your posts make sense!


Well dave even though I have read your posts several times, I wouldn't call you a beliver, because sometimes having the infomation in your hands sometimes isn't enough. So think me not as proving it to you as keeping you on your path.

Yours zygos

Though I was born in sydney I'm on summer vaction

[This message has been edited by zygos (edited July 13, 1999).]
I won't ping pong this thread anymore...
Here it is in black and white.
I believe that flying saucers exist.
A lot of people don't.
If someone says they have PROOF, I want them to confirm it, not talk but <u>show</u>!
If they can and do.... every sceptic in the world needs to have it shown to them to stop the onslaught of crap I keep reading about the "non-existence" of saucers.
The end.

Why do people obsess themselves
over alien paranoia?

Its all retarded. I used to believe that
aliens were walking among us, but not

All that the goverment is hiding from
us is new technology waiting to be used
in the army that will eventually make
itself common in our everyday lives.

The media has taken these stories and
crafted them into a fabrication of
entertainment to brainwash our minds
into thinking that Aliens are here.
How do they do it? Obviously with
the 1 second image flashes and the
mood altering music. Now adays, media
can do anything, they can make you
believe whatever the heck they want
you to.

The First UFO ever seen resembled that
of a modern day stealth bomber; something
developed under top-secret priority
by the U.S. Military.

I do believe that aliens exist, just not
around here. Though the universe is
nearly limitless it is apparent that
the likeliness of encountering at least
1 alien civilization is apparent.
Even so, what would they look like.
the Greys that have been spoken of
for years now resemble something much
like us. The Greys resemble something
much like us - they have 2 arms, 2
legs, a head, 2 eyes, a mouth, a brain,
and skin. C'mon people, how unorigenal
is that.

Even if we came across an alien species,
it would look nothing like us.

Technology nowadays is accelerating
and where has it all come from?
Radar, the Internet, and many other
days things we take for granted...
we did it origenally come from?
The Military of course. Think about
the situation here. The reason
why such in developement technologies
are so secret is probably... no, obviously
because the goverment doesn't want
us to find out about it right now.

I would also like to add that just
because someone says he's worked in
Area-51 doesn't mean he has.
Anyone can say that.

Heck, I watched those Alien TV Specials
a while ago and there were all these
All these Area-51 engineers who came
on it in full appearence telling about
how they worked there. Yet, they're
in full appearence, voice un-modified,
and they're saying that the U.S.
has threatened to kill them if information
is revealed.

Well, that's all I have to say for now.

just because someone called you
a skeptic doesn't mean that you
have to make a big fuss about it.

I used to be a believer, but not
any more. Ever since I straightened
myself up, I've been a skept.

By the way, you all should wake yourself
up and see that there are no such
thing as Aliens on Earth.


Xeno do you work for the government? military? or even the aliens themselves (which is a violation of code 263a) Tell us this so called proof they don't exist. You say you do have something don't you???

What are you dribbling on about???.

I said I believe in flying saucers.... where's the mention of aliens ?????
Also, I'll fuss until I'm done, boy....... especially to answer crap like the stuff you've printed here.
As to the first saucer sighting... it WASN'T shaped like a modern day stealth job, it was shaped like a saucer, that's where the nick name came from!
I think you need to straighten <u>and</u> wake YOURSELF up!

Why if you don't believe in anything are you spending time on this bored? The things you are saying are so tedious!
I am not working for the goverment.
I live in Canada and am 15 years old,
so you have nothing to fear from me.
As for what I said about having more
information, well I don't.

As for what I said at the end of my
statement, it was all a little exagerated.
yes, there are some good claims as
to support your views on UFOscience,
but still.
I remain unconvinced as to the existence
of Aliens on Earth.

Dave, sorry about what I said about
you believing in aliens and all that.

There are probably such things as
flying saucers. In my opinion, however,
they are probably nothing more than
goverment test craft.

By the way everyone, these are all my
personal views on the matter.

Dan, apology accepted.
At the age of 15, what turned you into a sceptic? What was it that closed the believer in you. Basically, something put you off, right? ... will you tell us what it was?
I am not too sure there are actually E.T.s walking among us...even though I've seen some wierd looking types around (tee! hee!)Was that your only view in this area or is there more to what you used to think about all this?

I knew I could count on you to forgive
me and be a friend. Now, if you are wondering
as to how I ended up as I am now,
I will tell you one thing. My views
are my own and are what changed me into
a skeptic. As a person no different than
any of you, I try to look at everything
in general perspective.


Jokingly, I can say to all "Aliens on
Earth" believers that Aliens ARE walking
among us. He he he.
These aliens are just like you and me.
They have pink skin, two eyes, two arms,
two legs, a head, 4 fingers and 1 thumb
on each hand and they have saucer-like
Guess what everyone, these aliens are
you and me... well, sort of. I can
consider those not living in canada
to be aliens; aliens to this country.
As for the saucer-like craft, it is
true. The U.S. goverment once tried
to create a saucer-like spacecraft.
However, the project was abandoned
like many others.

Today, the U.S. is infact coming out
with special aircraft that can travel
at speeds up to mach-6 or 7. My brother
(twin brother) told me in a discussion
that there was one such craft that
resembled a saucer.

The dimension theory about Aliens
coming from another dimension is a
great possiblity in my mind seeing
how there are infinite realities
in the universe. these aliens,
greys as you would call them could
infact be an alternate us from an
alternate reality.

Dave, so you are another of the "back engineers" are you? I don't suppose you have any erm -proof do you? Or would you have to kill me afterwards then? I suppose it is still above Top Secret? Maybe one of those categories 17 classes above Top Secret perhaps? Maybe you could show us some of this insider knowledge without refering to any X-files videos? Regards, Bored.

You know it to be so
What in the hell are you on about???
If you're j/k....ha! ha!....
If you're serious...stop dipping into the pharmacy supplies at your quaint english hospital you work at!!!!!!

<a href=http://www.exosci.com/ubb/cgi-bin/search.cgi?action=simplesearch&ForumChoice=ALL&ExactName=yes&SearchUser=Dave>Click here for ALL my posts!</a>
If you find me bragging about how I have back engineered anything let me know.

Meanwhile, if you're so bored, maybe you should spend your leisure time doing something constructive, like correct analysis of posts.

Back Engineering!?

Ha! Ha! Ha!
Pretty funny,

Dave, get a life.

Robert A Paterson,

Sounds like more used oates to me. You surely do like used oates!
Dave, English has a capital 'E' at the beginning. If you checked my IP address, as you must have, you would see I am not at a "quaint little English hospital" but a rather huge and expensive one across the channel. Ja?

I often read of people with "back enigineering" experience. Back passage experience is the more correct phrase I think. However, thanks for your link. I will spend the rest of my waking days examining it for spelling and grammatical errors.

Have you read Col. Corso's attempt at humour in The Day After Roswell by the way? I only ask because quite a lot the nonsense about BA comes from this....story. So forgive me. Oh, pleeeeeaaaasssseeeeee?

You know it to be so