UFO Skeptics

Robert Patterson

Registered Member

You have but to look around you to see the presence of an alien encounter. In the megalithic era, that is the stone megalithic era. If you think that these two hundred tun blocks such as the ones placed to build the pyramids, or any of the other megalithic stones were erected through block and tackle, or with human slaves, then you have revealed the fact that you do not comprehend natural physics, or natural energies.

The times of drastic change are times of passion. A population subjected to drastic change is thus a population of misfits and misfits live and breathe in an atmosphere of passion. The path of selfrealization is the most difficult. It is taken only when other avenues to a sense of worth are more or less blocked. Action is a high road to self -confidence we have more faith in what we imitate than in what we originate. We cannot derive a sense of servitude from anything, which has its roots in ourselves. The most pungent sense of insecurity comes from standing alone. However, we are not alone! All goals apart from the means are illusions, becoming is denial of being. Seek not to cultivate the innocence of a clever mind that once to be innocent. Rather have that state of innocence where, there is no denial or acceptance the mind just sees what is. Discipline must conform to the nature of things in their state of being.

Getting started really is the hardest thing to do, with the multitude and magnitude of conspiracies leading to the UFO free energy enigma. It is and shall be my attempt to bring about change in this arena, where perhaps the pen outweighs the sword. After all, if you were in control, of the subliminally controlled fossil fuel paradigm, he would want to suppress free energy technology because it wouldn't be good for fossil fuel business. How else would you hide free energy concepts? except to break it up into common knowledge, so everyone knows it, and yet no one knows it. You would hide it, and privy only your scientist and engineers to its secrets, so you could invent as many spin-off directions as possible. Well, you want control don't you? But what a Paradox, you suppress technology and you inadvertently suppress evolution, (time?).

Don't forget, planet Earth is traveling some 1000 mph to the space time continuum, Earth, Allah space time capsule, if you travel say 50,000 light years away from Earth, and look back it could still be 1945. Everything in nature is evolving; changing from one state of being to another. When the first atomic bomb was detonated over Japan-Nihon; a mock wave was form. A crude time machine? Nonetheless, the people evolved so rapid from one state to the next, they may very well be the pilots of the UFO's we see today. The flash of the Hiroshima bomb so intense, that it discolored concrete and sealed the surface of granite. Japanese scientist were able to pinpoint the exact center of the blast by triangulating the shadows cast by the light of the explosion, some of which were shadows of the people.

Nature herself has, and already is, creating everything that ever was or ever will be. The airplane from studying birds and insects in flight, the camera from studying the human eye and plants, time travel, from studying tornados. Ha! Ha! I Knew You'd Laugh. However, People Have Been Caught up in Tornado’s, and Lived to Tell of Time Zone Changes within the Whirlwinds.

I'll site some meteorological reports later on when you’ve come to understand fluid flow dynamics a little better. That's movement of flow and movement of objects in flow in a viscousious fluid. Viscousious being sticky elastic like air water perhaps electromagnetic waves when directed into appropriate currents the appropriate currents a the natural Hyperbolic and Vortex spiraling of movement. Energies flowing from one state of being to the next.

I was studying astronomy in Falcon Hts, TX. Camping on the banks of the reservoir. Watching the sunset reveal the heavens to the night's eye. It was a full moon on the other side the world. The light of the sun back lit the night sky, then four bright lit stars I did spy in the form of a diamond or square depending on your perspective. I use the term UFO because to me that's exactly what it was, an unidentified flying object. Nothing but a light that appeared to hover off our horizon, acting, you know imitating a star! The lights we see at night and think of as the heavens, a star! Not hardly! Not unless they repel themselves away from Mother Earth at high velocities and change direction in pivotal or zigzag motions.

By the time I alerted the other persons in my party to the four stars, the top star instantly shot out into the depth of space, Stopped! Then shot over to the North did what appeared to be a zigzag or spiral motion into the depth of space, shot back over its southwestern position only deeper in the depth of space, Stopped! Then shot deeper into the depth of space, Stopped! Shot back over to the North and did the zigzag spiral motion again! Then shot back over its southwestern departure point, Stopped! And again shot out deeper into the depth of space, Stopped! Then shot over to the North pulled the same maneuver again! Screamed back to its departure point, Stopped! And upon its third execution of these maneuvers the UFO shot so far and fast! Into the depth of space that we could no longer see it!

