ufo encounters of the military kind


:In January 1992, the Spanish air force began declassifying its UFO files. The released documents provide tantalizing details of amazing events. Reports of sightings, radar traces, and scramble incidents permeate the files

The Spanish air force probe into UFOs began as a result of a 1968 Iberian UFO wave. The air ministry published a note in various newspapers requesting citizens to report UFO sightings to the nearest air base. Unlike Project Blue Book in the United States, the Spanish probe didn't have a code name, and it differed from France's GEPAN in that it was not supervised by a scientific commission. In Spain, the inquiry was conducted by an investigative adjutant, who collected witness depositions and other evidence, evaluated the data, and prepared a final report.
The first peek into the Spanish files was published in 1976 by Bilbao journalist J. J. Benitez, who obtained documentation on 12 UFO incidents from a high-ranking general. He discussed these events in his first bestseller, UFOs: Official Documents of the Spanish Government. As a result, the Air Ministry tightened its security and all UFO files remained restricted information until 1992.
In the mid-1980s, Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos and Joan Plana of Valencia's Center for Interplanetary Studies began lobbying the Spanish air force to declassify its UFO files for scientific and historical research. Olmos and Plana's work culminated with the de-classification policy of 1992. All known UFO files have been released, according to the Aerial Operative Command (Spanish acronym MOA), the air force agency in charge of the declassification process. MOA also promised to search for additional files. More documentation will likely appear as new incidents occur.
In his paper "Monitoring Air Force Intelligence," presented last July at the International MUFON Symposium in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Olmos reported that the released documents consisted of 62 files pertaining to 122 events, including 29 radar cases and 11 Close Encounters. Forty-five incidents involved aircraft (27 commercial airliners and 18 military jets). Of these, 67 percent of the civil airplane incidents and 78 percent of the military aircraft cases were solved. That is, the observed UFOs were ultimately identified. Eleven reports describe scrambles of military jets, launched, for example, in the pursuit of unknown radar targets. In four cases, no successful identification was made.

spanish airforce 1992

"From late 1989 into mid-1990, a spectacular wave of sightings occurred in Belgium. Sightings were reported almost daily from October 1989 through July 1990. Witnesses included police, military and civilian pilots, and air traffic controllers. During part of this period the Belgian Air Force kept interceptors on stand-by status, equipped with infrared video cameras, and the Air Force cooperated with civilian groups in documenting and researching the sightings."

Belgium, 1989-1990

"The Turkish popular daily newspaper Hurriyet quoted one of the two men as saying: "Object approaching the wings. Now it's behind the plane ... now it's in front of us."

Turkish Air Force Pilots Encounter UFO Aug 8 2001
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"In late 1993, after being pressured by UFOlogists for the release of additional CIA information on UFOs, (3) DCI R. James Woolsey ordered another review of all Agency files on UFOs. Using CIA records compiled from that review, this study traces CIA interest and involvement in the UFO controversy from the late 1940s to 1990. It chronologically examines the Agency's efforts to solve the mystery of UFOs, its programs that had an impact on UFO sightings, and its attempts to conceal CIA involvement in the entire UFO issue. What emerges from this examination is that, while Agency concern over UFOs was substantial until the early 1950s, CIA has since paid only limited and peripheral attention to the phenomena."

CIA's Role in the Study of UFOs, 1947-90

"The memo, dated the 21st of September 1957, concerns the radar detection of a UFO over the state of New York the preceding day. An investigation by the Air Defense Command was begun, a briefing on the UFO was provided to members of the high level Intelligence Advisory Committee, and this memo was issued during the single day after the event. This very quick action is not only a testimonial to the efficiency of Cold War reporting systems, but also shows the amount of interest solid UFO detections generated at high levels of the military and intelligence community. "

1957 CIA Memo Concerning UFO Report 1957

"North Atlantic area, August 29, 1952. Three disc-shaped objects seen during tracking of a balloon.
Santa Ana, Calif., January 9, 1953. B-29 pilots saw rapidly moving UFO lights, bluish -white, in formation.
Presque Isle, Me., January 29, 1953. Pilots of an F-94 and two other fighter aircraft sighted a dark gray object, with a very definite oval shape.

Hempstead, L.I., October 29, 1952, Two F-94s; very strong statement on object's maneuvering, high speed, that it seemed to be controlled."

List of Air Technical Intelligence UFO sightings
List of Air Technical Intelligence UFO sightings Jul-Dec 1951

"Radar detected a low, slow-flying aircraft about 1 a.m. yesterday, according to a military official. Controllers were unable to establish radio communication with the unidentified aircraft, and NORAD was notified. When the F-16s carrying air-to-air missiles were launched from Andrews, the unidentified aircraft's track faded from the radar, the military official said, speaking on condition of anonymity."

