UFO Drive



Interesting post. You smoke a lot of dope, don't you?

I'd like to understand your post a bit better. Maybe you can help me out. The following excerpts are followed by some skeptic comments...

"I once had an idea that if gravity has frequencies, like gravity waves or something like that... and if each stelar corpse produces it's own frequency, we could travel using the frequency of a star of a planet...It's a crazy idea... but for some reason I believe it can be possible... "

Why? Why? Why? Just "for some reason"?

"I think we should use or fuson or gravity..."

OK. Why?

"But UFOs don't have any kind of propulsion system"

Gee, thanks Professor TruthSeeker. So if I look up at the sky and see an object that I can't identify, I can be sure it is not traveling by any means of propulsion. What an insight!

"We can also travel faster than light if we use other dimensions"

Who is "WE"? And is "using the other dimensions" just a trivial thing? How is that accomplished? Come on, make up an answer for us...

What the heck...????

You smoke a lot of dope, don't you?

No... I'm much more aware than many people... that seems to include you...

Why? Why? Why? Just "for some reason"?

No... because I believe that warped space-time might produce some kind of reasonance or wave... that has something to do with gravity...

Because it's clean and secure... :rolleyes:
Just use common sense... ;)

Gee, thanks Professor TruthSeeker. So if I look up at the sky and see an object that I can't identify, I can be sure it is not traveling by any means of propulsion. What an insight!

In first "sight" you call me professor...?
Thanks! I didn't expected so early... :D

Just kidding... ;)

Who is "WE"? And is "using the other dimensions" just a trivial thing? How is that accomplished? Come on, make up an answer for us...

Human beings I suppose...
If we can't even understand very well the fourth dimension, how can you expect to understand how to travel through the fith...?

To finish... UFOs use other dimensions to travel... ;)

sorry for not replying for ages, your answers are pretty cryptic and I didnt expect so many replies to a bit of a weird subject or two.I only go online at weekends usually.
You are right in the sense that there is strangeness undiscovered.
IM pretty sure we havent yet found a LOT of basic physics laws, which would explain a hell of alot of things, The depressing thing for me is that even if we do and have to totally rewrite the physics book itll still be wrong but more right wrong, and at least make people understand
We are missing a fundamental law of physics here,which we cant get, due to our crap limited thinking.
physics is the main one but theres a whole lot more
How can you tell anyone everything theyve learnt that has been (proven) to be (true) is actually aload of crap and that there is no such thing as true?
Truthseeker, truth is subjective to the individual.
Ill Post more later dont want to make it too big
Sorry truthseeker.
Dumb questions
I was curious about lots of things.
You sound a bit like me, ie if its unexplained and totally defies all known rules but somehow its real, its real right?
If you answer yes you are immediately entering unknown territory
where nothing is known and its all pure conjecture
Sorry for the conclusion question particularly, there is obviously no conclusion, its interesting to speculate though.
a circle, radiates from a centre, every edge of it is the same EXACT distance from centre.
Poss, its the the propulsion. and needs to project out.
tied up with gravity and antigravity, if you think of gravity as centrifugal youre nearly there.(
Or magnetic repulsion(Defies gravity every time}
Its prob someting far more complicated.
Scientists have actually done this travelling faster than light
OK look it up
It obviously is relative.

Truthseeker, truth is subjective to the individual.

I call this "reality". But there must be some Truth too, inherent of everyone...


I read this idea some time ago, somewhere. It's said that UFOs have an stationary place and the rest rotates...
Perhaps it's true... It seems an interesting idea...

Scientists have actually done this travelling faster than light

They have a a huge tunnel thing miles long that does nothing better than fire a single electron or something along, poss, this is prob wrong, anyway its been done yawn old news.
This is very recent.
Right now were talking about one part of an atom(or something)
BUT if it could get it refined a bit you could do anything!
I think youve really avoided that.
An answer (v.short) would help.
You DO NOT have to explain everything.
There is no such thing as a universal truth.

Why? If there is no Truth, how can something exists...?
How can we live in the same planet, in the same dimensions if there is no Truth?

PS: Want another thread about why the Truth is simple...? :D

TruthSeeker....if there is a truth lying around, you would have already found it by now and renamed yourself FoundTruth.....:D :D
I don't believe there is a Truth wondering around... I believe that Truth is beyond reality... and too simple for a common person to understand...

And too simple to put it in words...

PS: I don't know how to rename... :D:D

We are getting off the subject here, but I need to say a quick word on truth. The way I understand truth is that after certain level, we humans can not fathom it. Imagine a child looking at an apple and saying the apple is red. His or her understanding of the word would be different from say a phD in Physics who understands the wavelength of light. A neuroscience will have a different truth as to how the light is captured in the retima and goes through the electrochemical process before a person can be aware. And so on.

But the child view of Red does not change though. The PhD or the neuroscientist will not say the child's statement is false. So, we have this partial truth...

And that is where we are for everything that we can comprehend...
What you describe is what I call reality...
A perspective of a bigger Truth...

A Collective Essencial Reality is what I call Truth.

I should put this in my signature...
... as I'm...
... TruthSeeker... :D


Your signature is getting longer than your postings. To reduce the real estate it takes up, you may want to reduce the size of the texts.....:D

I agree with you on the truth side. Once I attended a Gita class in Hunstville. The teacher was a pompous ass but did nail down the explanation of reality as written in Gita. (I have no idea where it is written...)
He said what I said!?!?


That enlightment really worked out...! :)

That's good... this means that I can already get out of here and be free... :)



Well put km guru on your apple thing.
The truth is actually much too advanced for any of us to know
we are living in the wrong era.( we are so primitive its untrue)
We have to put up with defining truth according to our state of knowledge at this time which is is clearly wrong.
There is no such thing as a universal truth, Ive said this before, sorry,but it depends on each person.
It is out there but we will never get remotely near it, in about 500 years time the human race will be nearer but not know, this is getting off topic about ufos but is fascinating and interconnected
Conclusion is that
1 truth is subjective
2 truth is dependent on current state of knowledge
3 its the truth as far as we can get
4 its not the truth.
And point 4 is the one that sticks.
Meanwhile you have to get on with your life, pay bills, meet people, answer phones etc.