I cannot at this time divulge any further information, as I have been reverse engineering found UFO technology since 1975. I am now on the verge of seeking funding from the Department of Energy and the Department of Defense. If anyone can convince me to go public, I will. I believe superconductive and antigravity technology belongs to the world. However, this technology has grave military applications.

The temporal subliminal man
Robert A. Patterson

Sorry, Mate! I find it unfathomable to hear you prat on about Mother Earth and Stone blocks way back when, and lights in the sky dancing around and then finish up saying you've been back engineering found UFO technology for almost thirty years!
How about posting:

PROOF! AND I HAVE IT!!!! YES! - I have been involved in back engineering found alien technology for nearly thirty years!

What's with this dancing light crap?

You finished your post by announcing what everyone on the planet has been looking for. Physical evidence of E.T. !!!!

You are going to have to be more coherent in your next post and less of the new age rantings would go well too! Sorry, I'm not convinced at all. *** I BELIEVE ***....but not what you've posted !

Not Impressed,
Well Dave, but, then again that’s such a deep subject for such a shallow mind.
I am indeed involved in reverse engineering technology gleaned from Pictoglyphic statues. Ancient carvings from supposed mythological engravings, forbidden archeology. The ET visitors left a sort of time capsule, like the Voyager probe that NASA sent out into space with the information of the human race and where our planet is located. The ET visitor also left his information, embedded in the Pictographic symbols of these statues the Toltec giants of Tula Mexico, the Meso-american, the Mayan civilization, Central American statues, the Aztec, the air strip at Nazca Peru, the Dogu statute of Japan, the goddess Ishtar of Babylon, the weeping sky God at Tia Huanico Bolivia, the Czechoslovakia Venus statute 20,000 years old, the French Venus statute 32,000 years old, the 3000 year old helmeted statute found in Mexico, the 4000 year old carvings from Russia, the 4500 hundred year old statute from Mohenjo-Daro, the 6000 year old statute of Sumer, 14,000 year old German statue, the 8000 year old prehistoric drawings at Val Comonica, italy, the prehistoric drawings by Australian Aborigines, Chumash Indian drawings in Santa Barbara in a cave, Stone Hinge New England, the pyramids of Egypt, the Cherubim from biblical references.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so as is knowledge in the eye of the interpreter. Be careful of what you ask for you might just get it.

Dave, I have no intention of doing your research for you, although, you can look up these references if you're real keen, I will give you another clue, the real insight here is energy, gleaned from fluid flow dynamics and Pictographic time capsule statues, extra terrestrial technology reverse engineered from an abstract symbolic language. It's all there if you just learn to multiply through division, ding! ring a bell. The temporal subliminal man Robert A. Patterson TUHeist@CS.com
Once again,
No alien technology to show.
You refered to some 12,356 different statues and carvings made by man. Are you saying man carved the statues and the aliens then said "Give it here for a tick, I just want to write the answers to the universe on them, and by the way, try not to lose these. I'd hate for them to go missing for 5000 years".

I was sure you said "back engineering 'found' UFO technology"....I misunderstood that to mean you had something alien that was not Man Made!!!
Also, Mr. Shallow, you only back engineer something to find out how it works, what you state you're doing is transcibing text or glyphs. At no time did I hear you say anything like "We have a thing and buggered if we know where it came from or how it works, but it does something that no known technology here on earth could duplicate. We're now slowly pulling it apart to see how it ticks. That is back engineering!
Then you ramble on about giving me a clue ( how that clue is supposed to be connected to your previous ramble is confusing)- involving fluid flow dynamics - sorry that won't ring MY bell.
I think you're caught up in your own self proclaimed greatness with illusions of grandure that you're trying to create about yourself. Perhaps you should look at yourself before you call anyone else shallow.

<center>I give your post a three thumbs down !


Even more unimpressed,

[This message has been edited by Dave (edited July 09, 1999).]
Patterson, you are typical of the dreck that infests this topic, and I, for one, can see right through you.

A rare example of transparent shit, if you wish to see it that way.

