Ufo Invasion At Rendelsham


Staff member
Saw scifi channel program. Very interesting...

Billed as:

Join host Bryant Gumbel as SCI FI exposes one of the most notorious UFO incidents of the 20th century, a series of events that occurred near a U.S. military base in Rendlesham Forest, England, in 1980. Now that the British government has admitted it classified documents to cover up the incident, witnesses (both civilians and former military personnel) have come forward to provide new evidence for SCI FI's investigation

The bottom line: They are us. From our future....imagine that.
Whilst it took place on an RAF base, it was a US Air Force guy that reported the sighting wasn't it?

IIRC, he followed a bright light he saw 'hovering' in the woods, ended up calling in security, and they found nothing.

In fact, a quick google shows it been thoroughly debunked as a hoax;


But of cousre, TV stations won't stop showing the 'documentaries' they've made about it, as they care little for the truth, but rather pandering to their audience. Plus of course, recycling crap is easier and cheaper than making accurate, factual programs.

The Rendlesham incident is far more complicated than that im afraid....

One of the events was a Hoax , however there was MUCH more than one event....
Originally posted by phlogistician
In fact, a quick google shows it been thoroughly debunked as a hoax;



Wow, It's amazing how much confidence some people put into the official word of the Government.

Multiple military personel have come forward stating they were forced into signing false reports.

I actually thought this was an intelligent board that discussed all aspects of this phenomena. What I'm finding out is it's more like a segement of 'Skeptical Enquirer' where ball lighting and lighthouses are being accepted as truth.

I'm at a loss. :confused:
What do UFO skepticism go to do with lack of intelligence?

Did your alien friends put you up to this?

You should get other friends.
Righty, so despite the fact that this guy admits hoxing a UFO, there have conveniently been other sightings at the sime time?

So a real UFO was hovering around while this guy was hoaxing and he didn't see it?

Quote Vrob:

"Wow, It's amazing how much confidence some people put into the official word of the Government."

What at the alternative? Take UFOlogists at their word????? ;-)

With quotes like;

"Rendlesham is a very magical place," says Brenda. "It's like a doorway opening to another dimension. We've seen ghostly things and mists"

From Brenda Butler, a UFOlogist that investigated the case? A person who sees things is reliable?

People are fallable, they exaggerate, the join in on bandwagons. They side with each other to make a joke on others, and some daren't disagree with a crowd. The Rendlesham stories have grown in the telling, and people try and implicate themselves in it. post facto, just like all those guys thet never really fought in 'nam.

Here's another article about rendlesham, written before the hoax was admitted, so the cause of the airmen's initial investigation is now known.


It also shows that a hoax probably started this all off, and then once people started looking, they saw the lighthouse, and then again the next night, by which time official reports had been made. Of course, after a while, they'd realise the real explanantion, perhaps feel a little foolish, and some, may persist with their story to cover their own embarrasment. Note, there were NO radar contacts. How come some UFOs are caught on radar, and others aren't?

Vastly different phenomena causing these events? Too disparate to be properly investigated while using a blanket term such as UFO?
This statement from the article sums up nicely the believers camp's calls for credibility from 'official' witnesses:

"You have to call into question the judgement of military officers, in charge of a front line base in the Cold War, who can't distinguish a UFO from a bank of police car lights."
Everytime, there is an UFO story, a large number of debunkers show up as if they have as much interest as the story teller. Sometimes there are more debunkers than actual believers who would like to speculate alternative scenarios but could not.

Why is that? Any ideas?
Originally posted by kmguru
Everytime, there is an UFO story, a large number of debunkers show up as if they have as much interest as the story teller. Sometimes there are more debunkers than actual believers ... Why is that? Any ideas?

Because the sane outnumber the delusional?
Originally posted by phlogistician
Because the sane outnumber the delusional?

Are you sure? Do you know how many people still believe in son of Gods, prophets and all the other nonsense? - not to mention 6 million people still believe as if it is fact about golden tablets that God took away!
Actually, if you account for all the things people believe that have not been shown to exist, those numbers most certainly outnumber the sane.

Very sad, indeed.
Going back to the topic...for a delusional moment consider the possibility that the UFOs are from our future. Then it would make sense the cover up...as the old George Bush said - you do not know the half of it....
one guy say he hoaxed and all buy it. talk about gullibility. where are the allegations of fame and fortune? personal gain? notoriety?
20 years after the fact? yup. i buy it cos it makes me feel good!
Originally posted by spookz
where are the allegations of fame and fortune? personal gain?

