Two warning shots fired from God


:confused: warning shots:
1) Desolation of the Voodoo and Vampire capital of the world.
2) When you came to rebuild it, you were kicked out again.
Very few casualties.

If this does not wake you and confirm what I told you to confirm, there is no hope.
The next shot will not be a warning and will have casualties.

Does the devil cast out devils.

God has said: " if you don't like your spirit, get a new one".

I am so tired of trying to wake the dead. It seems so hopeless.

Wake up and think, think, think. I know you can.

Those who blame mother nature and global warming will see what global warming really is and what father nature can do.
WJJ - Who or what inspires the rescue workers that selflessly put their own lives at risk to minimise the tradegy that they see unfolding before them?



Well no, that’s all nonsense. If anyone is to blame it is human stupidity for building a city below sea level and then not defending it properly from the sea.

There is no such thing as global warming, at least not caused by human activities. Weather goes through cycles that are hundreds/thousands of years in duration. Bunches of hurricanes is not unusual, just not frequent.

Trying to attribute normal meteorological phenomena to superstitious gibberish indicates ignorance not wisdom.

Now unless you can support your claims with some evidence I would politely suggest you go peddle your preaching at people who are appropriately gullible – you are unlikely to find a receptive audience here.
Cris said:
Well no, that’s all nonsense. If anyone is to blame it is human stupidity for building a city below sea level and then not defending it properly from the sea.
Or if not then god is a maniac

Cris said:
There is no such thing as global warming, at least not caused by human activities. Weather goes through cycles that are hundreds/thousands of years in duration. Bunches of hurricanes is not unusual, just not frequent.
I Pitty you, for heavens sake when will americans realise, are you christian or something????
For heavens sake you moron, people told me that some americans didn't believe in it but i thought they were joking, you have been brainwashed by the media!!!

Look at these sites,00.html

Proof or what!

for heavens sake open your eyes and stop watching fox news
So, God speaks through catastrophic events? What if you are in a car crash? Does that mean something? What about a family members death? What about cancer? Are all cancer victims evil? You would drive yourself insane trying to make conclusions based on random events.

You appear to be a victim of media and political hype yourself. Warming cycles are natural. Of the current cycle some 99.7% is due to natural vapors, and normal climate changes. While human activates are contributing they only represent some 0.3%, this is negligible and insignificant.

Claims of proof are exaggerated and are outside of appropriate perspective. It’s like proving that a single drip of water will raise the water level in a bucket of water. Great, but insignificant.

And as your articles indicate, computer modals are very interesting but there is still very little hard science and evidence.
Maybe it's a warming cycle, and maybe it was triggered by human caused warming. Certainly we cannot release that much greenhouse gas into the atmosphere and expect it to do nothing. True, there is no conclusive proof, and there very well might never be. Suffice to say that our current warming rate is unprecedented.
Global warming is a scam, one that pseudo scientist throw at governments to be financed in some supposed study, and then they supposedly put out their so called computer models. It's a scam get over it, no computer model has ever even predicted the outcome and course of a hurricane or tornado, let alone predict a long term global enviorenmental forecast.

Global warming scam

And another link

And yet another storie of the scam.

The reason they try to fool you with the BS global warming fears:
Global Warming Scam Worth Trillions

NUF said!.


no computer model has ever even predicted the outcome and course of a hurricane or tornado
Not perfectly that's true, but it's because of the butterfly effect. Only an infinite number of sampling points could provide a 100% accurate prediction.

let alone predict a long term global enviorenmental forecast
Global warming claims are based on the unprecedented rate of warming we see right now, not into the future.
Godless, I honestly hope you are right, and that it is a scam. But I certainly don't think it is. I doubt all those smart people can be worng. From what I can see internationally, most of the skeptics are but yanks, happy with their gas guzzling lifestyle and SUV in the garage.

I don't need to look far to detect signs that things are changing. In my own back garden, flowers, butterflies, bumblebees etc... are coming into spring 3 weeks earlier due to mild winters. Nevermind the fact that vegetation is growing in greenland for the first time in 10,000 years, what about the bloody bee's in my back yard!?