I'll take ChucklesA over you any day.
Patterson. I've never heard such inane rantings. You obviously know something about the subject, but you're stringing the facts together with jibberish. I doubt that you've ever back-engineered anything. Your plot has gotten lost somewhere on your travels.
Oh yes, and I suppose you would debunk the Apple that discovered gravity as well. In 1908, the scientific American and the New York Herald of the day wrote the Wright brothers off as hoaxes and the scientific establishment of the day was busily denouncing heavier-than-air powered flight as impossible. Even a professor at Johns Hopkins University insisted that powered flight was utterly impossible. I am learning, and it is instructive to note how many new ideas, theories, and Inventions had to first overcome intense resistance before becoming incorporated into the mainstream. The Wright brothers’ first prototype barely got off the ground and then not always, it was at best only a threshold effect. It could have easily at that stage been denounced as a fluke, and left at that. The threshold effect here meant only that the first attempt to utilize a new dynamic needed further refinement to find greater efficiency, not that it was a mis-read of the data, or an effect barely measurable and therefore insignificant, or a hoax, as some threshold effects in their infancy or label.

This gives a new perspective to some of the experiments going on today. The fact that only four percent of the body weight of test objects was lost when placed over rotating superconductive ceramic rings during an experiment in antigravity recently, a threshold effect leading nowhere, or one that may be the first inklings of a full-fledged technology. Or antigravity flight that is just around the corner? What about the cold fusion experiments that result in transmutation of elements and generation of excess heat, challenging current theories about atomic processes? What about the sound experiments levitating pea-sized stones.

Meanwhile the uninformed UFO debunkers of the establishment of the day are busily denouncing antigravity and extra terrestrial technology, or alien life forms. It is a race of clues, which lead to the comprehension of superconductive antigravity technology. An abstract comprehension of common knowledge technology reverses engineered.

I did not intend to imply that you are shallow, only that it's an extremely large volume of information, as wide as the Grand Canyon is long. One must be fluent in aerodynamic engineering, including vertical takeoff and landing, fluid flow dynamics, the borrowing of energy, superconductive antigravity physics, engineering, reverse engineering, common knowledge technologies, symbolic abstract languages in pictorial form, you know knowledge can come from some pretty unexpected places. Even extra terrestrial in origin, then you have to be able to interpret what these aliens are saying to you in order to bring about a ramification of a single idea.

Meanwhile the uninformed UFO debunkers of the establishment are busily denouncing antigravity and the existence of extra terrestrials. I too tried to disapprove or debunk the information that I was disseminating, but as I searched for the truth, I proved the existence of superconductive antigravity alien technology at least to myself and to the point of having no doubts. If you had discovered superconductive antigravity technology would you be in a big hurry to just give it away? Many researchers in my position have been killed or there findings taken away from them, by the fossil fuel overlords.

I would love nothing more than to discuss openly with you the findings and ramification of a recyclable superconductive technology, however the fact remains specific channels, avenues of dissemination for this technology to be released must be adhered to. The simplicity of the technology is one that everyone is exposed to daily and yet we use it for something other than superconductive antigravity means. Remember I stated it's a common knowledge technology reverse engineered.

Meanwhile the debunkers of the establishment are busily denouncing alien/Antigravity superconductive technology. The temporal subliminal man Robert A. Patterson TUHeist@CS.com

Robbie, Robbie, Robbie,
What are we going to do with you?
<p align="JUSTIFY">The apple didn't 'discover' gravity...the guy who got hit in the head worked out something was pulling it and everything else to the ground...but I know what you're getting at.,</justify>
<p align="JUSTIFY">Yes, you are learning - especially not to rant on like you were doing LSD...but there are still problems with your post.
Let me point out that you have absoulutely no idea who you're really talking to and what I know and don't know. Try not to assume for lack of evidence that I wipe my butt with my overalls.</justify>
<p align="JUSTIFY">Most people are aware that every major aircraft company in America has a department specifically set up for anti-gravity research, so forget the dubunker tag in that area.</justify>
<p align="JUSTIFY">Would I give away alien technology, you ask?? "In a heart-beat, Buddy!!!!"...but I feel you plan to put a hefty price on anything you complete, right??... and why does your reference to alien anti-gravity technology require the mandatory 'superconductive' term each and every time before-hand??</justify>

