U HaV Da Pwr 2 Eliminate Religion


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Valued Senior Member
If you had the power, the choice, and it would be complete, total, unwavering... would you remove religion from the face of the Earth, or would you let it stay? You can choose to completely irradicate it or not. The power would be yours and it would be done! Discuss my pets...
I just watched Wishmaster 2... I know your game darksidzz, you can't fool me..

But seriously, I would personally remove it.
I'd leave it. It's better if people are as different as possible, imo.
darkidZz said:
The power would be yours and it would be done!
Promise ? :p

Ok, one wish down two to go :D

No, actually it would be quite immoral to do so. But i would like to have the power to stop them trying to convert me.
Although it would probably make a better world (at this moment) if religion were to dissapear.
Practically impossible. A person's belief that religion should be eliminated is a belief, and therefore it is a person's religion.
Practically impossible. A person's belief that religion should be eliminated is a belief, and therefore it is a person's religion.

I belief you are incorrect.
Now which religion is that ?

Also.. ofcourse its practically impossible.. lol
Personal SET of beliefs.
Not a belief on/ anout a single subject.
Is a mother's belief that her baby is the most beautiful in the world a religion?
Is a belief that you'll get that job offer a religion?
Perhaps I inaccurately responded to the idea of the elimination of religion. Even if you don't consider an individual's beliefs to be defined as their religion, to have the entire human population "eliminate religion" is contradictory.
...to have the entire human population "eliminate religion" is contradictory.

No the statement was that you would be given the power to remove religion, not everyone for himself.
I dont know if you meant it that way, if not how is it contradictory ?
not all religions are bad, i admire zen buddhists and i am a daoist myself. i believe in freedom of life choice. even if that choice is the love of mass murder. its still free will and thats what makes things interesting.



I admit I didn't read the first post. I assumed the title said it all.
The title read like a conclusive statement, while the topic is a hypothetical situation.
Yeah, to have the power to eliminate religion you'd have to be, like, god, man.
And then you'd have to tell people you don't exist...
Humans have numerous beliefs and fortunately most are realistic, so if we could eradicate the irrational, which would include religion I'm all for it, irrational beliefs are dangerous beliefs.
The eradication of religion would be the wisest and most rational thing, this planet could do, but alas it will never be in my lifetime.
The eradication of religion would be the wisest and most rational thing, this planet could do, but alas it will never be in my lifetime.

its not religion thats the destructive problem, its the human mind period. without religion we would still try to control each other in new ways.

most religion is a way to control the masses but not all religion. when people say religion because most of us here are westerners we automaticaly think of christians jews and muslims etc.

but what about religions like zen buddhism and daoism? neither of those are here to control people and gain money. they are for personal development and understanding of the universe and the self.

people need to stop being so general with religion as a whole. what good would eradicating zen buddhism or daoism do for the world?

its not religion thats the destructive problem, its the human mind period. without religion we would still try to control each other in new ways.

most religion is a way to control the masses but not all religion. when people say religion because most of us here are westerners we automaticaly think of christians jews and muslims etc.

but what about religions like zen buddhism and daoism? neither of those are here to control people and gain money. they are for personal development and understanding of the universe and the self.

people need to stop being so general with religion as a whole. what good would eradicating zen buddhism or daoism do for the world?


You are probably right but the question simply was "would you get rid of all religion if you had the power to do so ?" I think you should just vote no ;)
If you had the power, the choice, and it would be complete, total, unwavering... would you remove religion from the face of the Earth, or would you let it stay? You can choose to completely irradicate it or not. The power would be yours and it would be done! Discuss my pets...
if we could fulfill the above criteria we would have the position of god, so does that mean if we chose to wipe out religion we would also wipe out ourself?