Well, three years after the event, 'The news of the World' paid £12,000 for the story. Back then, you could just about buy a modestly sized house for that sort of money. Not a bad gain I;d say.

As for the sane outnumbering the delusional. Within context, that was on this forum. But thanks for pointing out the other stuff people believe in. What it shows, is that people can become utterly convinced of anything, with scant or no evidence. They are driven to devote their lies, castigate others, and even kill them, because some worm tongue spins a good story.

In a truly educated, civilised society, everybody would be a skeptic. Belief is for cave men.
They are driven to devote their lies, castigate others, and even kill them, because some worm tongue spins a good story.

cool! i gotta incorporate some of that emotional rhetoric into my rants. hope you dont mind

*my point stands. why the automatic acceptance? cos it jives with a particular outlook.

in anycase..this was the 2nd part in the "skeptical analysis" series;)
i'll lay down shit including arguments against mr kevin "petty gain" conde

Everytime, there is an UFO story, a large number of debunkers show up as if they have as much interest as the story teller. Sometimes there are more debunkers than actual believers who would like to speculate alternative scenarios but could not.

Why is that? Any ideas?
heyya dude! :)
a point i have considered for a long while also
the debunkers make money from it (often a career)

the people making the reports (experiencers) just make reports
(get offered money from some tabloid paper who ask them to include some little green men for effect- or they wont run any of the 'real' story and wont pay them either-while making them a public laughing stock (happens often enough)
all the hoax'ers ARE debunkers surprise surprise!
(not surprised at all)

just like the crop circles...
some heartless chaos merchants wish to make some money and fame ... so they make some hoax crop circles and then sell the story of them hoaxing it and attempt to claim themselfs as a career debunkers to get a free ride all over the world .. as if they know anything about everything
the debunking network must be a well established group of profiteers!
unfortunately the word sceptic has been hijacked by such underhanded people who only wish to make money rather than any form of science.. and have perverted the scientific sence of the word sceptic

Thanks rippleofdeath. I wanted to go in the direction of "Loop quantum gravity" (see Scietific American, January 2004) but gave up.
Now wait a minute (Contains minor spoiler information)

Warning: Technically, the following post contains spoiler information from a 1994 movie.
The bottom line: They are us. From our future....imagine that.
Now wait a minute ... I could swear that's the plot of a 1994 movie that aired on the Sci Fi Channel.

Official Denial, starring Parker Stevenson, directed by Brian Trenchard-Smith: http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0110715/

But then again, for that movie, who cares? Sorry if I wrecked some viewing experience.
Riple sez:
the people making the reports (experiencers) just make reports

That's frickin' genius!!! C'mon Riple, we can start our own Ufologist/debunker team right away. I shall don the Sweater Vest and Pipe of Credibility, and you may wear the Colourful Clothes and Ponytail of the Visionary... you set 'em up and I knock 'em down!

Riple (dynamically): The circular scorch marks are clearly visible here! This is fascinating... the craft, of whatever kind, may use some kind of advanced fusion propulsion. Whatever it was, it sure was hot! I wish I had a neutron detector.

Blue (puffing on pipe): Certain types of lightning have been known to travel across the ground, and sometimes even in circles. Also, a lightning bolt can strike from hundreds of miles away at times... this is the origin of the saying, "bolt from the blue," of course. It's not unreasonable to assume that such an electrical discharge struck down here, perhaps from the northwest, and charted a circular course through the grass here.

Riple (with energy): This astonishing photograph shows several "orbs" of light, which orbit around each other at high speed! Although there are many explanations of what this could be, it seems too organized to be anything but an intelligent phenomenon. Is it possible that such a craft could be constructed by beings not of this Earth? Until we gather more evidence, we cannot be sure.

Blue (phlegmatically): We see a lot of these photographs every day on the television and radio, and most of them turn out to have perfectly mundane explanations. This picture, for instance, looks like a conjunction of the planets Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus, with someone throwing a frisbee in front of it.

Riple (intent): Tell us about when you were taken by the little men.

Hypnotized person: They're all around me! They're in the room... they're coming toward me and I can't move!

Riple: This testimony seems to show that aliens are among us!

Blue (wry): Tell us about when the bear got you pregnant.

Hypnotized person: Oh! He's pinning me down! His hot breath is in my face... oh! OH! My clothes! He's tearing them off with his giant paws!

Blue: This testimony seems to show that this person had children with a bear.

Riple: Damnit! Aliens are real!

Blue: Yes! But they aren't here.

With proper coordination we could keep this going for years! We could even have our own movie.