<p align="JUSTIFY">So, you state you have PROOF of the existence of superconductive ( there's that word again..) antigravity alien technology?? I think you mean to say that 'you have come to the conclusion in your own mind'...for you are not supplying, listing or producing any evidence to support that statement. Proof requires evidence. Do you have any? Just answer YES or NO. No crap, no rantings, no riddle style clues, no politician style lecture that actually never really goes anywhere. YES or NO.??</justify>

<p align="JUSTIFY">There is, however something I do agree with ( believe it, or not! LOL )..The global turnover of all fossil fuel based revenue is some 357 trillion dollars per annum. Some-one coming along with a clean, non polluting, inexpensive alternative to this current poison we are using is an amazingly large threat to the global economy. Could you follow through the line - all the jobs and industries that would become redundant if this were to happen? Of course oil companies are buying up any new patents listed to produce anything that resembles cleaner cheaper energy. If I were in the business, I would constantly be trying to stamp out ANY competition that popped up. It's simple business survival....all based on greed of course, the planets well being isn't of consideration when it comes to making the almighty dollar, for some.</justify>

<p align="JUSTIFY">
So Rob. I offer you the benefit of doubt and will try one more time to see if you can answer the question put to you. Remember, you claim 'the technology is simplistic' , then surely giving a simple answer can't be beyond you? </justify>




[This message has been edited by Dave (edited July 09, 1999).]

please stop talking in riddles

why open this thread if you refuse to enlighten us ???
Yes Dave superconductive must preempt antigravity you cannot have one without the other it's a duality, a byproduct of the other. I presume to you that giving away alien technology would be worth the fame! I on the other hand am a simple and humble sort. Thus far I've lost my family, my life, my employment, and nearly my sanity. If I were Robin Hood I would steal from the rich and give to the poor. I have been raped by the status quo, don't think for a second that I wouldn't bring down the establishment of the fossil fuel overlords! I am the Temporal Subliminal Man!

Riddles, and Clues, sometimes that's all a fellow has to hang onto. But that's how it started for me. I probably know exactly what you been thinking, along time ago, why haven't the funnymen in white been called yet. Why hasn't this guy been put away sooner? I was wondering the same thing myself. Well, I'll tell you if the funnymen in white show up I'll go with the flow of current. If I've learned one thing about rip tide you have to turn around and go with the flow, so the sooner you can get out of it. That's the bottom-line.

But if they do come for me that's okay, I'll teach every loon in the place Wing Chun Gung Fu, and in about oh a year and a half I'll have a bunch of Loony Gung Fu masters combined with the strength that crazy persons are said to possess. You know how imitative crazy people can be, or innovative intellectuals can be. Genius and insanity does run a fine line. Subliminal moris codes, were we seduced via television? Torii! Torii! Torii! Is supposed to mean attack, attack, attack. However I discovered it means I ride on time, I ride on time, I ride on time.

About 15 years ago I had this idea wouldn't it be nice to fly over the traffic. I was living in Southern California and the traffic really stunk sometimes, so I came up with his UFO disc shaped hovercraft concept. As I studied and learned about different philosophies, engine orientation, wings, their shapes, stable and unstable flying plane forms, and let me tell you I'm sorry to burst your bubble but a saucer shape is the most unstable form, due to its stability it is unstable (an example is the Avro car) for aerodynamic flight. If a current of wind shear air hit the saucer shape it would probably flip over like a mumblety-peg. However intended on not being discouraged I continued to search for the best method of designing an ultra light UFO hovercraft. Preferably a one-man sports car version, something to fly within FAA regulations of ducted fan technology. And in the ultra light category I wanted some kind of electrically driven craft in the hopes of escaping the fossil fuel overlords.

I ran a gamut of configurations and engine orientation right on into the flow dynamics of vacuum co-adhesion and inverse dimensional aircraft. I used every building block that was known about electromagnetic, electronics, fluid and aerodynamic engineering, suppressed technologies reverse engineering and every illustrated dictionary that I could get my hands on every scrap of information I could find on common knowledge technologies. A ran a binary search and associated everything known about energy transference systems. I came up with Hyperbolic curve equations, and found out that you better have applied nature's quantum weight of energy changing from one place to another to move your aircraft, or you'll have barriers to contend with.
If you are still thinking, you can just throw some rockets some gas engines, or some ducted fans together your a dinosaur (in other words your thought patterns are prehistoric).

