Two warning shots fired from God

witnessjudgejury said:
:confused: warning shots:
1) Desolation of the Voodoo and Vampire capital of the world.
2) When you came to rebuild it, you were kicked out again.
Very few casualties.

If this does not wake you and confirm what I told you to confirm, there is no hope.
The next shot will not be a warning and will have casualties.

Does the devil cast out devils.

God has said: " if you don't like your spirit, get a new one".

I am so tired of trying to wake the dead. It seems so hopeless.

Wake up and think, think, think. I know you can.

Those who blame mother nature and global warming will see what global warming really is and what father nature can do.

Why would 'God' fire warning shots if everyone is screwed already? Maybe the'yre reminder shots and 'God' just likes to rub it in?
"1) Desolation of the Voodoo and Vampire capital of the world."

Africa and Transylvania?

haha, He just cant stand people being more afraid of global warming then Himself :p

witnessjudgejury said:
:confused: warning shots:
1) Desolation of the Voodoo and Vampire capital of the world.
2) When you came to rebuild it, you were kicked out again.
If God is the creator and the devil is the destroyer, doesn't this attitude make you a devil worshiper?
satan is the other side of god. lucifer... includes both the "holy ghost" and "satan"

"I am the light of the world" (jesus)

lucifer, the light bringer

jesus, the morning star (lucifer)

the preserver, the destroyer