U.S. Nazi William Pierce Dies

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Analog By Birth, Digital By Design
Valued Senior Member
July 23, 2002
White Supremacist Author Dies

CHARLESTON, W.Va.- White supremacist leader William Pierce, whose book "The Turner Diaries" is believed to have inspired Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh, died Tuesday. He was 68. (Full text here)
A Long Career in Bigotry
William Pierce, a native of Atlanta, Georgia, has been active in the extremist movement since the 1960s. A Ph.D. in physics, he taught at Oregon State University from 1962 to 1965 and, during that time, briefly joined the John Birch Society, a hard-right political organization. He stopped teaching as his political views grew more radical and, in 1966, moved to Washington, D.C., where he began associating with George Lincoln Rockwell, the founder and leader of the American Nazi Party... (Full text here)
Good riddance.

I don't think we should be celebrating death. Even the death of such a horrible person - by our standards.

Sure the guy was an ass, and maybe we are a little better off without him, but celebrating death is a horrible thing. Maybe worse than some of the things he stood for........:rolleyes:
Your right, it is a horrible thing to celebrate death. But I frankly don't care. The world is a little better without him. If something benefits the majority I feel free to celebrate it.
Sure he was, Captain.

Just as I'm entitled to seize the excuse to make myself a drink, or yell "yayhhooooooo!!!!!!!"

Death is death. No big deal, and nothing wrong with celebrating it.
Originally posted by Captain_Crunch
he was intitled to his views even although he was an evil right-wing extremist pig. :eek:

We need some right wing extremist pigs to balance out left wing extremist pigs. (I am not mentioning names) Everyone is entitled to his/her own "wrong" opinion, as long as no one breaks the laws. What he thinks is none of my business. There are always going to be extremists. They are merely the outlyers of the Guassian distribution.
We need some right wing extremist pigs to balance out left wing extremist pigs. (I am not mentioning names) Everyone is entitled to his/her own "wrong" opinion, as long as no one breaks the laws. What he thinks is none of my business. There are always going to be extremists. They are merely the outlyers of the Guassian distribution.
who decides whats right and wrong? although, i think right-wing is wrong.
There are always going to be extremists.
If your trying to say i'm an extremist, your wrong, i would believe in everything to do with communism if i were an extremist and may even be part of the communist party but i'm not.
Originally posted by Captain_Crunch

who decides whats right and wrong? although, i think right-wing is wrong.

I do. Half of the people think left wing is wrong.

If your trying to say i'm an extremist, your wrong, i would believe in everything to do with communism if i were an extremist and may even be part of the communist party but i'm not.

Nope. You are not someone I would worry about.
Originally posted by Joeman
Half of the people think left wing is wrong.

And most of those don't understand what the left wing is about in the first place. They think it's about communism and the end of capitalism, or sprawling bureacracy, or lack of morals, or some such nonsense.

At least the left understands what the right stands for. Good thing someone's paying attention. :rolleyes:
At least the left understands what the right stands for. Good thing someone's paying attention.
the right are evil. I do realise that communism is difficult to put into practice and not everything is sound in the theory.
Originally posted by overdoze

And most of those don't understand what the left wing is about in the first place. They think it's about communism and the end of capitalism, or sprawling bureacracy, or lack of morals, or some such nonsense.

At least the left understands what the right stands for. Good thing someone's paying attention. :rolleyes:

The left and right doesn't mean anything to me. Left vs right is more or less a form of classism. Modern political spectrum is 3D rather than 2D.

Here is the modern day definition as I see it.

There is the conservatives - people who are rich white men or people who are not rich white men but want to be like them.

The liberals - people who dispise the conservatives, but don't really have better ideas since the 60's.

Libertarian - Get off my back, government! I want my drugs, porn, and prostitutions.

The conflict between the left and right is merely the fight about who has a bigger slice of the pie.

The right "I make the pie so I deserve to take a bigger slice"

The left "I am going to make the split very very fair. Although the pie itself is going to be a hell lot smaller now, but I don't care about that because I am stupid. Fairness is all I care about"
Well Joeman,

At least you seem to understand a bit. Though the "hell lot" bit is hardly justifiable. There are grey shades of fairness, and somewhere among those shades is the optimum.

As for ever-growing social inequality, that's hardly a good thing for anybody, and trickle-down economics is a myth. In general, liberals tend to think long-term and innovatively. Conservatives tend to be myopic.

Gawd, are we off-topic or what? :eek:
The left "I am going to make the split very very fair. Although the pie itself is going to be a hell lot smaller now, but I don't care about that because I am stupid. Fairness is all I care about"
fairness is'nt everything left wing care about, you know that as well as i do. Caring about fairness does'nt make you stupid i dont think.
Originally posted by Captain_Crunch

fairness is'nt everything left wing care about, you know that as well as i do. Caring about fairness does'nt make you stupid i dont think.

You know, to be perfectly honest with you. I don't direct any of my comments toward you because I don't care about what you think for a while now. I let you say whatever you want. I am not interested in challenging anything you say anymore. I would find that disturbing if I were you.

