UFO Drive


Registered Member
The following question: I point, as can fly UFO. That is relatively
easy to implement. Idea is based on limited speed of light. Does
someone know, how I can bring this thing in front now?

What the f*** are trying to tell???

it does not make any sense your 'question'

pointing, UFO's, speed of light

now in English ....
During the specific combination:

1. the distance between the wire with the current
2. current period in the wires
3. the displacement of phase

the forces appearing on the wires act in the identical direction
My first idea was also electrical field, but if it concerns real execution, the handling with electromagnetic fields is simpler.
One is to present 2 wires parallel next to each other, the distance between the wires is in a relation to current frequency in wires to be appropriate.
1. the time of the spreading electromagnetic wave between wires is alike 1/4 of the phase of the alternating current in wires.
2. Current frequency in wires is alike and to phase shift in wires the 1/4 is.

then Lorenz(Amper) forces on the wires in same directions are steered.

These forces are an interaction between each wire and electromagnetic fields. No interaction between 2 wires!
It gives still a few pure technical problem, but those are solvable.

You are attempting to achieve your force using the magnetic fields created in the wires by the current flowing through them. If you wanted to create a more powerful force, try using electromagnets instead of wires.

Is clear! But around that really to implement one needs so a frequency (GHz area) with the change of the direction that of magnetic field, an electromagnet is not applicable.

If my calculations are correct, the frequency of the device would have to be 300 MHz if the plates or electromagnets were one meter apart. The pulse or burst would have to be half of that cycle. You can reduce the frequency, but you cannot reduce the duration of the pulse without losing significant force.

The magnetic field does not need to change directions, it just has to be swithed on and off.

A magnetic core wouldn't work for the electromagnets because of the high frequencies, but an air or vacuum core might.

I imagined more around a continuous alternating electrical stream(sine - formal), not impulses of the stream.
With the electromagnet is one always lengthens its electrical wire to consider.
It may not do any more than 1/10 wave-lengthens (impulse - lengthens) to be, otherwise it will not function.
With the such small lengthen is perhaps nevertheless better on base drat - too - drat effects build.
Like that we are not limited by frequency. We can take much higher frequency and carry out thus smaller distances.
By the way, it should be nich really wire, it is a good combination - gold in ceramic.
A ceramic plate with several gold wires which is situated next to each other, everything enclosed into ceramic.

(The eddies - electricalflows can be also gone around)


Check out this lab:
You can find and try to build your own flying saucer. What you need is only 'flyback' parts from your old TV, and several lightweight items.
Hi VFlemming:

My aircar design is based on Loentz forces. I plan to build a model to test it in a few years. UFOs could use the same principle but only in atomosphere. In vaccum of space, they have to resort to ion engines or space manipulation techniques that we do not know the mechanism.
Researchers have got a thing to travel faster than light, from their point of view, so you can get get it but not, sort of, it all depends.Sorry for vagueness the only way to try this out is to have humans in a spaceship or something, travelling faster than light to an outside observer.
It is that interesting paradox where you point two laser lights, one opposite to the other. A photon riding on one beam will think, the other one is travelling twice the speed of light....
I once had an idea that if gravity has frequencies, like gravity waves or something like that... and if each stelar corpse produces it's own frequency, we could travel using the frequency of a star of a planet... :p

It's a crazy idea... but for some reason I believe it can be possible...

I think we should use or fuson or gravity...

But UFOs don't have any kind of propulsion system... so they might operate in something like antigravity, like ismu said...

We can also travel faster than light if we use other dimensions...

there are other dimensions probably.
Regarding your ufo drive it could or not be
that it creates a vacuum in front of it and is pulled forward by it
If you could implement this youd need hardly any energy at all to actually move
what kind of truth are you seeking?
Have you arrived at some conclusion?
there are an awful lot of things unexplained that actually happened,
If you take for granted these things are real
youre left with a lot of questions and no answers.
There is no real answer.