UFO Propulsion

you have a bad outlook on things...
you know..not everyone is full of bullshit
and mind games!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Although I do not agree fully with the original topic, "mental propulsion" as it were, how do we know exactly how many dimensions there are?

We as a community are used to dealing with the four dimension(height, depth, width, and time), however new theories suggest there are more. String theories suggest 10 and M-theory suggests 11.

There may be room in some of these dimensions for movement without detection.
Ok i had to respond on this one....i'm looking over the back archives and bringing up old stuff i know but this is stuff i havent read yet.
Not trying to bring up Roswell but i do recall a certain photograph of hand panels which would be an indicator of them using mental ebergy to guide the craft. I project mental energy through my hands when i heal. mental energy projection is very real. My wife should know as i use it on her to take away headaches,nausea etc. I even took away a friends headache on-line she is in Cali we are in Atlanta. So i know mental projection and energy are real.
Also as far as remote viewing i read a book... cant remember the title as i think i loaned it out to someone but it was written by a man who remote viewed the moon,the Greys etc and was a very interesting read.
Well enough for now and i shall keep reading old posts. Have a great day

Eric Cooper

Although I don't understand the means, I do know that mental energy can be projected (in high school I successfully projected my thoughts to a friend who could read minds). I'm sure there's a great deal more that can be done with mental energy, for those who are not afraid to experiment with it. Although I am not a Christian, I have read enough anecdotal evidence to believe that Jesus had a pretty good handle on how to use mental energy for the benefit of himself and others.

This is unrelated to mental energy, but when I read all the comments from the skeptics, I can't help but wonder how they would have reacted to the idea of the earth being round over 500 years ago. While others were trying on new ideas, and even putting themselves at risk to test those ideas, people like Boris (sorry, Boris :) ) were undoubtedly scoffing at them on the sidelines. Sorry, but it isn't the nay-sayers that are accomplishing things in this world.
mental energy is basically the force from star wars. i havbe had some experience with it too., but a alien propulsion? no.

thats all i got