Well as time passed I put together good idea for a hovercraft, one that could be built by the home hobbyist. Not need FAA regulations, other than that of an ultra light. Be styled as a saucer shaped UFO, a one-man sports car version of a vertical takeoff and landing aircraft. Nonpolluting was the first concepts to mind. As I continued to search for facts I realized that I was Indiana Jones! And at last I understood the flow dynamics of all forms of kinetic energy. You have to design shapes and conveyances in complementary compliance with one another. Movement of the atmosphere the water, gravity, it is all moving changing shape from one place to another or from one substance to another. One state of being over the evolution of time, into some other state of being, burn gasoline in your cars engine and you change it from a liquid to a vapor. As my search wound around to understanding a little better the intricacies of the way it's all wound or unwound, calm or chaotic, the point is there is enough energy in the elasticity of the flow dynamics of several energies floating all around us.

By this time the craft began to take shape and size 9 ft. 6 in diameter. I constructed my craft from plastic I-beams I put together from hardware store. I fiberglass the two halves together to form the body of the craft, I used my 10 ft. satellite dish as a jig to form the I-beams into a Parabolic shape. I styrofoamed a pie wedged piece between the I-beams to form the body of the hovercraft. I used contact cement in order to form a protective barrier from the glass resin, a stuck my first piece of paper with all the cutouts penciled in black marker onto the foam. I fiberglass both sides of the inside half of the craft, including the stress paneling for the bolt-on's. I flipped the top onto the bottom and liquid foamed the two halves together. I made helicopter landing styled gear from PVC pipe; I reinforced it with fiberglass cloth and resin. I bolted it to the bottom of the craft, I put a standard airplane rudder in the back, I used eight ducted fans with whip action ducting leading the flows into a single Vortex amplification chamber providing vectored thrust and a drive mechanism for the electrical power generator.

See here I am minding my own bees wax trying to figure out how to make this UFO hovercraft work, that I crammed so much information into my head I felt just like the little boy from the Disney movie the navigator. A robot space-time craft uses the child's brain storage capacity to store star charts and time coordinates the mass is too much for the Kids brain so the information leaks out. Once I stopped making similar mistakes as other inventors and I realized energy transference systems were a reverse mirror image of what we believe today. I started making some advances in a constructive direction of a home built UFO hovercraft, but unforeseen disaster struck and I was suddenly disabled, from multi-work injuries, the paper and foam UFO sat outside by good dewier friends, With guerrilla mentalities, not unlike planet of the Apes, with Roddy McDowell blue eyes Taylor, Charlton Heston.

Not daunted by this, I attended the Sixth Annual UFO Symposium in January 1997. I suppose it was a no-no, but my excitement of the whole thing led me well, to crash the party. Some of the guest swept me inside with conversation, and before I knew it I was home locked away deep in study, but that's when the breakthrough came, that night around midnight sometime after Le Shargel, myself so wanting to believe in someone or something but when Le Shargel showed his Alien Mark, heck, I am not the judge, but it seemed to become a shock and jive show. I was stunned in shock that I had managed somehow to crash the party, and Le Shargel's alleged con show kept running through my mind. I knew that I had come to this place for a reason, even if it were Random. I was not going home disappointed, empty handed and not without putting some real stuff on the table some meat and potatoes. I intended to talk to someone, somebody was some real conceptual technology based in fact. Just when I'm trying to get up I get sand kicked in my teeth. Everybody's trying to catch a UFO, is it me, or did I miss something? Even the remotest possible crash remains don't exist not really! If they do, someone has picked them clean for the reverse technologies someone with more clout than you were I.

