U.S. Nazi William Pierce Dies

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Originally posted by ubermich
get the fuck off captain's back.

we need dreamers in this world to effect any change. zach de la rocha? che guevara? the leftist sophomore counselor at my school whos a blatant socialist in a conservative, catholic prep school? theyre fucking amazing. ballsy to say the least.

Ideas that are not well thought out can be very dangerous. We don't need dreamers. We need good creative problem solvers. Our world progress often in tiny steps, not very big steps. Big leaps usually lead to disaster. How many bills in congress that get passed are considered big leaps? A few but not too many. Less than 1%. Some of those big leaps are not good bills, like welfare for example. Some may argue social security as well.

with regards to communism, i buy half of it. i think marx is right about dialectical materialism but wrong about how the dictatorship of the proletariat will magically vanish when the poor, vicious bastards in control are suddenly enlightened.

dialectical materialsm is true though. capitalism is evolving. the domestic? capitalism of the early 20th century is definitely different from the globalizing, international capitalism of the 21st. corporations are becoming mcuh more powerful than nation-states with their little friends the IMF and WTO.

of course, you might say that there really is no distinction between capitalism now and capitalism 80 years ago, but the fact of the matter is, even if they are fundamentally the same system, part of it is changing, evolving, growing. towards what? i dont know....to believe in the dictatorship of the proletariat may be a far-fetched solution, but i think thats where people get bogged down in marx. they criticize his solution and rob him of credibility in their own minds, when he IS correct about some things. he accurately predicted the rolllercoaster business cycle, and the excesses of monopolies, etc. maybe we should focus on that and not the fact that his solution is crackpottish.

Communism is all wrong with the way the economy is implemented. Believing it would work is uneducated. I highly doubt Marx invented "business cycle". You talk like it is a bad thing.
Everyone is born a capitalist. You, too, were once a capitalist. I'm sure that even now your behavious is still capitalistic.
Of course my behavior is capitalistic, we live in a capitalist society.
My question to you: Why try to paddle against the current?
An old saying: If all your freinds were going to jump off a cliff, would you just blindly follow them?
going with the flow is by no means a way to live life.
The problems come when people basically stop caring about eachother, and let the rich poor gap widen to an almost irrepairable point. That's why it's important to give to charities and shit. Ethical capitalism.
The gap is widening and will continue to do so unless something is done.
Its important to give to charities, i never said otherwise. I said charities dont do much good, they ease peoples minds. Allowing them to carry on their selfish ways without torment.
Communism says: YOu have to help eachother out -- or else!
you are refferring to socialism.
Capitalism: You don't have to help anybody out, but it's better for you if you do
I dont see big multi-billion corporations such as Esso helping others.
Why do you support communism? YOu say you like the theory, but exactly HOW?
Exactly how? read the manifesto - the theory - then i will point out why i like the theory.

I'll leave you with a fact:
In Brazil, 80% of all weath is owned by a minority of 3%.
back to the original topic, if i may...
i fail to see how the world is a better place at all because of Pierce's death. does the satisfaction of a load of liberals make the world a better place? and rejoicing over anybody's death for whatever reason, in my opinion, only makes the world that much worse of a place.
*gags you with a spoon*

i'm not saying i want the world to be a much better place...or a worse one for that matter. but by the very ideology that claims the world is a better place because of the death of somebody known for hating is rather contradictive. the nazi hates on the basis of race, the liberal (in this case) hates on the basis of belief. it's an endless cycle, or an incessant case of back and forth...both sides, of course, unwilling to be convinced that they are in the wrong in any way, and both are fighting for the ultimate good in their minds.
He was a waste of oxygen by my standards. My standards are all that matter. Therefore....

*Xev starts singing the Tequila song*
midnight blue is quite correct, celebrating a death is not a nice thing. The world is not any more a better place because of his death, think of this: someone else i'm sure, will be waiting in the wings to take his place. This world is full of different opinions and who is to say who is correct. (i dont think nazism is correct, infact i think its evil but this is only my opinion.)
I'm not a nice person. I feel mild disgust for most human beings, and this Peirce guy is much worse. He has the blood of the Oklaholma City victims on his hands, and by Xev rules, he deserved far worse than he got.

One less scumbag polluting this planet.

He hurt people. Not just any people, but weak, innocent people who did not deserve to suffer. He was scum and I am glad he is gone.
Midnight Blue

I have to agree. I like freedom of speech, I like people having different ideas. I'm quite happy for everyone to think entirely different things, even bad things about each other, as long as they don't turn thoughts and words into actions which affect another person's life. (And yes, I like the idea that we can each be responsible enough to be civil when presenting such ideas.) Rejoicing over anyone's death does not do anyone any good.

However, having said that, there are a few people I know of who I would kill for the good of all. My own ideals can be worried about after everyone is safe and secure.
Who the fuck is talking about killing him? I'd die for his right to spew the drivel he spewed. But I feel rather relieved he's off the planet. There are too many humans already.
Exactly. To actually kill him ourselves is perhaps beyond the boundaries of our own morality. But to feel a complete lack of compassion after he dies by other means? Seems reasonable to me.

If Hussain were to die tomorrow, I'd be thinking "Oh, cool. 'Bout time."
there's nothing wrong with a lack of compassion. i honestly don't give a shit if the guy's dead.
but to celebrate and praise a death does not = lack of compassion...lack of compassion could just mean indifference.
there's nothing wrong with a lack of compassion. i honestly don't give a shit if the guy's dead.
but to celebrate and praise a death does not = lack of compassion...lack of compassion could just mean indifference.

Yes it does. It's nice that he's dead. Not wasting our resources anymore. This is lack of compassion.

I do not actively celebrate. If I do, so fucking what? Boohoo, I'm not being politically correct and I am letting my innate viciousness show.

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