Anyway, even if it is a scam, I doubt it can be a bad thing. It seems to have people (in the UK anyway) thinking more of the environment and becoming aware that our lifestyle depends on finite resources.
c20H25N3o said:
Who or what inspires the rescue workers that selflessly put their own lives at risk to minimise the tradegy that they see unfolding before them?

pussy,its all about poon.
Godless said:
Global warming is a scam, one that pseudo scientist throw at governments to be financed in some supposed study, and then they supposedly put out their so called computer models. It's a scam get over it, no computer model has ever even predicted the outcome and course of a hurricane or tornado, let alone predict a long term global enviorenmental forecast.

Global warming scam

And another link

And yet another storie of the scam.

The reason they try to fool you with the BS global warming fears:
Global Warming Scam Worth Trillions

NUF said!.


this is stupid. global warming isnt a scam its a measurable phenomena. whether its attributable to normal weather cycles or damaging human activity or some combination of both is whats under debate. global warming in fact is happening in at least some sense.
c20H25N3o said:
Err? Didnt understand you, could you expand on the idea so that the laymen can comprehend?



i was being unecessarily crude.
what i meant was,everyone has their own reason for doing things and everyones reason is different.
Considering we are heading towards another ice age within the next few thousand years, perhaps a bout of global warming would be somewhat welcome.

Eric the Red would never have made it to Greenland had there not been global warming a thousand years ago. By the 15th century, the Viking colonies were all but wiped out due to the ground freezing year round and shipping lanes cut-off from the outside world.
Yes ofcourse it's happening it has been happening for at least ten thousand years, what else do you think caused the ice age to recede?. Global Warming!. Duh!. :rolleyes:

And to claim that we are the cause of global warming or that our industrialization of the world is speeding it, is just simply not substantiated by any reasonable scientific means. It's simply pseudo science. One meant to derail idustrialization by the enviorenmentalist dumb asses.

And furthermore, no matter what the fuck the government propose to do to slow down supposed global warming, the world will continue to get warmer with or without our industrialization. This is been happening for ten thousand years, and there were no factories, or automobile back then, fact is if industrialization had never taken place, there would still be global warming today untill the next ice age.


Coming from you, I expected an intellegent approach in debate, I mean this as a compliment. Anyhow go figure, it's now predictable according to you to forcast torandoes & huricanes?. Please provide links.

One of the most dangerous aspects of tornadoes is their capriciousness. Sometimes an updraft gives rise to a tornado; sometimes it does not. Scientists are still hard pressed to predict exactly when and where a tornado will appear; that uncertainty makes it difficult to raise the alarm in time tosave lives.

Hurricanes are unpredictable. We never know when one will develop in the Gulf, and when they do, we have a very small window of time to put our plan into action.

In the high county, rugged landscapes and high winds interact to make weather unpredictable. A sunny July day can suddenly deteriorate into a violent thunderstorm leaving a dusting of fresh snow to outline the summits. Just as quickly, the storm may clear and the day return to its previous peacefulness.

I think this covers of the unpredictable weather patterns, thus far, I've yet to see any forcast concur with one another, they all differ, the science though getting better is not to the point that can predict a hurricanes formation & direction or when and where a tornado will hit, the understanding of hurricanes is fortuanetly getting lots better yet though they still can't forcast which direction it will go this is why they try and nail it down to a huge wide area. It can't be pin-pointed, they only conclude the most likely.

A tornado on the other hand is completely unpredictable, a cyclone jumps from one place to another in random places, the only thing that is predicted is that a storm is likely to produce tornados.

But hey, i'm just a good bull shiter.


I didn't say hurricanes were predictable, or that more severe hurricanes are the product of global warming, that is too specific to say. However, that the current rates of global warming are caused by greenhouse gas generated by human activity is the consensus of the scientific community.

As I said, the forecast isn't the issue. There are enough things happening right now that point to unprecedented climate change. There might never be accurate forecasts of the weather due to the chaos inherent in the system. But something like the rate of the Earth's warming is much easier to predict.