No I wasn't sitting in the sanitarium john, writing this stuff on a toilet paper roll. Most are concept from suppressed technologies. Funny, I have suppressed technologies in applied kinetic leverage, through human structure and geometric shape as applied through the concepts and forms of Wing Chun Gung Fu. I started reading illustrated encyclopedias based on flow dynamics, and borrowing of energy from your opponent, oops! There I go speaking in tongues again, I just combined Wing Chun Gung Fu concepts and borrowing the Opponents energy and using it against him. Now realizing it was possible for man and his machines to borrow energy from their opponents. In the case of man's machines, nature is the opponent. Wing Chun teaches you to make your weaknesses your strengths, and to borrow the energy from your opponent. Therefore nature has become my opponent. I have come to realize the physics am studying is the same concepts as Wing Chun and so through shared information and cross referencing I began to put two into together. I realized I understood the energy transference concepts and philosophies were interchangeable.
Does anyone besides me see that the longer his posts are the less he actually says..

But then again His mind is just so much more advanced then us cretons..
Why do crazy people think it is genius?

I must jump on the "Robbie is a putz" bandwagon..


[This message has been edited by Mid12am (edited July 10, 1999).]
Patterson. Whereas we're all hanging on your every word, it'd be nice to have some sort of inkling as to what on earth (or in space) you're actually talking about! I get the impression that fluid flow dynamics would be capable of reincarnating my late dog Woofie if it was used just right. How's about a posting that's less than three pages long and actually says something us no-brains can understand.
Hi! Glad to make your acquaintance, hope your family is doing fine. I had a family once upon a time, a gorgeous blond Carla, and beautiful son Brandon, however they were taken away from me by the fossil fuel overlords when I got involved in this technology. We lived in Riverside California we had a gorgeous home I use to build muscle cars on the side after work. I was a heating ventilation air conditioning technician for 20 years until I received 8 traumatic work injuries, that's when all hell broke loose. Funny what a near death experience can do to a person. Didn't mean to get your goat it's just that I have been playing with this technology off and on since 1975, when I saw this object that made controlled maneuvers into the depth of space. I am an ex- U.S. Navy Diver. An ex-Gung Fu practitioner/instructor. An ex-husband and father, an ex-muscle car builder, an ex-AC installer, I guess that makes me an X-Man!

Dear Rob,
I now realise that you have a lot of issues to contend with in life. :(
I wouldn't lament on what was. My wife packed up and walked last year and I've never saved so much money in my life!! :) LMAO!! :)

As for the fame, what the heck makes you think fame was an issue for me? If you follow through my posts you should at least have a tiggling that fame is not a priority in my life! tsk! tsk! Don't judge on lack of evidence, Rob.

Meanwhile, ask yourself this: Is a gravity field affected by wind?


[This message has been edited by Dave (edited July 11, 1999).]

I must say that it is intriging that the people beliving in aliens are trying to convert the non-belivers here, I mean really Dave are you going to ever change your mind..and as for this so called proof what do you need? Do you really need the experience of an alien abduction before you start to belive?..Are you looking for your happy neighborhood alien to come down in his ship, hop out and introduce himself and his position (or would you just shake it off as a parinoid dilusion), will you continue to keep your eyes shut, instead of opening them to the perhapes?. Yours zygos

I am not a politican I am a Philospher
(there is a difference)
Robert Patterson,

I think you have a brilliant mind. You should pursue your research diligently. If you do this you will certainly achieve results and probably make breakthroughs.

I am curious to know your reasons why a saucer-shaped craft would have problems in flight (as you mentioned in one of your posts here).

It seems to me that if a craft of any shape used some sort of energy that had the effect of nullifying gravity, a craft's physical shape and form wouldn't be of any consequence.

NASA has built special practise stations for their astronauts where there is no gravity and men learn how to manage physical equilibrium within such practise stations. I was wondring, couldn't such principles as went into the building of the anti-gravity stations be applied to earthbound spacecraft? What is involved, do you think?

What about the idea of a craft using centrifugal force? Has this been tried?


<center><a href="http://www.exosci.com/ubb/cgi-bin/search.cgi?action=simplesearch&ForumChoice=ALL&ExactName=yes&SearchUser=Dave" onmouseover="window.status='Daves posts on ExoSci'; return true;"><strong>Zygos - click here and do some homework, please!</strong> :)</center></a>

Kind regards,
<img src="http://info.esc.net.au/~nitro/IAMCOOL.gif"</img>

[This message has been edited by Dave (edited July 11, 1999).]