July 26, 2002: F-16's scrambled as lights seen near Washington DC

washington post
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The French Cometa Report affair

"On Friday July 16, 1999 an important document was published in France entitled "UFOs and Defense: What must we be prepared for?" ("Les Ovni Et La Défense: A quoi doit-on se préparer?"). This ninety-page report is the result of an in-depth study of UFOs, covering many aspects of the subject, especially questions of national defense. The study was carried out over several years by an independent group of former "auditors" at the Institute of Advanced Studies for National Defense, or IHEDN, and by qualified experts from various fields. Before its public release, it has been sent to French President Jacques Chirac and to Prime Minister Lionel Jospin."

"According to their description it seemed to have a variable form and to come very quickly across our road. I first identified it like an aircraft facing us, at approximately 45 km (25 Nm), at an altitude of approximately 10500 meters (25 Nm) and at an angle close to 45°. I found this slope absolutely abnormal because aircraft are not inclined at this altitude beyond 30 degrees without risking to fall down. This object seemed to us then absolutely abnormal by its size which seemed immense, its dark red color and of the fuzzy edges. I had the impression to observe a gigantic lens in evolution. It did notresemble anything we had seen in our flying careers."

This object, this phenomenon, remained motionless while we left it on our left side, still at an aproximate distance of 45 km. We observed it during a good minute, conscious that we were seing something utterly anomalous. We continued to observe it when it gradually merged with the environment. We saw it becoming translucid, transparent, diluted in space. That was absolutely amazing.


I think Brentwater incident deservers serious attention,as it is one of the most bizzare UFO military encounters in the whole lot...

2001 sighting

Would be interested to learn if any subscribers know of any UK based researchers who may be able to delve into a sighting I had in Jan 2001,which consisted of a single UFO and three military aircraft.The Mod has replied ,unsurprisingly, that no military planes were in the area at the time, but in a second letter to me they neither confirmed or denied what I had witnessed.
The sighting was made on a clear January night,when I saw an unidentified flying object,(over my home, Liverpool, England), the front of which was glowing orange,imagine a lit cig end in a darkened room,from which at least two large molten blobs fell away,which was following a circular flightpath at about 3-5000 feet,and was interrupted by the arrival of two aircraft which if UK were Tornado F3s, if not , US Eagles. The object ,when approached by the jets did not slow down,it simply went backwards instantly.the jets followed the object for a couple of miles before it went vertical.They followed on burners, but never got near it.After 30 seconds or so the first jet came back down,shortly after followed by the second. They flew circuits for 5 minutes, before departing North east.The third aircraft arrived almost straight away.This was a Nimrod, which flew over in circuits for twenty minutes before departing towards Wales.
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You are a source of very interesting information.

Has anybody gone through all these documents? And come to a conclusion?
lemme see if i can find an all inclusive conclusion. the final word on ufo's!
failure to do so will mean that you are gonna have your hands full for the next decade or so.

sciforums is depending on you;)
Damn, and I was really trying to get out of that:)

That is just a hell of alot of information, and I wouldn't know how to verify even one story... let alone that many. I remember reports of people going through reports before, and the majority were easily explained.

It just seems very unlikely that somebody is going to find the 'magic bullet' this late in the game. The complete lack of evidence doesn't seem to support anything.

If we can not verify, something exists - then it is same as it does not exist for all practical purposes.

But we can speculate for the heck of it....

Did we talk about how the aliens have cleaner agents to clean out the exposure (did any body watch the last episode of Charmed?) :D
what methods and criteria do you employ for verification? explain what is lacking in the reports that render them useless

"all practical purposes"? what is the relevance to a ufo investigation?
Originally posted by Persol
The complete lack of evidence doesn't seem to support anything.

a bold and redundant statement. naturally zero evidence will support nothing. i nitpick tho. does this apply to all cases. you do not find some cases to be more/less compelling than others?
Originally posted by kmguru

If we can not verify, something exists - then it is same as it does not exist for all practical purposes.

But we can speculate for the heck of it....

Did we talk about how the aliens have cleaner agents to clean out the exposure (did any body watch the last episode of Charmed?) :D

I have heard some people saying there is no way that aliens would exists because they are bound to laws of physics and they can't survive etc etc and scientificaly they can't be proved etc. Can you shed some light on it please?
If we can not verify, something exists - then it is same as it does not exist for all practical purposes.

This is a dangerous philosophical problem. When you put yourself in this mindset, you essentially close the doors on possibilities. This philosophical structure limits you to only what someone says they have proven already.