I recommend you some readings. You need to learn what are "engine for growth". Econ 101&102 in a university would be a good place to start.

After that find all the social injustices caused by this "engine for growth"or whatever you find that is problematic.

Find the magic bullet that is best for both worlds, if can't, which is the most likely scenario, re-formulate your thinking based on the compromise between growth and whatever you care about. You would make more sense that way. It's up to you.
You know, to be perfectly honest with you. I don't direct any of my comments toward you because I don't care about what you think for a while now. I let you say whatever you want. I am not interested in challenging anything you say anymore. I would find that disturbing if I were you.

I recommend you some readings. You need to learn what are "engine for growth". Econ 101&102 in a university would be a good place to start.

After that find all the social injustices caused by this "engine for growth"or whatever you find that is problematic.

Find the magic bullet that is best for both worlds, if can't, which is the most likely scenario, re-formulate your thinking based on the compromise between growth and whatever you care about. You would make more sense that way. It's up to you.

i am quite sadenned by this, i dont understand, i have been open minded and havnt been insulting to anybody (although at times i have been sarcastic). I have never said i liked the implementations of communism, never. I have said many times i like the theory - if this is'nt good enough for some people fine. People recently have been questioning my beliefs, i came to this forum completely convinced that everything about communism was great but people like you have made me change my mind, although, not entirely because i still feel that capitalism and anarchy are no nos. If you have noticed i havnt nearly been forcing my views on people recently because of this. Do you not value my opinion on anything or just on system of government, i am curious. :bugeye:
Originally posted by Captain_Crunch
Do you not value my opinion on anything or just on system of government, i am curious. :bugeye:

Just on government.

You lack very basic understanding in many things. Your debate with EMfuser didn't go too well. For example, if you want poor people to be better paid, you need to understand the mechanism which ULTIMATELY determine how much people are paid under ANY system. (BTW, the answer in the back of the book is .......... productivity) That has to be true under ANY system. I don't want to debate you here, but I would think backwards. I would try to understand what exactly does productivity mean, what determines it and what affects it. Why is a man less productive in China even though he does exactly the same work and have the same exact output as a person doing exact same work in US??? Interesting huh? (it doesn't just mean how much you produce in volume but how much you produce is worth to others) How do we raise productivity to justify the higher pay? Okay now lets say if we have a board which totally manipulate the pay for a person, that will result in overpaying and underpaying. What are the side effects if people are overpaid or underpaid? That is something you ought to know. Communism is totally counter productive in this regard. You can't have a system of economy without any capitalist element in it.

Most people who believe in communism are not educated, period.

Look. Capitalism has holes in it. I run into really good opponents once in a while, but you can't try to poke holes in it without really understanding it.

I don't understand General Relativity very well, so I don't go over to physics forum very often. If I do go over there and make a fool out of myself, can I blame others for not considering my opinion?

Everyone is born a capitalist. You, too, were once a capitalist. I'm sure that even now your behavious is still capitalistic.

My question to you: Why try to paddle against the current?

Capitalism's flaws are not it's own, but OURS. If humans weren't capitalistic, our species would not have survived. The problems come when people basically stop caring about eachother, and let the rich poor gap widen to an almost irrepairable point. That's why it's important to give to charities and shit. Ethical capitalism.

Communism says: YOu have to help eachother out -- or else!

Why would you wan't to work at full efficiency for a cause you don't neccessarily support?

Capitalism: You don't have to help anybody out, but it's better for you if you do (many reasons).

You'll work at full efficiency for yourself, as well as other people, because it's to your benefit. And at the same time, it can be ethical too.

No human, none at all would do something that's not to their own benefit, for any reason. The only way you get someone to work (or pretend to) under a communist system is by threatening them. Why do you support communism? YOu say you like the theory, but exactly HOW?

You're the first person I've ever known that supports communism. I just don't understand how? Could you please explain what makes paddling against the river better than downstream? Did a glitzy essay convert you? I'm curious.
get the fuck off captain's back.

we need dreamers in this world to effect any change. zach de la rocha? che guevara? the leftist sophomore counselor at my school whos a blatant socialist in a conservative, catholic prep school? theyre fucking amazing. ballsy to say the least.

with regards to communism, i buy half of it. i think marx is right about dialectical materialism but wrong about how the dictatorship of the proletariat will magically vanish when the poor, vicious bastards in control are suddenly enlightened.

dialectical materialsm is true though. capitalism is evolving. the domestic? capitalism of the early 20th century is definitely different from the globalizing, international capitalism of the 21st. corporations are becoming mcuh more powerful than nation-states with their little friends the IMF and WTO.

of course, you might say that there really is no distinction between capitalism now and capitalism 80 years ago, but the fact of the matter is, even if they are fundamentally the same system, part of it is changing, evolving, growing. towards what? i dont know....to believe in the dictatorship of the proletariat may be a far-fetched solution, but i think thats where people get bogged down in marx. they criticize his solution and rob him of credibility in their own minds, when he IS correct about some things. he accurately predicted the rolllercoaster business cycle, and the excesses of monopolies, etc. maybe we should focus on that and not the fact that his solution is crackpottish.
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